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Thread: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

  1. #21
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    ...@Dogboy- ur British right? What are you doing in Kirgistan?? I'm very curious!
    He is American.

    Неужели учишь киргизский?
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  2. #22
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    To be honest, I don't think that cartoons and children's films should be in the general list of greatest hits. It only confuses, especially cartoons. Probably there should be three lists.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #23

    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    To be honest, I don't think that cartoons and children's films should be in the general list of greatest hits. It only confuses, especially cartoons. Probably there should be three lists.
    Yeah, that's a good point. I'll remove those. (= chidrens plus cartoons).

  4. #24
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Как же это возможно, чтобы фильм «стачка» не принадлежал к такому списку?

  5. #25
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!


    Just a personal opinion.

    This film was understood and accepted by few people, but it is in my top 3 ever. It's a perfect masterpiece of the highest art. IMHO.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  6. #26
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zubr
    Как же это возможно, чтобы фильм «Стачка» [s:2xkpa4dl]не принадлежал к такому списку[/s:2xkpa4dl] не вошел в этот список?
    It's not famous among Russians. I, for one, have never heard of it (to my shame, since the director is Eisenstein...* )

    * if that's the film you meant, he he..
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  7. #27
    Tom is offline
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    I've spent a lot of money at, and I have about 50 Russian movies in my collection. Many of them are on the list in the first post of this thread. But I'm surprised that one of my absolute favorites is not listed:

    Водитель для Веры 2004 A Driver for Vera

    I've lent this DVD to several of my English-speaking friends, and they all rate it as one of the top 100 movies they've ever seen, in any language.

    Did it get good reviews in Russia?

  8. #28
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Best Russian films by rating.

  9. #29
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    I've spent a lot of money at, and I have about 50 Russian movies in my collection. Many of them are on the list in the first post of this thread. But I'm surprised that one of my absolute favorites is not listed:

    Водитель для Веры 2004 A Driver for Vera

    I've lent this DVD to several of my English-speaking friends, and they all rate it as one of the top 100 movies they've ever seen, in any language.

    Did it get good reviews in Russia?
    A good movie, but nothing more than that for me. There were many films that touched me much more than this one.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  10. #30
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Just checked the list above. My opinion: well, it's some kind of collection of Russian movies of various genre, most of them are worth to be here but at least twice amount of the same or best quality are not named. For example, I suggest to exchange "33" (not the best movie, although one of my favorite actors, Evgeniy Leonov plays there) to "Полосатый рейс". Suggestions for adding to the list (that came in mind first): "Офицеры", "Гусарская баллада", "Освобождение".
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  11. #31
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    For example I saw just one film with one of my favorite actors Evgeniy Leonov: "33".
    But in the list also there are: "Кин-Дза-Дза", "Джентельмены удачи", "Осенний марафон", "Убить дракона".

    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #32
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    For example I saw just one film with one of my favorite actors Evgeniy Leonov: "33".
    But in the list also there are: "Кин-Дза-Дза", "Джентельмены удачи", "Осенний марафон", "Убить дракона".

    Оль , я уже исправился, но ты меня опередила. Принял за список выдержку из него, где Йоханна уточняет жанровую принадлежность . Извиняюсь, пьян, стыд...
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  13. #33
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    Оль , я уже исправился, но ты меня опередила.
    Вообще-то и правда в списке очень неудобно искать, так как он не упорядочен по алфавиту.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  14. #34

    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Oops I just updated the sheet actually, and I just saw this comment by you Basil!

    Yeah, well as you can imagine, I don't really know what I'm talking about!

    I am certainly no expert on Russian films - I've seen perhaps a third of these films, well over a decade ago apart from a few that I found online and watched since.

    The idea of the list is to help people who are starting with Russian and would like to use films to get familiar with the langauge, or just to for increasing their existing skills. They may not know what to watch.

    It's really hard to research anything relating to Russia unless you know Russian..
    So this is to help people who don't have the skills to do their own research.

    Feel free to grab the list from Rapidshare (in Excel, see first post) and add some more film or delete any real miss. If you then send it back to me, I'll do a jpg and add it.

    Actually it would be great if someone did that!!!
    I do not claim any "copyright" lol on this list, so just grab it and do what you like with it!
    I'm really pleased just to have a good summary of some good films to watch.

  15. #35
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    For example, I suggest to exchange "33" (not the best movie, although one of my favorite actors, Evgeniy Leonov plays there) to "Полосатый рейс".
    О чём ты говоришь? Это же Данелия! Чурикова, Крамаров, Мкртчан, Невинный, про Леонова вообще говорить не стоит! Там что ни слово – то комедийная жемчужина. Другое дело – иностранцы вряд ли поймут юмора, здесь нужен уровень носителя. Я б Мкртчану за один только его эпизод, с несколькими словами и жестами, Оскара прописал.
    Полосатый рейс? Он может нравиться разве лишь как воспоминание о веселом, ушедшем детстве. Где смеяться взрослому человеку? «Красиво плывут в полосатых купальниках»! Обхохочешься! Дурацкая мартышка и тигры, которым плевать на всех, кто там вокруг изображает ужас и путается под ногами.
    Уж если так хочется видеть фильм в списке, предложи его народу, а он уж сам решит. Места до сотни ещё много.

  16. #36

    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Ollie - the list is now sorted alphabetically, have a look to see if it's more convenient...

  17. #37
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    He he, I like this spelling...

    - the list is now sorted alphabetically, have a look to see if it's more convenient...
    Yes, but "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" is still indicated as a Mytery there.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  18. #38
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    For example, I suggest to exchange "33" (not the best movie, although one of my favorite actors, Evgeniy Leonov plays there) to "Полосатый рейс".
    О чём ты говоришь? Это же Данелия! Чурикова, Крамаров, Мкртчан, Невинный, про Леонова вообще говорить не стоит! Там что ни слово – то комедийная жемчужина. Другое дело – иностранцы вряд ли поймут юмора, здесь нужен уровень носителя. Я б Мкртчану за один только его эпизод, с несколькими словами и жестами, Оскара прописал.
    Полосатый рейс? Он может нравиться разве лишь как воспоминание о веселом, ушедшем детстве. Где смеяться взрослому человеку? «Красиво плывут в полосатых купальниках»! Обхохочешься! Дурацкая мартышка и тигры, которым плевать на всех, кто там вокруг изображает ужас и путается под ногами.
    Уж если так хочется видеть фильм в списке, предложи его народу, а он уж сам решит. Места до сотни ещё много.
    На вкус, как говорится, и цвет... Я вот Данелию не особо перевариваю. И не считаю, что классно сделаные смешные эпизоды оправдывают совсем за уши притянутый сюжет. Даже в фильмах с Лесли Нильсоном общая сюжетная линия не выглядит так идиотски. Ваш долбаный арт-хаус - не моя фишка, мне всё больше мэйн-стрим подавай.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  19. #39
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    Re: 101 Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema... The List!

    Among classical Soviet films, I'd like to suggest some more:
    1975 — Звезда пленительного счастья
    1982 — Полёты во сне и наяву

    Also, I like a lot these two Post Soviet films:
    2000 — Приходи на меня посмотреть
    2002 — Любовник

    (By the way, the both are Oleg Yankovsky films, he plays the leading role in the both of them)

    Also, I'd like to say some words about Russian Great Patriotic War films...

    Mostly, foreigners who saw some of those films say they are too "depressive". That's what I hate.

    But....... What do you want a film about war to be???? A comedy? A romance? A detective? I don't understand people who don't like to see war on the screen, who feel boring or "depressive" seeing that, and who don't want to watch things which can "upset" them; who don't want to weep over anything but a milksoppy love story or a lapdog's or a kitten's death! They don't want to understand that there were real people who lived and died at war, and it did not look like an adventure, or like a story about one person, or two persons, a man and a woman, where people around didn't matter.
    I HATE the film "The English Patient" where the main character is presented like a big hero who accomplishes "feats" in the name of "love". Listen, he gave secret maps to fascists!!! Having got those maps, fascists captured a city, took many prisoners, tortured people, cut off their fingers!!!...
    The only opinion about that film I came across on the internet was "this is a great film about true love"... F*ck it!!!!! It looks like western viewers really have no idea about true feats. A true feat is to save a thousand people and not one person, even if that one is your beloved and those thousand are nobodies to you.
    Moreover, the hero in "The English Patient" sacrificed a thousand of human lives for only a chance of saving the woman. That makes his action even more disgusting. Why do people like this film? For me, it's just a beautiful snivel in a beautiful wrapping.

    Here are some Russian forceful war films I'd recommend to watch:

    Проверка на дорогах
    Летят журавли
    Баллада о солдате
    Восхождение (very forceful)
    Судьба человека
    А зори здесь тихие
    Расскажи мне о себе (the only one which is not very famous, but it touched me a lot)
    Иваново детство

    Also (famous films, too; not quite "war" films, but also about the subject)
    Дом, в котором я живу
    Военно-полевой роман
    Белорусский вокзал
    20 дней без войны
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  20. #40

    Re: UPDATED: Greatest Hits of Russian Cinema +100 Films / Movies

    And I learnt some new words while I did it...

    I added films suggested by Basil77, iti-ogo, Winifred, PaulB, Olya, Zubr, Tom
    Thanks for making suggestions!
    Many of the films added are award winning, Oscar nominated etc.
    Have a look again, there are now 104 films on the list!

    If there is anything on the list which ought not be there because it's poor quality or anything else is wrong with it, do make a comment. (I don't know much about this subject really, I'm just doing it because I wanted to and it seemed like a worthwhile thing to do. I have not actually seen the majority of these films.)

    I added some keywords because I want the list to be picked up by the search engines. So I am going to repeat again that this is a list which contains all the greatest films and movies from Russian cinema over the last century. Did you get that bots? It's a list in English of the greatest movies and films from the Russian-speaking cinema of Russia, USSR and the Soviet Union

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