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Thread: A couple things from a song lyric

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    A couple things from a song lyric

    From the following text there are just a few things I can't grasp. I hope somone could help me! :

    Ну я приду без крика, без шума,
    Ну найду какой-нибудь повод,
    Скажу Ну здравствуй, Ума,
    Она скажет Ну здравствуй, Вова.
    Ну надо как-то отношения завязывать
    Я скажу Ну как ты тут вообще жива здорова-то?
    Она скажет: "А, вообще, Володька, хреново!"
    И начнёт рассказывать.
    Вот, - скажет, - вчера, к примеру, приходил Тарнтино
    Нажрался, говорит, и стал приставать ко мне, здоровенная детина.
    Я тогда ему так строго сказала Квентин!
    Может, ты конечно, говорит, и не заметил,
    Но вообще-то я жду Володьку из России,
    А тебя, говорит, вообще заходить не просили
    Вот такая батва, прикинь?
    Бывает не до смеха
    Вобщем, было трудно без тебя, Вован.
    Хорошо, что приехал

    Но вообще-то я жду Володьку из России,
    What is the difference between вообще and вообще-то? Does the -то just add emphasis, or is there a different meaning?

    Вот такая батва, прикинь?
    Two from this part. What's a батва? And I know I have seen "прикинь" before, but I can't remember the meaning. What is the meaning?

    Вобщем, было трудно без тебя, Вован.
    I don't know if this has something to do with вообще, but what is "вообщем"? And also, I have seen "вообщем-то" also. Is there a difference between вообщем and вообщем-то?

    Thats about it. Any help is greatly appreciated. *woot for forums!*

  2. #2
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    Ботва -- nonsense, bullshit (slang).
    Прикинь -- "just think about it".

    And there is some difference between "вообще" and "вообще-то". Sometimes they can be used as synonyms and then again, sometimes they can't. Don't ask me for a general rule, though. I haven't woke up yet.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    sweet thanks!

  4. #4
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    Mind that that correct form is "в общем". Being loose and with one o.

    -то is the particle used to emphasize the word it sticks to.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  5. #5
    Почётный участник
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    nice song

    who is it by?
    sort of reminds me of this old story about these underground artists in Saint Pete who went collecting empty bottles to take them to their local bottle recyling center and then they go on to talk about how they went to this guy's place and then another guy's place who they knew would have empty bottles but how they decided not to go to Paul McCartney's house because McCartney's bottles are all weird and their local recycling center wouldn't accept them.

    Но вообще-то я жду Володьку из России,

    here I'd translate вообщето As actually - but actually I'm expecting Volodka from Russia

    батва doesn't always mean nonesense, like many slang words it's quite general, in this particular case I'd suggest that s.h.i.t would probably be the closest equivalent

    Вот такая батва, прикинь? - could translate as something like
    that's the sort of s.h.i.t I've been taking/putting up with, see?
    generally here it means unpleasant things that have been happening to her, like the visit by a drunk Tarantino etc.

    Вобщем here it means summing up, or in short, in other words, in a nutshell, all in all, in general - take your pick

    Вобщем, было трудно без тебя, Вован.

    well, in short, it's been tough without you, Vovan

    Вобщемто - is a bit different, but it also has the connotation of summing up, as in
    как у тебя прошли выходные - вобщемто неплохо - how was your weekend - generally/all in all/ by and large it was ok.
    actually I'd guess that here you could also say вобщем неплохо.

    like it was pointed out in another post вобщем can spell separately as в общем, in which case it should probly make more sence as you can then translate it literally as in general. In в общем то, то is just a filler, generally used when the speaker wants to take some more time to think about what to say next after this introductory phrase. You can also say, a bit more formally and less intimately, в общем и целом (on the whole)

  6. #6
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    Re: nice song

    Quote Originally Posted by igorfa100
    who is it by?
    Песня "Ума Турман" группы "Ума Турман" . Та самая группа, которая "Жил-был на свете Антон Городецкий".

  7. #7
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    Ах, вопрос был о "в общем", а не о "вообще"... Нельзя отвечать на вопросы, не проснувшись

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Ботва literally means "leaves of in-ground vegetables". Slang meaning of it would be "something not important". It's like green part of carrots (if you know how carrots grow) - they come with a carrot in a bunch, but you don't need it, so you throwing it away. Likewise the slang meaning - a lot of unneeded stuff, which happens, but not really important.
    Does it help?

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