I have the following text in English and I need some help in translating it into Russian ( I made some translation by my self, but don’t know if its correct)
Windows 2000 is an operating system from Microsoft Corporation for use with compatible personal computers.
(note: I wrote Windows 2000, as it is in the original text, is it good to keep it like this, or shall I write it in russian, if so how to)
The translation :
Windows 2000 - Это опирацонное система корпоратция Microsoft для использование С IBM совместных персональных комрюторов.
Windows XP is the new Windows desktop operating system for home and business computing.
The translation:
Windows XP – Это новое опирацонное система корпоратция Microsoft, имеет 2 версий : 1- Домашное
2- Профисональное
here I will mark in red the words I don’t know the meaning of
Applications :
Microsoft office 2000 package courses
Microsoft Word, level 1
Mous Word proficient
Word is Microsoft Word processing software used in the creation of text documents.
Excel is a spreadsheet program which is part of Microsoft Office package.
Microsoft Access is the best selling database application in the world.
Power point – allows users to create presentations, and handouts. By creating Power point slides, users can add, colours, images, sounds, and movies to their text presentation.
Adobe Photoshop – is widely used, comprehensive graphics and paint program. It is particularly useful for editing high-quality images.
Advanced Internet Surfing.
Im in lack of time.
thank u in adv.