Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
А я в рубахе «Хьюго Босс»,
And I in a shirt "Hugo the Boss
Sounds better as 'And me in the hugo bass shirt'
Don't you think?

Красной от заката!
Red from a decline!
Закат = Sunset.

Как Алёша Пешков
As Alyosha Peshkov
Sounds better as "Like alesha peshov"

Ой, ёлы-палы!
Oh, fir-tree-branches!
lol. When people say 'Елки-палки' it's like "Oh sh*t".
Even though it comes from the word christmas tree.

* I think this is an idiom of sorts
** Oh darn!
Right =)))

Но я тебя объезжу!
But I shall travel to you!
i dont know about this, but i dont think it's right.