Rockzmom,sorry for the late reply. Yes I like Harrison Ford too and have all the Indiana Jones films(apart from the new one yet),Bladerunner of course and all the Star Wars films.
Good actor! And i want one of Indies hats!
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Rockzmom,sorry for the late reply. Yes I like Harrison Ford too and have all the Indiana Jones films(apart from the new one yet),Bladerunner of course and all the Star Wars films.
Good actor! And i want one of Indies hats!
Ой там на горі *Quote:
Originally Posted by Lampada
Українська народна пісня
Ой, там на горі, в шовковій траві,
Ой, там сиділа пара голубів -
Цілувалися, милувалися,
Сизими крильми обнімалися.
Ой, десь узявся мисливець-стрілець,
Голуба убив, голубку зловив,
Додому приніс, додолу пустив,
Насипав пшонця й водиці налив.
Голубка не їсть, голубка не п'є,
Та все на ту гору плакать літає.
"Ой, єсть у мене сімсот голубів,
Літай, вибирай, може ж тa є й твій".
"Я вже літала, вже й вибирала,
Нема такого, як я кохала,
Хоч пір'я й таке, й такий пушок,
А, як загуде - не той голосок".
Да косив батько, косив я.
Да косив батько, косив я,
Да викосили солов'я
Соловей у саду тьох да тьох. Канареєчка...
Роман кость, Гапка в'яже, Катерина загріба,
Грицько воли напува, Ганна воду тяга.
Ой, мамо, люблю Гриця.
Гриць на конику вертиться.
В Гриця шапка до лиця,
Люблю Гриця молодця.
Да прийди, Грицю, в понеділок,
Да підем разом по барвінок.
Да прийди, Грицю, у вівторок,
Да поцілую разів сорок.
Да прийди, Грицю, у середу,
Да підем разом по череду.
Да прийди, Грицю, у сіботу,
Да підем разом на роботу.
Да прийди, Грицю, у неділю,
Да підем разом на весілля.
Studyr :evil:
NO FAIR! I need translation please!!!! There is no way that Google Translate will properly translate all of that for me!!!
I know your English skills are good enough to at least give me a general idea of what you wrote about .... please.... :rose:
It's the lyrics of two Ukrainian songs (in Ukrainian) from the cartoon "There once was a dog". Lampada mentioned that she couldn't find them. Telling the truth, I can not fully understand these lyrics myself, although : 1)I't my wife's native language, 2)I've been at Ukraine many times (actualy I go there at least two times every year), 3)Ukrainian is very close to Russian, I personally even don't count it as a full language. :crazy:Quote:
Originally Posted by rockzmom
There on the hill, were 2 pigeons. They were kissing, loving, embracing each other with their grey wings. All of a sudden, a musketeer appeared. He killed he pigeon and caught she pigeon. He brought her home and let her go to his yard. He supplied her with millet and water but she neither eat nor drink. He asked "I've got seven hundred pigeons. Fly there and find one for you." But she answered "I've already fled, I've already searched for. Some has the same feathers but when they start to sing their voice is different and there is no one I'm in love with."
P. S. Jazz, call me Geoge please.
Thank you for translating. I have cleaned it up a bit and I hope I did not take away too much of the meaning while doing so. :oops:
Originally Posted by studyr
Jazz, thanks for correction but it doesn't matter (besides they sing "killed" and "caught", then "eat" and "drink" ). The point is that now, you know what the song is about. When the Wolf said that he wants to sing, all started too. And they found this song so touching that one man even dropped a tear into his glass :lol: I found this cartoon very funny and I love it :good: Here it is if you had not watched it yet
Ahhhhh! George!Quote:
Originally Posted by studyr Now I Understand! I had not realized that the song went with "There Once Was a Dog"!!! Thanks for the translations!
And yes, we agree with everyone, it was a fantastic cartoon!!!
Last night, we watched "Prostokvashino" and thought it was VERY cute. I actually sent a message via YouTube mail to "trueboltsfan" (the guy who posted it and is doing the subtitles) letting him know how much I enjoyed it, blah, blah, blah... and inquiring about the other versions. AND... he responded...
So hopefully soon, we can watch the rest!!!
Originally Posted by trueboltsfan
Found a poor copy of The Stroll or Progulka online in Russian and then found English subtitles for it. When I merged them, they seemed to work; however, I have not watched more than a minute or two just to make certain it worked.
English subtitles:
Here is a review from someone in Moscow that was posted on Amazon
This film takes place in one day as three young people stroll around the city of St. Petersburg and share personal dreams and lies and develops into an anti-climax of the mystery of human drama.
On the surface, there can be many complaints about this film, the first being a distorted chronotope. While it is true that the weather changes suddenly in St. Petersburg, the characters turn a corner and all of a sudden it is nighttime. Most of the action occurs in realtime, so in order to actually make the passage of time into a full day, compensations had to made to the true quality of the realtime experiment. Secondly, the subtitled translation is awkward and slow. The characters speak extremely quickly and sometimes subtitles carry over into the next characters' dialogue, and it is often unclear to know who is saying what. Other times, entire lines are omitted from the subtitled version. Thirdly, it seems impossible that this movie could have been scripted, as a result, the conversation is sometimes dull and trite, but unfortunately, conversation is the only truly reliable character present. And I can't say with any confidence the degree of interest this movie will have for a purely Western viewer, one without any ties to Russia or any interest in modern Russia.
The characters are interesting and surprisingly well-developed for the general surface transparency of the film. For them St. Petersburg holds all aspects in the rich wealth of existence. The other cast of characters consisting of other Petersburgers, locals and tourists, add to the immense depth in this portrait of the city. Workers complain about the fact that the city was built on water, women and men bicker about inane details, the masses swarm and route for a soccer team that rarely wins, and the characters find themselves enmeshed in all of it, thus making it not only a personal but also broadly cultural portrait.
But overall the city is depicted in positive terms, if you can say that any attention is paid to it. From literature, we usually see the image of the city as a character in itself--powerful, vengeful, beautifully incomprehensible. But here, the young characters sweep past her imposing crowds and through her obtrusive landmarks without any true interest in historical or cultural matters. But it's impossible not to feel dizzy with sensory overload as the characters swirl to the top of St. Isaac's Cathedral and look over the city. There's something amazing and inexplicable underlying everything.
[EXTRA INFO: For anyone familiar with Russian Ark--a 90 minute, one-take tour through 300 years of Russian history via The Hermitage--this film is sort of a sarcastic spit in the face of director Sokorov, the serious Petersburg intellectual (stereo)type. The director of this film is not from Petersburg, and maybe therefore the perspective is suprisingly fresh and not so "heavy".]
I searched web for English subtitles for Dejavu and }{0ТТ@БЬ)Ч did my best but all in vain :cry:
Just a note to say that I absolutely love what I've seen of Russian animation! I have a copy of Masters of Russian Animation which includes There Once Was a Dog, among many others equally good!! And, the Winnie the Pooh, Russian style, is really wonderful!
For those who like Westerns, are you familiar with Have Gun Will Travel? The hero, Paladin, travels the Wild West using his gun to help people. He lives the life of a gentleman in San Francisco in between adventures. Here is a link to one episode (the prominent sign for a production of Cyrano de Bergerac gives an idea of the plot): ... 4mEmkAc2E#
You might notice a young Charles Bronson in the film....many famous stars made guest appearances in this cleverly written program.
Also, I cannot find it online, but, in an episode called "Alaska," the program features a very positive Russian character - he is a friend of Paladin's - they have been playing chess with each other by mail . He needs Paladin to help settle a land dispute, so Paladin goes to Alaska. The Russian is just a really nice guy - willing to work things out, kind to women, a good friend - but the evil new settlers are greedy, etc...A nice change of pace from the usual Russian bad guy! And, this program was produced during the 1950's!
Book Talk...again...
Okay, so I was in the book store this morning to pick up a copy of "Three Cups of Tea" for the girl's summer reading list and while at the check-out stand I saw a book that I just could NOT believe...
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance - Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem!
The young female cashier said the young girls really like the book!
Then I checked Amazon and it even has received good reviews!! I especially love J. Johnson's review:Quote:
Originally Posted by [color=#0000FF
And, it is number 4 this week on the New York Times Best Seller Lists for Paperback Trade Fiction!!!! (Three Cups of Tea is #1 for Paperback Non-Fiction)Quote:
109 of 132 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars
I have been redeemed..., March 24, 2009
By J. Johnson (Riverside, CA) - See all my reviews
After suffering through Pride and Prejudice in a women's lit class in high school, being one of the three males in the class, and undergoing much embarrassment for my lack of understanding of the subject matter, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is bittersweet redemption. It was very nice while reading this to feel as though I am exacting revenge on Jane Austen's literary masterpiece by not only understanding the work but also enjoying a pseudo-perverse amalgamation of her work and a horror/comedy film.
No doubt some Austen fans will cry "heresy" at what Seth Grahame-Smith has done, that is take a classic piece of literature and splice in zombie references, but I think others will accept this work as the kind of flattery that it is to Ms. Austen. Others, like myself, who were intellectually incapable of understanding the works of Jane Austen, will feel sweet vindication from enjoying her great work with a smidgen of added immaturity.
There is no doubt that Grahame-Smith has accomplished something incredibly innovative with this work, possibly spawning a new literary-classic-remade-hilarious genre, and there is also no doubt that he has done so very well.
I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys comedy, zombies, and classic women's literature- and I never thought I would recommend anything on those terms.
The book even comes with rather interesting illustrations as well...
While I LOVE P&P... based upon the reviews and all.... I just might have to go back and purchase this book! I can already feel my brain turning to mush.
:?: I wonder what Ms. Austen would make of this? :?:
Sorry for changing subject... :roll: I just re-watched all three movies of LOTR and while watching battle scenes there was a comparison suddenly come in my mind with classical battle scenes from Soviet movies when nobody ever heard about CGI and all the exta's were real people. And the best feature of them is that how they are strangely "nonviolent" (I mean there is no blood and such things) and sutable even for little children comparing with modern movies. I'll post several fragments in case someone didn't saw them:
"Chapaev" (1934), "psychical attack" scene:
"Alexander Nevsky" (1938), Battle on Ice scene:
"War and Peace" (1968), Battle of Hollabrunn scene:
Too weird! Older daughter JUST finished watching all three LOTR for the FIRST time. She finished the third one on Wednesday on the bus up and back to NY watching it on her little ipod screen!!! That was how much she wanted to finish watching the last one. Of course, she was digging her nails into me most of the time... :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Basil77
Rocksmom says:
Book Talk...again...
while at the check-out stand I saw a book that I just could NOT believe...
My son just read this book (that cover is just so awful) and wants me to read it. I'm building up the courage.
I am reminded of several things when I watch a scene like the one you posted from Chapaev. As there were no CGIs and lovely tricks back then, they had to use thousands of extras and coordinate these people. Also, the music was just as important, if not more important at times (except in this case I did not see the drum corps providing the step in time).Quote:
Originally Posted by Basil77
I was an avid fan of the series The West Wing. While watching your scenes for some reason it brought back to mind a specific episode that I always found to be technically amazing to me. The editing, timing, the acting, and of course the soundtrack... all without the aid of CGI, yet a great deal of editing.
The vision to create this 2 minute and 12 second scene and then to have it come to "life" so to speak has impressed me since the first time I saw it 10 years ago and every time I have seen it since. The timing of the actors steps inside the West Wing, the soldier’s movements, the folding of the flag, the riffle shots timed with the innocent children’s voices, the placing of the flowers on the coffin, and finally the overhead shot of them leaving Arlington... all timed to the music as a me it is flawless. Each time I watch this scene it is like seeing it for the first time and I am once again in awe as to who could dream up this scene and actually have it come to fruition so perfectly.
From Season 1, Episode 10 "In Excelsis Deo"
I also thought this scene from Moulin Rouge was also done extremely well. The mixing of the three story lines, editing, lighting, and dancers movement (especially in unison) timed to the redone version of a “classic” well known rock song took major technical work and vision. (BTW, the rest of the movie... I was not so impressed with.)
If you click on the "more info" on the right side it has all the words, both spoken and sung.
So I am back to watching 17 Moments of Spring!
I have rewatched Part One and am in the middle of Part 2.
I have a comment and a question.
Why is it that in this clip while Hitler is watching the news reels at the start of this scene, there are English subtitles for all of the news reels, even the American one that is in English, EXCEPT for the German one? Did the person who did the subtitles thin people who speak and understand English can read but not hear English but can hear and comprehend German?
The large wall music box that is in the restaurant at the 3:25 mark in this scene. I have never seen one such as this before. Can anyone tell me anything about this? The history of these? If they are still made? The actual name of these things?
Only Russian speech was subtitled. Schellenberg was translating from English for Himmler and what he was saying was subtitled. He didn't translated from German, obviously.Quote:
there are English subtitles for all of the news reels, even the American one that is in English, EXCEPT for the German one?
Okay, so you cleared the English to English part up and that makes a little sense for me.
Originally Posted by E-learner
And I understand why of course he would not translate the German... my brain is not that much mush...yet... :tease:
But.... I still don't understand.... why not subtitle the German into English if the Russian was subtitled into English?