Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by E-learner
Come on, I've seen only a handful of American movies, and part of them were British. :)
No, I don’t think I’ve seen that. Something Jules Vernian?
Ahhh, E-learner... see... you are very good at this game ... you get partial credit because it was based upon two books, one of them being... "From the Earth to the Moon" by Jules Verne.
The film is neither American nor British... it is FRENCH!
Originally Posted by E-learner
Anyway, your link didn't work for me ("This video is not available in your country"), but I think this is about the same, isn't it?
Yes, your Spanish subtitled version was the same. Why they blocked a YouTube video is beyond me!
Here is the answer then....
"Le voyage dans la lune" or "A Trip to the Moon" by Georges Melies from 1902! (just think my Nana was one year old when this came out and she is still alive!)
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
I must admit that although I most certainly haven't watched that film in it's entirety, I have no less certainly seen fragments of it.
You see, Jules Verne is a very well known author around here and, although I can't say what it is like now, there used to be enough of films and cartoons on TV, based on his works.
There were also “popular science” films and programmes about science, history of science, technology and so on, and they were illustrated, occasionally, by fragments of films. “A Trip to the Moon” might make its way into one of those. Or into something about history of cinema or literature.
By the tone of your message, I can only guess that Jules Verne isn’t that well known in America. Wikipedia seems to confirm that my conjecture:
“… his reputation in English-speaking countries suffered for a long time as a result of poor translation.”
“… even today Verne's work has not been fully rehabilitated in the English-speaking world.”
And now for something, though not completely, different. :)
The first American film that registered in my memory - I was a teenager then and watched it at a soviet cinema - happened to be about interplanetary trip – to Mars. Only there was no trip, there was a scene of Mars staged in a studio and translated by TV. Someone got suspicious, began to dig for information and got hunted by FBI or CIA or somebody.
The reason I remembered it was that I was shocked by the notion that Americans were allowed to make such “subversive” films. I must have been an uncharacteristically politically aware child. :)
I’m just curious, rockzmom, have you watched that film?
Here's a trailer:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by E-learner
I must admit that although I most certainly haven't watched that film in [s:2q2yukgy]it's[/s:2q2yukgy] its entirety, I have no less certainly seen fragments of it.
You see, Jules Verne is a very well known author around here and, although I can't say what it is like now, there used to be enough of films and cartoons on TV, based on his works.
There were also “popular science” films and programmes about science, history of science, technology and so on, and they were illustrated, occasionally, by fragments of films. “A Trip to the Moon” might make its way into one of those. Or into something about history of cinema or literature.
By the tone of your message, I can only guess that Jules Verne isn’t that well known in America. Wikipedia seems to confirm that my conjecture:
“… his reputation in English-speaking countries suffered for a long time as a result of poor translation.”
“… even today Verne's work has not been fully rehabilitated in the English-speaking world.”
For me, I would have to agree; however, I was not much of a reader growing up. I am making up for lost time in that area as well as my Russian Films! I can tell you that my younger daughter read a book over the summer, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, by Brian Selznick and this book too had photos from “A Trip to the Moon” and when I saw it I immediately remembered them from the movie and showed her the film on You Tube. Later in the book, the author does weave the film into the story line.
And a side note, Hubby (remember, he grew up in El Salvador) knows of Jules Verne and books; yet, never read them. So maybe he is just more popular in other countries, even Spanish speaking ones!
Originally Posted by E-learner
YES! Finally, and I knew your answer before I even finished reading your question! :yahoo:
Capricorn One, had of course huge film stars, well... one we should not classify as an actor... O.J. Simpson!! I remember this film very well for the concept that OMG could we have really not gone to the moon? Is it all fake? I would have been around 14 when it came out; yet I think I saw it on TV and not in the theater. But it is interesting to hear what you thought about us Americans making such a film. I think here it just fed into the "Two Gunman on the grassy knoll" theory as well.
Then in film school, one of the teams made a short film similar to Capricorn One with the idea that the astronaut ejected from his capsule and then had to get back to base before dark and all the along the way were of course obstacles. In the end he failed to get back to base before dark and then... they pulled back to reveal that it was actually a video game being played and it said "Game Over" on the screen. It was very well done short project and clever for its time which would have been in early 1980s.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by rockzmom
Coffecup.. just so you know, we are not alone in not seeing the Godfather!
I have done it! I have seen the "Godfather".
The time has come, and today I can't say that the movie have impressed me much. May be there is some influence of expectation of most valuable movie in the world. If I were not expecting too much the movie would probably impress me more. I seen the Godfather by TV and the movie was repeated on the next day at early time. I caught the begin of the movie and found out that seeing the movie becomes easier and more over the funny acceptance of the famous quotes have appeared (may be due to eliminated expectation).
The movie was made as a video copy of the bestseller. The way to retelling the book was not focused to an action or mood delivery. It seems that only the dialogs were chosen to be shown to spectators. Even the scene with the horse head in the producers bad looks like a dialog between the producer and the head cut (in the Hamlet style). As seen today, this "dialogs only" approach was accepted by Mikhalkov in most of his movies.
As to the story line I have not find out that the Michael (Al Pacino – the Don Corleone son) was really giving up the family business in the begin of the story as was noted in all summaries. What I seen was that Michael was trying to assure himself in this, while deeply in his mind he was enjoyed it. This mind tearing makes him more violent Don than his father was. I have not read the book, so I don't know if this character was supposed to be like this or it was the performance of Al Pacino.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Today I happened to watch this video and remembered about movie "Guest from the Future" (Гостья из будущего). I have very powerful fellings about it (Its almost make me cry), and I want to ask you some questions.
Do you feel something special while watching this story or not? Maybe want to share something?
What you think about Kir Bulychev (Кир Булычёв) books about Alice Selezneva (Алиса Селезнёва)?
For me It's not just an old science fiction movie, it's much more. It's kind of history, it's a remembering of my youth, 80th.
ps. One of the most famous phrase from this movie is: "Алиса, миелофон у меня!"/"Alice, I've got a mielofon!"
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by Shurick
It_ almost makes me cry), and I want to ask you some questions.
Do you feel something special while watching this story or not? Maybe you want to share something?
What do you think about Kir Bulychev (Кир Булычёв) books about Alice Selezneva (Алиса Селезнёва)?
For me it's not just an old science fiction movie, it's much more. It's kind of history, it's a remembering of my youth, 80th.
ps. One of the most famous phrases from this movie is: "Алиса, миелофон у меня!"/"Alice, I've got a mielophone!"
I love this movie, too! :-D
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by Shurick
ps. One of the most famous phrases from this movie is: "Алиса, миелофон у меня!"/"Alice, I've got a mielophone!"
True. :lol:
The others are "I was focused so much on taking the run, that I forgot to jump" and "Boy, do you want "Jiguly" (a soviet automobile)? Imagine, you are such a young boy, and already have "Jiguly" (-> intergalactic villains were trying to make the hero to betray Alica). :D
Originally Posted by Оля
I love this movie, too! :-D
The song from this movie is one of the children movies "classics", and sertainly is one of the most inspiring and lyrical. I almost feel like crying when I listen to it even now.
I never was a big fan of the movie, though. Probably because every time I was watching it my Grandma was sitting nearby repeating "What an ugly boy! OMG, what an ugly boy!". It really breaks the mood. :D
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Probably because every time I was watching it my Grandma was sitting nearby repeating "What an ugly boy! OMG, what an ugly boy!".
Ha ha ha :lol:
Did she mean Коля Герасимов, the main hero? I don't think he's ugly... His appearance is not standard, but interesting. :)
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
:cry: There are not are not enough adjectives to describe how I feel right now! I am crushed, heartbroken; an arrow has pierced my heart....
GalaBiR from You Tube has been suspended and all of his movies have been removed due to terms of use violation! Luckily, I downloaded several of them to watch at later date; however, some of them I had not!
I just went there to look to see if he might have "Guest from the Future" with English subtitles (as you all had glowingly fond memories of it and IMDb had good reviews as well) and found out this horrific news! My primary source of Russian movies is now gone! Whatever shall I do??
It is indeed a sad day in this household and for this thread. It matches the rainy cold weather we have outside.
So, Shurick & gRomoZeka.. you can cry with me as I listen to the song that I have no idea what the words mean yet is very lovely... a big group hug and cry. :cry:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Okay, never mind.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Hi! I agree with all russians here, because the films you have mentioned are my favourite too!
But: All these film are classical russian films. Everyone here, in Russia and other USSR republics, knows these films and uses frases from it.
As I've understood you're writing a book for your daughter(I'm also a teenager) so some teenagers here, in Russia, have never seen these films ( it depends on parents). And all teenagers watch new films (absolutely all of them are from USA and Europe)
I mean, that russian cinematograph contains of many other films, not only Soviet. So russian people watch absolutely all Usa films + some creations of russian directors ( Michalkov and Bondarchuk are most advertised). I think you should watch some new russian films, if you want you Dimitriy to be smart
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by azure
Hi! I agree with all of the Russians here, because the films you have mentioned are my favourite too!
But: All these film are classical russian films. Everyone here, in Russia and other USSR republics, knows these films and uses phrases from [s:1pf13926]it[/s:1pf13926]them.
As I[s:1pf13926]'ve understood[/s:1pf13926] understand, you're writing a book for your daughter (I'm also a teenager) so some teenagers here, in Russia, have never seen these films (it depends on their parents). And all teenagers watch new films (absolutely all of them are from USA and Europe).
I mean, that Russian cinematography contains (I would say ... is comprised of) [s:1pf13926]of[/s:1pf13926] many other films, not only Soviet. So Russian people watch absolutely all USA films + some creations of Russian directors ( Michalkov and Bondarchuk are most advertised). I think you should watch some new Russian films, if you want your Dimitriy to be smart.
Hello and greetings! A new voice to this thread... and a young one!!! I did watch Volkodav (Wolfhound), Волкодав, and the Watch series. What others would you recommend to me either Russian or non-Russian?
What is popular with the 22- and under age group?
Also, if you would not mind telling me (you can send me a PM if you like), please let me know, are you male or female? This helps me to better understand your responses.
Thank you so very much for speaking up and giving your opinions! It means a great deal to me.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by Оля
Did she mean Коля Герасимов, the main hero? I don't think he's ugly... His appearance is not standard, but interesting. :)
Yes. :) I didn't find him appealing when I was a kid either (I liked Vasechkin :D), but I understand what you mean. He had an interesting face, an individuality, unlike many modern commercially attractive "clones".
PS. Сочувствую с Ютуб! Очень обидно. :cry:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Thanks for your correction( typo..)
I'm Ann ( I think. you'll understand my sex)
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
ok..a little switch for a moment.
CNN came out today with the "Top 10 movie car chase scenes"
Now, I must admit, I LOVE car chase scenes that are WELL done. Too many retakes that leave tire tread marks and it spoils it for me. I also am one of the few females I know who can drive a stick shift car (I know overseas almost everyone drives stick, yet over here, almost no one does (male or female)... in major cities it is a pain with all the stop and go traffic).
The number one car chase scene I HAD NOT seen the movie or the clip, yet I found it on You Tube. I must say, I would not have wanted to drive the streets of San Francisco like that, nor would I EVER want to drive them with a stick! I would be too afraid of popping the clutch or rolling down the hill backwards trying to start after stopping at a light!!!
So here without further ado, is Steve McQueen in "Bullitt" (1968)
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
What a wonderful thread, rockzmom! I want to watch some Russian movies, and here are lots of them!
Какая прекрасная тема, rockzmom! Я хочу посмотреть какие-нибудь русские фильмы, и тут их много!!
And, just a wonderful review of Vanity Fair, Leof. Wonderful.
И очень замечательная рецензия о Vanity Fair, Лeоф. Замечательнo.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by Winifred
What a wonderful thread, rockzmom! I want to watch some Russian movies, and here are lots of them!
[s:3nipjt1h]Какой удивительный "thread,"[/s:3nipjt1h] rockzmom!
Какая прекрасная тема, rockzmom!
Я хочу [s:3nipjt1h]смотреть кино русские, и вот много кино!![/s:3nipjt1h]
Я хочу посмотреть какие-нибудь русские фильмы, и(а) тут их много!
(Someone please tell me how to say "thread" in Russian, thanks! I cannot find it anywhere. Unless it's "нитка?")
Нитка is bad.
And, just a wonderful review of Vanity Fair, Leof. Wonderful.
[s:3nipjt1h]N[/s:3nipjt1h] И [s:3nipjt1h]очень[/s:3nipjt1h] замечательная рецензия о Vanity Fair, Леоф. Замечательнo.
Do you say "very wonderful" in English? We don't say "очень замечательный".
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Speaking of chases.
Once, I read a short story. It was about one peculiar chase, kind of. It truly impressed me.
Many years later I came across a movie based on this story. It wasn't just as good but it was still engaging enough.
Guess if you can. :) The director is a pillar of American moviemaking.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by E-learner
Speaking of chases.
Once, I read a short story. It was about one peculiar chase, kind of. It truly impressed me.
Many years later I came across a movie based on this story. It wasn't just as good but it was still engaging enough.
Guess if you can. :) The director is a pillar of American moviemaking.
Yes! E-Learner, another one I knew from the first frame of the clip. Well sort of knew, I knew it was Dennis Weaver and Steven Spielberg was the director. It took me a little longer to remember the title which I felt stupid taking sooooo long to remember considering what the entire film is about! duh... a DUEL!
Did you ever hear of or see a 1971 film that has become sort of a cult film (I actually own a copy) called Two-Lane Blacktop?
The Driver: James Taylor (yes, the singer)
The Mechanic: Dennis Wilson (yes, of the Beach Boys - young and cute still)
G.T.O: Warren Oates
Because it's the purest American road movie ever.
Because it's like a drive-in movie directed by a French New Wave director.
Because the only thing that can get between a boy and his car obsession is a girl, and Laurie Bird perfectly messes up the oneness between the Driver, the Mechanic, and their car.
Because Dennis Wilson gives the greatest performance ever by a driver.
Because James Taylor seems like a refugee from a Robert Bresson movie.
Because there was once a god who walked the Earth named Warren Oates.
Because there's a continuing controversy over who is the actual lead in this movie. There are different camps. Some say it's the '55 Chevy, some say it's the GTO.
Here is the trailer from the movie
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by Winifred
What a wonderful thread, rockzmom! I want to watch some Russian movies, and here are lots of them!
Why thank you, Winifred!
This thread would NOT be what it is without all of the help and responses from all of the participants. I am VERY behind on my Russian movie watching and must get back to it pronto! Until then, E-learner and CoffeeCup have been helping out. So this is a GROUP effort.
So, if you have the chance to watch any... please, please, please feel free to post a review or two!
I LOVE films/movies, TV, books and so forth... so this thread has morphed into the place to post any sort of comments or questions about not just Russian but American or other art as well.
I have been "blessed" to have the members of this forum answer my questions, make suggestions and even post their own reviews and questions to me. :rose:
So welcome to the thread Winifred!
a very sappy (slang excessively sentimental), rockzmom.