Hi, I could need some help with a small dialog between two passionate tennis players. It goes like this (Some parts were originally in German, so the English translation could be strange sometimes):
A: "Как ты смотришь насчет того, чтобы завтра поиграть в теннис ?"
(What do you think about playing tennis tomorrow ?)
R: "Хорошо, давай скрестим ракети завтра."
(Ok, let us "cross the rackets" tomorrow...adapted from German "Die Schwerter kreuzen", if you are interested)
A: "Я тогда начинаю готовиться." (Ok, then I start to prepare myself)
R: "Для того, чтобы победить меня ты должен был начать 10 лет назад." ( smart ass reply: To win against me you should have started 10 years ago)
I am unsure about the part I called ""smart ass reply". Is it ok or wrong. What are other possibilities ?
Большое спасибо.