Polish and Czech are really close, Czech sounds really funny to me though, it reminds me of a little kid talking with his pre mature grammer and the way they say stuff sounds very funny to me.

I'm trying to learn Russian and its still pretty hard to get things down. I think Russians maybe able to understand Polish/Czech better than a Polish/Czech understanding Russian.

Words in Russian are a little more fast paced and light sounding I guess you can say as in Polish (and other close languages to Polish) it isn't really that fast, words seem to be spoken slower.

A lot of old style words are really close, and a lot of words that aren't used in Polish but in Russian make sense. Also a lot of small words stay close to the same because there really is no room to change. For example "kot" is used in a lot of slavic languages for "cat"

Like for example, Goodnight.

Ukrainian - dobranich.

Polish - Dobranoc. you can take the word apart. Dobra = good noc = night.

Czech - Dobrou noc

Russian - Spokoynoy nochi. Its interesting that in Russian they changed it to "Peaceful Night"

Slovanian - Dobr