Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
I’ve heard the song somewhere, I did like it then and I liked it this time, cool, awesome, but I did not see Footloose and that’s my problem.
How the Test Was Won is the name of the episode, How the West Was Won is a classic American movie. There must be something in it.
Miss Caldecott is now Mr.Newbery has to do with Newbery Medal and Caldecott Medal. Not that I’m smart up to here :) but there’s nothing in The Simpsons for no reason, so I looked it up.
Shame on me, for I got the number two joke with Principal Skinner.
How was that, when the piano fell on the Orphanage for the Musically Gifted and the same moment divine music started issuing off the roof hole? By the way, shouldn’t orphanages be for the somehow challenged?
Shy is to gre-gar-ious
As peaceful is to
Bell-icose song was funny.
Though Otto humming the Apocalypse Now theme of The Ride of the Valkyrs while piloting a chopper-bus was my best, outrageous.
That’s what I dug up so far.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
I am right back to where I was when I first joined MR.... HOW on earth can you be Russian? You must be an ExPat and fooling all of us!! :fool" You are too good!
Yes, the last piano falling on Orpahange for the Musically Gifted was great.
Daughter just loved the line that Lisa gave during the test when she could not figure out the answer to question # 1 so she went to question #2 and question #2 said, "Using what you learned in question #1..."
Okay, so about the movie Footloose, it was the first movie that had all the songs written for the movie instead of using songs that were already out in the public. So in that sense it was a BIG thing and BIG risk. It was also released just when MTV got started so they pushed the songs and videos on MTV whiched made kids want to go see the movie because they had seen the videos out on MTV! A number of GREAT songs came off the soundtrack from the movie:
Holding Out For A Hero, Bonnie Tyler
Let's Hear It For The Boy, Deniece Williams
and of course Footloose by Kenny Loggins
Here is the video for Footloose
And here is the "famous" Warehouse Dance Scene
:arrow: Last thing you need to know about Footloose and it's main star Kevin Bacon is "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" as this is refered to a great deal. People will ask you "What is your Bacon Number?"
:arrow: Have you heard of this?
The trivia game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is based on the concept of the small world phenomenon and rests on the assumption that any actor can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin Bacon.The game requires a group of players to try to connect any film actor in history to Kevin Bacon as quickly as possible and in as few links as possible. In 2007, Bacon started a charitable organization named
The Bacon number of an actor or actress is the number of degrees of separation he or she has from Bacon, as defined by the game.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
I wonder if many Americans ever heard of this old British TV show that is being spoofed here (this is the fragment that is relevant, after 40 seconds anyway): ... ace-shoes/
Do you recognize it?
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by E-learner
:) I googled it, and the article about these series says "Visionary and disturbing, "xxx" remains one of the most talked about series in the history of TV". I'm surprised YOU watched it, though. Was it on TV?
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Originally Posted by E-learner
:) I googled it, and the article about these series says "Visionary and disturbing, "xxx" remains one of the most talked about series in the history of TV". I'm surprised YOU watched it, though. Was it on TV?
Okay I am a bit muddled here.
E-leraner, I could not get the video to come up, are you talking about the TV show The Prisoner? I found this other link...
If so, gRomoZeka, I did not see were that was an XXX rated show.
Also, once again Pinky and The Brain did a spoof of it!
"Pinky and the Brain" Brainwashed: Part 1: Brain Brain Go Away - The land of hats is a parody of the British TV show entitled The Prisoner. The character ‘straw boater’ is based on the main character number 6
E-Learner, as for your question, no I would not have picked up on that one. I was more of "The Avengers" person. I loved that series! Especially with Diana Rigg as Emma Peel! I think somewhere in my house I have an autographed photo of her!! And the opening and theme music was way cool too!
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by rockzmom
If so, gRomoZeka, I did not see were that was an XXX rated show.
Oh, I was talking about "The Prisoner", I just used "xxx" as a substitute to the title (didn't want to spoil Elearners' game by giving an answer away ) )))
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Originally Posted by rockzmom
If so, gRomoZeka, I did not see were that was an XXX rated show.
Oh, I was talking about "The Prisoner", I just used "xxx" as a substitute to the title (didn't want to spoil Elearners' game by giving an answer away ) )))
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Silly me!!!! :ROFL: I do take everything WAY to seriously! Ya know, you did say you were surprised if he had watch that show and all.... so I put two and two together and got 3! :ROFL:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
I'm surprised YOU watched it, though.
I don't know why you are surprised, although I'm surprised myself that I managed to watch it through. :)
It was insane, yet strangely appealing, and I watched further and further hoping to make some sense of it, but this was not to happen.
It reminded me of Zakharov's "Munchhausen", but of course the latter was not nearly that crazy.
I didn't watch it on TV.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
CoffeeCup (and others....)
I know... still no film review for you and I do apologize... :sorry: Maybe someone can post a review for me? A ghost reviewer? Any takers? :search:
E-Learner--- you could try another puzzle and maybe this time I could play along properly?
Or someone else could put up a spoof they know of OR did not understand the meaning of?
........In the mean time I saw this very timely article on CNN today and thought it fit right in with part of our most recent thread here... top film quotes...
You talkin' to me? Film quotes stir passion
Some movies, like "The Godfather," "Casablanca" and "Gone With the Wind," seem infinitely quotable.
Others can produce a single unforgettable line that will define that film forever: "You can't handle the truth" from "A Few Good Men" and "I see dead people" from "The Sixth Sense."
A number of Hollywood masterpieces can infuse a single word with meaning: Think "plastics" from "The Graduate" and "Rosebud" from "Citizen Kane."
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
I know you are not into slapstick comedy, but I feel that your research :wink: into Russian cinema will not be complete without this. It's only 10 minutes, not a word of language, an utter slapstiсk from the 60's. At least one of the actors you've already seen. Do you recognize him?
Пес Барбос и необычный кросс
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by E-learner
I know you are not into slapstick comedy, but I feel that your research :wink: into Russian cinema will not be complete without this. It's only 10 minutes, not a word of language, an utter slapstiсk from the 60's. At least one of the actors you've already seen. Do you recognize him?
Пес Барбос и необычный кросс
Bless you... While it is true, slapstick is towards the lower end of my list of favorites, this was just what I needed to watch tonight! I have had a very hard few weeks and was in need of something silly and funny. Okay, I still thought about all the reasons the scenes should not work like, why didn't they just put out the fuse and why were the trees so nicely cut down like hurdles for them to jump over and of course I knew that darn dog was going to jump into the water after the stick... but ya know what I DID NOT CARE TONIGHT!!!!
I laughed right along until the very end!!!
THANK YOU so very much for this E-learner. As the expression goes... You have done your good deed for the month! :angel:
Now, for your question... I must admit, you have stumped me yet again and while yes, I could Google away and learn the answer within about 2 seconds, I will not and be fair and see if someone else might want to guess. :search:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by rockzmom
CoffeeCup (and others....)
To put a review, there should be a starting point: what kind of the review you like: for movies you have seen or not.
So, I try to refer to "Kin Dza Dza" which one you have already seen.
The grotesque point of view to our ordinary life: waking up in the morning, going to work, working, supermarketing, returning to home, talking to wife, talking to children to do their homework, sleeping. The way of life becomes automatic (or zombified) process. Even when the zombified person faced an alien world (which inhabitants are also in the same zombified mood) he resolved the arisen problems without any remarkable changes in the mood.
What I like in this movie is the background impression of the mood imposed to the spectator. The background impression, I am trying to describe, is something like if one removed the dialogs and maybe removed the main characters, the movie still would impose the mood on to the spectator. So, the background views, music, the way camera moved: altogether becomes one more main character.
For example, two movies which provide such a background impression (each the movie provides its own type of the mood imposed by the background impression) are "In Bruges" and "Lost in Translation". The last one is brilliant in the performance of the background impression. The main character (Bill Murray) in some scenes merges with the background (scenes in the elevator cabin and when he participates in Scarlett Johansson friends meeting).
Returning to Russian movies the good example in this connection is "Брат" ("Brother"). This movie was already recommended above. Take in to account that "Brother 2" is absolutely different in idea and performance. The movie "Brother" was really the cult movie in Russia. The level of cult was so high as to be compared with that of the "Godfather". Returning to the background impression, here it is mainly performed by the music of the cult Russian rock band "Nautilus" (in some scenes one can see the leader of this band). This music saturates the entire movie.
The famous quote from the movie "В чем сила, Брат?" ("To what the strength belongs, Brother?")
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Guess the line.
The line is actually given at the end of the clip, but I removed the sound. Are you any good at lip-reading? :wink:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Speaking about quotes, I have just found out that "Owls are not what they seem" is from Twin Peaks! (I always thought it was from Harry Potter :shock: ). Actually, I've only watched a couple episodes from Twin Peaks back when it was aired in Russia for the first time, and never watched any reruns. Tells you about how much I watch TV :).
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
[quote="E-learner"]Guess the line.
The line is actually given at the end of the clip, but I removed the sound. Are you any good at lip-reading? :wink:
No, however... in my book Valentina can read lips! Where is she when I need her? It appears to be very short whatever it is.
So, I am batting 0-3 here. Not looking so good.
What is the answer pray tell?
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by CoffeeCup
To put a review, there should be a starting point: what kind of the review you like: for movies you have seen or not.
Coffee Cup,
To answer your question, any review is fine and I think helpful to people like me (well maybe I should clarify and say, people who actually are actively learning Russian… I am the odd person out on this forum) as well as good for discussion and friendly debate.
I know that based upon some of the suggestions and reviews from this thread, I have watched movies and started reading books (hopefully will finish and read more) that I ordinarily NEVER would have seen or read simply because I was not aware of them or they did not seem interesting to me until someone else showed them to me through their eyes.
Additionally, having a different point of view on a film that I have seen is often helpful in explaining details and nuances that I (and others) would never get because we were not raised with the history to understand these subtleties. Just as we have seen on this thread with the American TV shows or movies that "you" might not understand the connections or references.
So, your review of Kin Dza Dza was very fascinating to me and well detailed. You did a fantastic job of it! :good:
I welcome you and others to post small or long reviews. Ask questions about American films, books or TV shows from me or others here if you have questions (even though E-learner is making me look bad right now).
AND once again, while I know it might be difficult for some of you to write in English, please just do your best at it and don’t let it stop you from participating on this thread.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
The line is "Let's get outta here." Yesterday, I heard it again. :)
Ok, the next one. Guess what movie this is a reference to:
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
The answer is here: ... re=related
It might easily be the most impressive ending among the movies I have ever seen.
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by E-learner
Dr. Strangelove, yet another movie I have never seen!
Okay, here is one for you and this one should be easy for you as you seem to be very good at this game...what film is being recreated in this "Tonight, Tonight - The Smashing Pumpkins" music video? BTW, it was one of the first films I had to watch in film school!
Re: Favorite movie/book phrases or quotes??
Originally Posted by rockzmom
Dr. Strangelove, yet another movie I have never seen!
One more reference then, just in case. :)
Originally Posted by rockzmom
this one should be easy for you as you seem to be very good at this game...
Come on, I've seen only a handful of American movies, and part of them were British. :)
This is my grudge against The Simpsons, that it is so heavily loaded with allusions. You never know where they are just being not funny and where it is a clever, or not so clever as the case may be, reference to something.
Anyway, your link didn't work for me ("This video is not available in your country"), but I think this is about the same, isn't it?
No, I don’t think I’ve seen that. Something Jules Vernian?