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I was wondering if anyone here could help me comprehend and translate these lines accurately. I have struggled with them for quite a while and can sense there is still a lot of errors in my translations/interpretations and the overall meaning is still confusing. For example it seems to be saying Kazan was attacking Russia but also seeking help from the princes in Russia? Any help would be much appreciated.
Когда светило дня к полуночи взирало,
When the lamp of day looked toward midnight/to the north
Стенящу, страждущу Россию обретало.
It found moaning, suffering Russia.
В ее объятиях рожденная Казань
In her (Russia's) embraces Kazan (being) born
Из томных рук ее брала позорну дань;
Out of her (Russia's) weak/languishing hands took a shameful tribute
Сей град, российскими врагами соруженный,
This city built by Russian enemies
На полночь гордою горою возвышенный,
In the north elevated on/by a proud mountain
Подняв главу свою, при двух реках стоит,
Lifting its head, stands at two rivers,
Отколе на брега шумящей Волги зрит.
From where it views the banks of the resounding Volga
Под тению лесов, меж пестрыми цветами
Under the shade of forests, amidst multicolored flowers
Поставлен Батыем ко северу вратами,
Supplied by Batu with gates toward the north,
Чрез кои в сердце он России выбегал,
Through which he (Batu?) rushed out into the heart of Russia
Селенья пустошил и грады пожигал.
Devestated villages and burnt cities
С вершины видя гор убийства и пожары,
From the peak of the mountain viewing the murders and fires,
Где жили древние российские болгары,
Where lived the ancient russian Bulgars
Разженны верою к закону своему,
Stricken with (filled with?) belief in their law,
Казань, поверженна в магометанску тьму,
Kazan, plunged into Muhammadan/Islamic darkness
В слезах на синий дым, на заревы взирала
In tears at the dark blue smoke, gazed at the blazes
И руки чрез поля в Россию простирала;
And stretched across the fields its hands into Russia
Просила помощи и света от князей,
Requested help and light from the princes
Когда злочестие простерло мраки в ней.
When evil stretched its shadows in it
Подвигнуты к странам природным сожаленьем,
Moved by natural pity for the countries
Народа своего бедами и томленьем,
by the troubles and misery of their own people
На части полночь всю расторгшие князья
Having divided/broken up all the north the princes
Смиряли наглых орд, во бранях кровь лия.
Suppressed the arrogant horde(s), shedding blood in battles.
( https://rvb.ru/18vek/heraskov/01text/02poems/61.htm )