Hail and hello, russian-language knowledge seekers of planet earth!
I would like to invite you to increase your russian knowledge through a computer game! Lord of the Rings - Russian Version
Властелин Колец Онлайн™
It's free to play, and can run on just about any computer! So start downloading it!
This group is completely new, so we're recruit members. It's a pretty cool way to learn a new language
IMPORTANT: We play on the server Mirkwood
(As of right now, we're creating either elves or dwarves, so we will be at the same starting area. If you create a human or a hobbit you may need to level up a bit before you can join us).
We should be available at this forum's chat to coordinate meetings, or if you have any questions. After you create your character write down your account name and character name here
Current members are:
Valda - account name: "shieldmaiden"