Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
I could not make it to the end without crying.
I am very glad to hear that.

And Olya...please, please, please... tell you that you liked this movie!
It's one of the movies I don't consider to be "liked". It's one of the Great Patriotic War subject films. And those films mean soooo much to me. What I don't like about many of western people, it's that they often write about Russian Great Patriotic War movies that they're "too depressing". I think one should... no, MUST watch movies like those, so that not to turn into... I don't know... into someone who wants only amusement from movies and books, and only pleasure from life. We should know that there were people, exactly like us, and even much better than us, who died at war, just like that - just a second ago he was alive, and now he's dead. And his feat, if he performed a feat, remained forever unknown.
All those films always make me cry, and actually all that subject does.

One quick question...I would like to know how the men folk feel about the film. Is this strictly a chick flick?
I am not a man, but I don't think that this film can be considered as a "chick flick" by any Russian man.

I hope ladies present will excuse my pointing that out
Ladies present, at least me, only agree with you!