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Thread: Grades and Cost

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Grades and Cost

    Could someone help with the sentences?

    The girl's name is Stepanka.
    Девочку зовут Степанка.
    Зовут девочку Степанка.

    How is your sister? Bad (Good)
    Как дела с твоей сестрой? Плохо (Хорошо)

    Too bad! That sucks! You're lucky! Of course!
    ????! ????! ????! ????!

    I only got (received) a C / 3 in german class.

    On my report card, my grade (mark) is a B / 2.

    What is the grading system? Does it follow the numbers 1-6?
    Whatever it may be, how would you say...

    I have an A / 1. (Or whatever the grade is in Russia.)
    I have an F / 6. (ditto)


    The school supplies cost 9 dollars.
    ??????? стоят девять долларов.

    My bookbag costs five dollars.
    Мой рюкзак стоит пять долларов.

    My eraser is expensive (cheap). That's a bargain!
    Мой ластик дорогой (дешёвый). Это выгодная сделка!

    How much does the notebook cost?
    ????? тетрадь стоит?

    What does the pen cost?
    Что ручка стоит?

    Look! Over there (there)!
    Смотри! ?????

    Look! Up in the front (there in the back)!
    Смотрите! ??????

    It's (It costs) only 3 dollars. It's rather cheap!

    If anyone could also tell me about russian money and around how much would the dollar prices into rubles, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Grades and Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Could someone help with the sentences?

    The girl's name is Stepanka.
    Девочку зовут Степанка.
    Зовут девочку Степанка.
    The first sentence is correct, but Степанка isn't a Russian name

    How is your sister? Bad (Good)
    Как дела с твоей сестрой? Плохо (Хорошо)
    Как дела у твоей сестры?

    Too bad! That sucks! You're lucky! Of course!
    ????! ????! ????! ????!
    Как жаль! ??? (Not sure what young people use in Russian for "That sucks") nowadays) Тебе повезло! ( или "Везунчик!" "Счастливчик!")Конечно!

    I only got (received) a C / 3 in german class.
    По немецкому я получил только тройку (Please note that "по немецому" is not the same as "по-немецки": "немецкий" here is used as a noun. We say "двойка по математике", "пятёрка по химии" etc.)

    On my report card, my grade (mark) is a B / 2.
    В табеле у меня четвёрка (4 is the second-best grade in Russia)

    What is the grading system? Does it follow the numbers 1-6?
    Whatever it may be, how would you say...
    1-5, 5 being the best and 1 the worst.

    I have an A / 1. (Or whatever the grade is in Russia.)
    Я получил пятёрку/мне поставили пятёрку.

    I have an F / 6. (ditto)
    Я получил (мне поставили) единицу/кол


    The school supplies cost 9 dollars.
    ??????? стоят девять долларов.
    Школьные принадлежности стоят девять долларов.

    My bookbag costs five dollars.
    Мой рюкзак стоит пять долларов.
    Grammar is OK, but рюкзак is a very specific type of bag: it is a backpack... and not all backpacks can be called "рюкзак".

    My eraser is expensive (cheap). That's a bargain!
    Мой ластик дорогой (дешёвый). Это выгодная сделка!
    Это выгодная покупка! (or you could say "Это очень хорошая цена").

    How much does the notebook cost?
    ????? тетрадь стоит?
    Сколько стоит тетрадь?

    [/quote]What does the pen cost?
    Что ручка стоит?[/quote]
    Сколько стоит ручка?

    Look! Over there (there)!
    Смотри! ?????
    Смотри! Вот там!

    Look! Up in the front (there in the back)!
    Смотрите! ??????
    Смотрите! Впереди (сзади)! (Или: вон там, впереди!)

    It's (It costs) only 3 dollars. It's rather cheap!
    Это (он, она) стоит только три доллара! Это довольно дёшево!

    If anyone could also tell me about russian money and around how much would the dollar prices into rubles, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
    $1 is about 28.5 roubles

  3. #3
    JJ is offline
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    Re: Grades and Cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Could someone help with the sentences?
    The girl's name is Stepanka.
    Девочку зовут Степанка.
    Зовут девочку Степанка.
    The 1st sentence only means The girl's name is Stepanka. The 2nd one means that "The girl's name is Stepanka, neither Natasha nor Ira". BTW Stepanka looks like Bulgarian name.
    How is your sister? Bad (Good)
    Как дела с твоей сестрой? Плохо (Хорошо)
    Как дела у твоей сестры? If you say "Как дела c твоей сестрой" it means "How are (your) relations with your sister?"
    Too bad! That sucks! You're lucky! Of course!
    Очень плохо! Отстой(???)! (it's pronounced like Ацтой!) Тебе везёт/повезло! (Ну) конечно!

    I only got (received) a C / 3 in german class.
    Я получил только 3 с минусом по немецкому (языку).

    [qoute]On my report card, my grade (mark) is a B / 2.[/quote]
    В моём табеле (успеваемости) оценка/отметка 4.
    What is the grading system? Does it follow the numbers 1-6?
    Whatever it may be, how would you say...
    The grading system is 1(единица/кол),2(два/двойка),3-(три/тройка с минусом),3(три/тройка),4-(четыре/четвёрка с минусом),4(четыре/четвёрка),5-(пять/пятёрка с минусом), 5(пять/пятёрка). The 5 is the best. On a report card a teacher only gives grades 2,3,4,5.
    I have an A / 1. (Or whatever the grade is in Russia.)
    I have an F / 6. (ditto)
    Я получил 5. (пять, пятёрку)
    Я получил 1. (единицу, кол)

    The school supplies cost 9 dollars.
    ??????? стоят девять долларов.
    Школьные принадлежности....

    [qoute]Это выгодная сделка![/quote]
    Это выгодная покупка!

    [qoute]How much does the notebook cost?
    ????? тетрадь стоит?[/qoute]
    Сколько стоит....
    [qoute]What does the pen cost?
    Что ручка стоит?[/quote]
    [qoute]Сколько стоит ручка?
    Look! Over there (there)![/qoute]
    Смотри(те)! Вон там/туда!

    [qoute]Look! Up in the front (there in the back)![/qoute]
    Смотри(те)! Спереди (сзади???)!

    [qoute]It's (It costs) only 3 dollars. It's rather cheap![/qoute]
    Это стоит всего 3 доллара. Это очень дёшево!

    [qoute]If anyone could also tell me about russian money and around how much would the dollar prices into rubles, I would appreciate it. Thanks![/quote]
    Ok. The russian money is a rouble - рубль it consists of 100 copecks(копейка, сто копеек). The word rouble came from 1/12(hmmm... if I remember it right) part of old russuan money grivna, it wasn't a coin, it was like a bar of silver and it cost too much so people cutted (рубили) it into a small piecies. The word copeck came from an old russian coin which has a horse-rider with a spear(копеец) on one of its side.
    The currency exchange rate now is a $1=28,5 rubles. You can also check it out online in
    Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Dealing with the grades, which one of these are said for often?

    Единица / кол
    Два / двойка
    Три / тройка с минусом

    Which are used more often? The first ones?
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  5. #5
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    Oh and I forgot!

    Which grade is failing? The one, right?
    But if the teachers don't put that on the report card, then a two is failing?

    I need help...
    В эту ночь все огни погасли в Джорджии
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  6. #6
    JJ is offline
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    Ok, look:
    Я получил три с минусом is used almost as often as Я получил тройку с минусом but the 1st sentence is shorter than 2nd so it's easy to say it. It depends on your preferences. Кол is more colloquial than единица and it's used in spoken language.
    Now something about our school system. The school year consist of 4 quarters. During the quarter(четверть) a teacher gives homeworks and then corrects it,ask questions in the class, gives tests, calls kids to blackboard where they make some tests. The teacher gives grades for homeworks on kids notebooks and its can be 1(for nothing) 2, 3-,3,4-,4... and the like. The grades for tests teacher gives on so called классный журнал - class journal(?). The grades also can be there like 1,2,3-,3.... and so on. But in the end of a quarter the teacher counts the final grade and gives it on a report card. For example if a kid got 3,3-,2,4,4,5 the final grade is 3, or if a kid got 4,4,5,5,5 the final grade is 5. It is like an arithmetic average of all grades with round-up. Also, in the end of a school year a teacher counts all quarter grades and gives a final grade for the year by the same rules on a report card.
    The 1 is the worst grade and it means that a schoolkid knows absolutly nothing about subject and I've never met anybody who got it for all tests, homeworks and teacher's qeestions only 1, so this grade never gives on a report card. The 2 means that a kid at least knows what is a teacher name and he was at some lessons. Three "2" and more in a report card means that a kid keeps down next year.
    Надеюсь, я понятно объяснил?
    Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...

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