Quote Originally Posted by TATY
Никто ничего
никогда не поймёт

Nobody will ever understand anything.
I agree, but with this TATU lyrics, the "sentences" don't make sense since the verbs are in infinitive

Никогда никого,
умирать и молчать.

Ooh... maybe it is better translated to:

Nobody is ever there, (as in Никого нет, that's why никто is not used)
to die and to be silent. (I still like fall silent better, but that is замолчать)

умирать is the impefective of умереть - to die. Which means умирать is a PROCESS, not the actual result, so it should be thought of "to be dying", but that sounds strange and maybe is better simply as "dying" which would require a sentence structure change:

Nobody is ever there,
dying and being silent

What do you think?