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Thread: A couple of sentences.

  1. #1
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    A couple of sentences.

    I am having difficulty translating these sentences.
    Please help.
    Спасибо заранее.

    Не за что б ни написала
    Их в прощальном ты письме
    Not for anything you didn't write them
    in a farewell letter.

    Пусть и нечаянно стала отчаянней
    Let and accidental became desperate
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  2. #2
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    Пусть и нечаянно стала отчаянней
    Let and accidental became desperate

    Пусть и нечааааянно стаааала отчаааааааянней нааашаа любооовь?........ :)))))))

  3. #3
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    I left out a couple of words.
    Let me try again.

    Пусть и нечаянно стала отчаянней Наша любовь,
    Let our love become unexpected and reckless.

    What does the "и" mean?
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    I left out a couple of words.
    Let me try again.

    Пусть и нечаянно стала отчаянней Наша любовь,
    Let our love become unexpected and reckless.

    What does the "и" mean?
    Even if our love has accidentally become desperate

    Нечаянно is an ADVERB
    отчаянней is the instrumental, since it is governed by стать.

    Пусть сan't be "let" here since стала is past tense.

    Like in English you can't say "Let him done his homework", it's "Let him do his homework".

    Пусть + present/future = Let....
    Пусть also means "Even if"

    И = emphatic particle.
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  5. #5
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    Even if our love has accidentally become desperate

    Нечаянно is an ADVERB
    отчаянней is the instrumental, since it is governed by стать.
    Отчаянный is an ADJECTIVE
    отчаянней (отчаяннее) is the comparative degree of отчаянный ->
    has become more desperate
    the rest of translation is correct

  6. #6
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    Не за что б ни написала
    Их в прощальном ты письме
    Not for anything you didn't write them
    in a farewell letter.
    Те слова, что ты сказала,
    Словно камни бросив мне,
    Ни за что б не написала
    И в прощальном ты письме.

    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never write
    Even in a farewell letter
    Life is great and so are you

  7. #7
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    Спасибо большое всем.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  8. #8
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Красота-то какая
    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    Не за что б ни написала
    Их в прощальном ты письме
    Not for anything you didn't write them
    in a farewell letter.
    Те слова, что ты сказала,
    Словно камни бросив мне,
    Ни за что б не написала
    И в прощальном ты письме.

    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never write
    Even in a farewell letter
    I knew I recognised it form somewhere.

    "Ты должна рядом быть" Димы Билана
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  9. #9
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    I knew I recognised it form somewhere.

    "Ты должна рядом быть" Димы Билана
    LOL! Kwatts, did our new forum member turn you into a Dima fan?
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Красота-то какая
    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    Не за что б ни написала
    Их в прощальном ты письме
    Not for anything you didn't write them
    in a farewell letter.
    Те слова, что ты сказала,
    Словно камни бросив мне,
    Ни за что б не написала
    И в прощальном ты письме.

    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never have written
    Even in a farewell letter
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  11. #11
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never have written
    Even in a farewell letter
    Are you absolutely sure? As far as I know (and I know very much btw) the Russian structure like "я никогда бы не сделал чего-либо" "он ни за что не пошёл бы туда" can be rendered into "I would never do smth" "he would never go there" as well as "I would never have done smth" "he would never have gone there", because it's not clear from the Russian sentence whether it refers to the past or has a general meaning.

    We cannot elicit what the case is from the Dima Bilan song.
    Life is great and so are you

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Even inane Dima Bilan's songs can be useful: they help to study Russian. But don't listen to his songs too much or you could catch "димабиланизм".
    Единственное, что люди любят давать бесплатно - это советы.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Красота-то какая
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never have written
    Even in a farewell letter
    Are you absolutely sure? As far as I know (and I know very much btw) the Russian structure like "я никогда бы не сделал чего-либо" "он ни за что не пошёл бы туда" can be rendered into "I would never do smth" "he would never go there" as well as "I would never have done smth" "he would never have gone there", because it's not clear from the Russian sentence whether it refers to the past or has a general meaning.

    We cannot elicit what the case is from the Dima Bilan song.
    I miss-translated that part because I knew the phrase
    Ни за что на свете = Not for anything in the world

    Thus I concluded that "Не за что б ни написала" = "Not for anything (you) didn't write"

    Now that I thnk about it, I am not sure about "You would never have written" because that means that she ALREADY WROTE the letter.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59

    I miss-translated that part because I knew the phrase
    Ни за что на свете = Not for anything in the world

    Thus I concluded that "Не за что б ни написала" = "Not for anything (you) didn't write"

    Now that I thnk about it, I am not sure about "You would never have written" because that means that she ALREADY WROTE the letter.

    "Not for anything (you) didn't write" makes no sense in English, does it?
    "Ни за что не написала" doesn't make sense either.
    When translating, you ignored "б" (=бы) which is quite the same as "would". After бы the past tense is usually used, no matter if you refer to the past, present or future.

    Я бы станцевал,

    I would like to dance (Они играют чудесно! - they are playing wonderful music)
    I would have danced (Но туфли жали - but the shoes pinched my feet)
    Life is great and so are you

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Красота-то какая
    "Not for anything (you) didn't write" makes no sense in English, does it?
    I know, that is why I asked for help.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    "Красота-то какая"
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never have written
    Even in a farewell letter
    Are you absolutely sure? As far as I know (and I know very much btw) the Russian structure like "я никогда бы не сделал чего-либо" "он ни за что не пошёл бы туда" can be rendered into "I would never do smth"

    бы = сослагательное наклонение
    написала = прошедшее время, действие завершено. эквивалентно perfet tense.

    I was taught that in English when you use consjunctive mood you should use have written.

    "he would never go there" as well as "I would never have done smth" "he would never have gone there", because it's not clear from the Russian sentence whether it refers to the past or has a general meaning.

    Well, you have the context:
    The words you have said
    that you have thrown to me like stones
    it's because she had already said those words by the time the author told us about it. So its perfect tense.

    We cannot elicit what the case is from the Dima Bilan song.

    We too.
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  17. #17
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    Re: A couple of sentences.

    The words you said,
    that you threw to me like stones,
    [you] would never have written
    Even in a farewell letter
    Ok, I understand now.

    You would never have written the words that you have said, even in a farewell letter.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  18. #18
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  19. #19
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    Here's what I could figure out.
    I am not quite sure about "вдвойне".

    Димы Билан

    Ты должна рядом быть
    You should be near

    Те слова, что ты сказала
    Словно камни, бросив мне
    Ни за что б не написала
    И в прощальном ты письме
    Зачем словами больно бьешь
    И так ты уйдешь
    Ты свободна вполне
    И не надо вдвойне,
    мне хватит и взгляда

    Those words that you have said
    Are like stones thrown at me
    You would never have written them
    Even in a farewell letter
    Why do you painfully beat the words
    And so you will leave
    You are completely free
    and there is no need to look back twice
    just one glance will do

    Ты должна рядом быть
    Ты должна все простить
    Выбрала ты пустые мечты
    Пусть и нечаянно стала отчаянней
    Наша любовь, в жизни не все так просто

    You should be near
    You should forgive all
    You have chosen empty dreams
    Even if our love unintentionally became desperate
    in life everything is not so simple

    Я люблю или ревную
    Но спасая и губя
    Ад мы сделали вручную
    Только сами для себя
    Я в ледяном горю огне
    Болью холод это мне
    А ты свободна вполне
    Пойми не надо вдвойне
    Мне хватит и взгляда

    I love or I am jealous
    But saving and destroying
    We have made hell by hand
    Only for yourself
    I burn a fire in ice
    This I suffer in coldness
    And you are completely free
    Understand there is no need to look back twice
    just one glance will do

    PS. Thanks lampada for the link
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    Here's what I could figure out.
    I am not quite sure about "вдвойне".
    Димы Билан

    Ты должна рядом быть
    You should be near

    Те слова, что ты сказала
    Словно камни, бросив мне
    Ни за что б не написала
    И в прощальном ты письме
    Зачем словами больно бьешь
    И так ты уйдешь
    Ты свободна вполне
    И не надо вдвойне,
    мне хватит и взгляда

    Those words that you have said
    Are like stones thrown at me
    You would never have written them
    Even in a farewell letter
    Why do you painfully beat [me] with the words
    And so you will leave
    You are completely free
    and there is no need to look back twice
    just one glance will do

    Ты должна рядом быть
    Ты должна все простить
    Выбрала ты пустые мечты
    Пусть и нечаянно стала отчаянней
    Наша любовь, в жизни не все так просто

    You should be near
    You should forgive all
    You have chosen empty dreams
    Even if our love unintentionally became desperate
    in life everything is not so simple

    Я люблю или ревную
    Но спасая и губя
    Ад мы сделали вручную
    Только сами для себя
    Я в ледяном горю огне
    Болью холод это мне
    А ты свободна вполне
    Пойми не надо вдвойне (twice what? - is not related to anything)
    Мне хватит и взгляда

    I love or I am jealous
    But saving and destroying
    We have made hell by hand
    Only for ourselves (because of "We")
    I burn in an icy fire
    with [pain of coldness] - I'm not sure what Dima has wanted to say by that because "это мне" is not related to anything too.
    This I suffer in coldness - Maybe it's the best translation though inaccurate.
    And you are completely free
    Understand there is no need to look back twice
    just one glance will do

    PS. Thanks lampada for the link [/quote]

    I wouldn't use Dima's lyrics for studying russian. It appears that he's very free with it. He puts in some words just for rhyme ignoring their meaning.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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