Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
You can say "как ты" for how are you.

You can also say

Как делишки
Как ты поживаешь
как сам
как идут твои дела?
Can you say Как ты?

Sir Krist, I presume you are asking what my sig means:

А у тебя СПИД, и значит мы умрём.
But you have AIDS, and that means we'll die.

A = but/and
у тебя CПИД = you have AIDS (lieterally: By you is AIDS)
и = and
мы = we
умрём = we will die.

why is r=g but is used in word that use "H" sounds?
I don't know what you are talking about here?
r does not equal G.

The letter J is pronounced as the english Y in most languages.
E.g. in German, the name Jan is pronounced "yan".
So Й can be transliterated as J, but not usually for English.
Russian has no letter for the English J sound, so it uses the combination Дж. Jared would be spelt Джэрад.
You may say why use Э instead of A? It's because the Э is actually closer to the American English sound man, pan. Russian A is too open for these sounds. E.g. Джарад would aound like Jar-rаd.