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Thread: Who's who in Europe - East and West.... (How European is Russia...?)

  1. #1

    Who's who in Europe - East and West.... (How European is Russia...?)

    Here are some fascinating maps that I came across on a website.
    This gives a bit insight into the question of "How European is Russia" (which we have discussed here before).

    Basically, some Europeans don't consider Russia to be truly European. And some Russians have the same opinion. Others, like me, feel that Russia is a European country, at least the bit that is in located on the European continent.
    And with countries like Ukraine, there is no doubt that they are 100% European. But that's just a feeling.

    I honestly don't understand all of these maps, so if anyone happens to have the right educational or scientific background to comment, then please do!

    Here is a map of people's religions across Europe.
    (Romania is a fully Orthodox country! I did not know that...)

    Family structure - note the correspondence between family structure and the Orthodox Christian religion. What is the correlation?

    Halopgroups in Europe. Anyone knows anything about this.

  2. #2
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    Haplotypes. Haplotype - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. .

    .International HapMap Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    These are simply more detailed genetic trait/pattern distributions. Some of these are as obvious as blue eyed, blond haired, light skin versus brown, grey, hazel, green eyes, brunette, red haired etc or some other genotypes (expressed and recessive). They get much more detailed, down to such things as metabolic differences, and non-expressed differences as well. Some of the mapping gene patterns are not significant to expressed genetic traits, but are non-expressed genetic patterns.

    Some of the DNA is not really ours, not really human, but mitochondrial.

    The haplomap above is only for one haplotype, on the Y chromosome, and so is very limited.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Halopgroups in Europe. Anyone knows anything about this.
    I know one guy on this forum who will be really disappointed, because Baltic countries haplotypes look almost the same as Russian haplotypes

    Also it is noticeable the further on West the more red color in the haplotypes -

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomer View Post
    Also it is noticeable the further on West the more red color in the haplotypes
    Note, that both red and yellow are from R1 Haplogroup, which means that the difference is not as significant as it might seem at first glance.

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    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    And since they are looking at just one haplotype for that map, on the Y chromosome, it is really only comparing one aspect of male ancestry.

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    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Halopgroups in Europe. Anyone knows anything about this.
    Let me guess:
    Red - Celtic
    Yellow - Slavic (Scandinavia, why so Slavic?, lol)
    Purple - Mongol
    Cyan - Nordic
    Green - Arab
    Beige - Negro
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77 View Post
    Let me guess:
    Red - Celtic
    Yellow - Slavic (Scandinavia, why so Slavic?, lol)
    Violet - Mongol
    Cyan - Nordic
    Green - Arab
    Beige - Negro
    Honestly, I don't know anything about how this works, I just thought the map was funky!
    But I don't think it's as simple as just being about race. It could be about things like DNA, bloodtype etc.

    Russia might be too ethnically diverse for this to be relevant at all...

    Finland is a cool case because they have a lot of the purple colour... they are allegedly from somehere in the far East of Russia, not massively related to the rest of Scandinavians, despite being blonde. They have higher cheekbones and some people look noticeably different.

    I remember from school that Scandinavia was populated by people who migrated from Germany upwards. Apart from the Sami people - their origins are somewhat mysterious.

    The way we are going now though, Arab and East African genes will be very common in a couple of generations!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doomer View Post
    I know one guy on this forum who will be really disappointed, because Baltic countries haplotypes look almost the same as Russian haplotypes
    Haha, yes Нулле, you might as well start speaking only Russian from now on. Your blood is practically Russian, it's proven right there... LOL!!!

  8. #8
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    The family structure map seems to be off to me, as far as Russia is concerned. All adult children and their families live with their parents? Really?

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    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru View Post
    The family structure map seems to be off to me, as far as Russia is concerned. All adult children and their families live with their parents? Really?
    I guess it's about a traditional family structure as it existed centuries ago. An Eastern Slav family included not only a married couple and their children, but also their parents and siblings, all living together. Even now Russian grandparents often take more part in their children family life than their Western counterparts.

    Sure, now adult children with their families (0_o) live with thir parents only in rare cases when they have nowhere else to go, and they gladly move out as soon as they can.

  10. #10
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    ...But I don't think it's as simple as just being about race. It could be about things like DNA, bloodtype etc...
    There is actually very little on the Y chromosome. Most important thing is SRY gene, for triggering male development. Y chromosome codes for only about ~86 genes and ~23 proteins. Compare to whole human genome in 23 homologous pairs, ~23,000 proteins and ~1,000,000 genes. Y chromosome contains large amounts of non-coding DNA. As far as I know there is nothing abnormal about any of the haplotypes on the map, no oncogenes, no disorders. All other chromosome pairs sort independently, and have crossovers. Y doesn't undergo crossovers. Very little info in the Y haplotype map.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka View Post
    I guess it's about a traditional family structure as it existed centuries ago.
    Ah, that would make sense.

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    The first map is not exactly correct, at least about Russia and Ukraine. I am from Russia and i can say that there are muslim, buddist and etc districts in our country. I also have been in Ukraine many times. East Ukraine, being closer to Russia, is Orthodox in general. West Ukaine, being closer to poland, is Catholic. Also ukrainian language differs very much in these different parts of the country. Sometimes people from East Ukraine can't understand people from the West part((((((.

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    Quote Originally Posted by alyona_shesha View Post
    Sometimes people from East Ukraine can't understand people from the West part((((((.
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