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Thread: Can someone please help me translating 2 sentences?

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор Rhamos's Avatar
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    Question Can someone please help me translating 2 sentences?

    Hi, I need help to translate two sentences in passable Russian. One translation I'm not sure of, and the other has a saying in it and I'm lost .
    So I hope someone can help me!
    Both sentences are translated from Dutch to English


    Can you fetch the tea Tanja, then I will fetch the cookies.
    My translation:

    Вы делаете чай Мариам, чем я делаю печеньяю


    From that point on we moved on, and I will never ever let you go again.

    From that point, how is that translated in Russian? It's a saying in a way i guess?

    My translation (first part, I took step instead of point): С этого шага, Мы продолжили, и Я позволю тебе никогда не пойду.

    Many, many thanks!

  2. #2
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    How come Tanja became Mariam in your translation? .
    I would say "Таня, давай ты принесешь чай, а я принесу печенье".
    I am too tipsy at the moment to tackle the second one.

  3. #3
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Can you fetch the tea Tanja, then I will fetch the cookies - Не могла бы ты принести чай, Таня? Тогда бы я принёс печенье.
    From that point on we moved on, and I will never ever let you go again. - С того времени мы изменились к лучшему и я никогда не позволю тебе уйти от меня снова.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhamos
    С этого шага, Мы продолжили
    Dude, I assume we moved on doesn't mean to continue in the sentence. In fact, I think it means to develop in your life in a good way in the particular example so I decided to translate it as мы изменились к лучшему Anyway it would be a great help if you provided some context to the sentences
    By the way why the name Tanja suddenly becomes Мариам?
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  4. #4
    Подающий надежды оратор Rhamos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru View Post
    How come Tanja became Mariam in your translation? .
    I would say "Таня, давай ты принесешь чай, а я принесу печенье".
    I am too tipsy at the moment to tackle the second one.
    because I've sent the same question first to my Russian teachter (her name is Tanya) but got back that she's unavailable until the 10th, so i posted the question here :P

    Ah hold on, I understand now LOL!
    I've posted these sentences here for someone else. In his sentence the girl is named Mariam.

  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор Rhamos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iCake View Post
    Can you fetch the tea Tanja, then I will fetch the cookies - Не могла бы ты принести чай, Таня? Тогда бы я принёс печенье.
    From that point on we moved on, and I will never ever let you go again. - С того времени мы изменились к лучшему и я никогда не позволю тебе уйти от меня снова.

    Dude, I assume we moved on doesn't mean to continue in the sentence. In fact, I think it means to develop in your life in a good way in the particular example so I decided to translate it as мы изменились к лучшему Anyway it would be a great help if you provided some context to the sentences
    By the way why the name Tanja suddenly becomes Мариам?
    Yeah, As explained above, Tanya is my Russian teacher to whom I've put the question first.

    For the moving on part: The Dutch sentence translated to English is correct, as in to move on, get on with your lives. Yes to better times, but not so much as in the sence of development.
    But I think we about mean the same thing :P

    So many thanks for the translations!

  6. #6
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhamos
    For the moving on part: The Dutch sentence translated to English is correct, as in to move on, get on with your lives. Yes to better times, but not so much as in the sence of development.
    But I think we about mean the same thing :P
    Oh. I think it should be something like this, then:

    С того времени у нас всё наладилось и я никогда не позволю тебе уйти от меня снова

    I wish you Happy New Year by the way
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор Rhamos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iCake View Post
    Oh. I think it should be something like this, then:

    С того времени у нас всё наладилось и я никогда не позволю тебе уйти от меня снова

    I wish you Happy New Year by the way
    Ah thanks!

    And a very happy new year to you to!

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