Some of you know I have some health issues and I must say that going to a movie theater and watching a movie is something I sadly no longer enjoy because of these issues. However, I had promised my younger daughter that we would go and see Hugo when it came out and still it took us three weeks and I had to leave during part of it was it was in 3D and I just couldn't handle it. With all of that said... this movie was still worth every second of my feeling miserable.

I posted back here that my daughter read the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret when it first came out and as a girl who is NOT a reader, she was mesmerized by it. I also talked about how the book used the Georges Méliès film version of “A Trip to the Moon” by Jules Verne.

The movie of the book, Hugo, was made in 3D and directed by Martin Scorsese. From, the very start of the film, which forgoes the traditional opening credits, this film has a different feel than other 3D "children's" movies. (I looked online to see if I could find the opening segment and it's not posted anywhere. It's about 13 minutes long until you finally see the title of the film and then it goes right back into the film, no other credits.) It has a great story line and also teaches a little about the history of the film industry. I am most certainly going to watch this film again. I do recommend this one and if you can spare the money... to see it in 3D.

This review probably says it better than I can Movie Review: HUGO 3D Is Joyous And Glorious| Badass Digest