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Thread: Russian Magazines

  1. #21
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Dec 2003
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    Oh right, sorry.

    Well, what I said applies to Tatu's sentence too. Since he was talking about a phrase, it's still singular.

    "Thank you" is two words. is correct.

    If, on the other hand, you were talking about the words rather than the phrase, you'd have to say

    "Thank" and "you" are two words.
    Hm, I suspected something like that. Seems weird to the logical part of my brain though.

    No we don't, sorry

    There is a lot of dogs. is grammatically incorrect.

    There are a lot of dogs. is correct.

    However, you might hear someone say

    There's a lot of dogs.
    Interesting. I
    blame Canada

  2. #22
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Jun 2004
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    Its nice to see my thread has an alternative use \o/ i am going to visit grant and cutler tomorow, so fingers crossed they will have some nice russian magazines to choose from.

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