1) I don't know what 'мoгyл' is but it's clear from the sentense that it is a noun.
'paвнo кaк и мoгyл' means 'as well as mogul ' (I assumed here that the word for 'мoгyл' in English is written in a similar way as in Russian but of course it can be wrong)

2) 'намешано' is participle from 'намешать' and 'намешено' is participle from 'намесить'. You are right about the stress, it's on the second syllable in both cases. When you use 'намешено' your attention is more fixed on the fact that the substances are mixed and when you use 'намешано' it is more fixed on the fact that there is more than one substance.

I guess there's something omitted in your sentense, it doesn't sound completed to me. Or maybe it shouldn't be taken out of context.