I think it's perfectly acceptable to subject the theory of evolution to critical scrutiny and examine the evidence closely. Most people would say evolution requires more evidence to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that it is an accurate explanation for the development of life on earth. But there's a big difference between that and trying to draw an equivalence between it and the Biblical account of creation. The creationists don't have a theory, no explanation for where the species came from, it's just an impenetrable mystery, so God is invoked as the only solution to that mystery. Their argument consists in pointing out flaws or inconsistencies in the evolution account and then saying, 'See, it's not perfect, so you can all relax and continue on believing what you've always believed because it said so in the Bible'.

But what about if someone says they believe aliens landed on earth, designed all the species, set up factories to produce them and then cleared off removing any signs of their presence. If someone said that was their explanation for life on earth, would you feel their 'explanation' was equally as valid as the evolution account? that the people who favoured evolution were no better than all the others?? This sort of attitude allows any kind of superstitious and irrational nonsense to flourish. 'Hey, cos we haven't got absolute certainty about evolution, anything goes, if it feels good, believe it'

The march of unreason continues apace