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Thread: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

  1. #1
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    I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Hello.. My Name is Xavier and I am 1/2 American Indian 1/2 Eastern European.. American women have become spoiled. Most think if you arent perfrect marry a man with a lot of moner and pay for a plastic surgion too fix whatever isen't the way you want it... They seem to have forgotten that any thing worth a damb is worth fighting for often resulting in something painfull...
    If the boobs arent big enough, enlarge them 10,000 USD
    If your 25 lbs to heavy lets get lipposuction 10'000 USD
    Wife.. what will everyone think if we dont own the most expensive house? 1'000'000 USD
    I think that all that money should have gone to raising a happy family... one that understands that only through the good works we do is to our fellow humans, deturmines the future.
    I have come to the comclusion that I am going to marry a woman from Eastern Europe. American women no longer respect the promiss of becoming one couple not a seperate husband and a seperate wife... Thy are one and the same.. I need a good russian girl , first bring her here let her go to college and become anything she wants, while I raise the children. I will give her everything she could ever want as well as share all the family decissions.. I will bee all for her!!!

    Do you agree that women in america are all only looking for the rich man??
    A woman in america is on average been maried and devorced twice... Agree??
    Women in america often act superiror to other nationalitys when they are often the real problem??
    Someone help me please... I need a russian womans perspective... Am I crazy or is it OK to want to bring someone from the country my grandparents came from here to be my wife... Even someone I haven't meet in person only on the computer?? Do you think you could find someone real on the computer??? Looking for answers Xavier

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    I think that you should look for a rural wife then, because all urban women in all countries want money from their men. Eastern Europe is no exception. Their requests can be small at first but 'being determines consciousness'. Having lived in some big city even the most undemanding woman would start to request more. It's something in their blood, no doubt.
    There is an old-fashioned term called 'love' but peope seem to forget about this quite often.
    Any woman wants to be special. Special even if for one man only. If you can make her special without money - that's when she'll stay with you no matter what happens. If she doesn't feel that she is being the only loved one - then she starts to find other proofs like money, diamons, houses, fur-coats, etc - to prove to other women her superiority (that's another trait they've picked somewhere when men weren't looking).
    Of course, you should provide as a man. You should have enough for living of you both. If she works then everything she earns is her money and it's you who has to pay for everything - what? Haven't you heard that it's men who should provide food, shelter, clothes and other things while women cook, bear children and run the house. Gender roles remain unchanged since the beginning of times, feminism or no feminism. If men do not provide - it's their own fault then.
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  3. #3
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Can you say yaaaaaaaawn...why don't you look for some squaw on the reservation.
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Рамиль, меня всегда так прикалывает, когда кто-то говорит сразу за всех женщин или за всех мужчин...
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Рамиль, меня всегда так прикалывает, когда кто-то говорит сразу за всех женщин или за всех мужчин...
    Yeah, right. We are all so unique and original.
    But Ramil is right if we are talking about general tendencies. These are facts of life, and ethology as good as proved it.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Рамиль, меня всегда так прикалывает, когда кто-то говорит сразу за всех женщин или за всех мужчин...
    Yeah, right. We are all so unique and original.
    But Ramil is right if we are talking about general tendencies. These are facts of life, and ethology as good as proved it.
    I did say that you all want to be special. In this - you are all the same, girls.
    There are general traits peculiar to men and women even if nobody wants to admit it.

    @Оля, в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной за 10 последних тысячелетий никто ещё ничего нового не придумал.
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  7. #7

    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by xavier
    I need a good russian girl , first bring her here let her go to college and become anything she wants, while I raise the children. I will give her everything she could ever want as well as share all the family decissions.. I will bee all for her!!! vs

    Think about it; you would be on a different continents and quite likely have communication difficulties... Why would would this "good woman" marry you and not a local man with whom she shares language, culture and perhaps friends too? Could "the American dream" have anything to do with it, perhaps? (assuming that is something she subscribes to..) Where would YOU, a man she hardly knows, come into the picture?

    Also: You are forgetting that there are some fundamental differences between men and women which feminism and political correctness have only changed on the surface.. I am almost certain that American women and Russian women want more or less the same thing from a guy but just express it a bit differently, plus there might be some minor cultural differences.

    I am sure a woman who fits your ideal exists in your own country, or not at all. If you are going to marry a Russian woman it ought to be because you love HER for her personality and not for some stereotypical view on her nationality, or because she's desperate to get away from her personal circumstances in Russia...

    And remember; charity begins at home... I think you know what i mean. If you yourself are perfect, why are you having trouble on this front?

    Finally: Greed, materialism and superficiality exist EVERYWHERE...

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    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I am almost certain that American women and Russian women want more or less the same thing from a guy but just express it a bit differently
    Yes, and you'll find that a Russian girl will express her opinions in a much more blunt and direct way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    plus there might be some minor cultural differences.
    Minor? I'm not so sure. The cultural differences are rather big.
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  9. #9

    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    plus there might be some minor cultural differences.
    Minor? I'm not so sure. The cultural differences are rather big.
    I don't know! I haven't noticed any BIG cultural differences between the Russian women here and myself, for example. But I am not American, of course... But I know a fair number of American women!

    The most obvious thing that sets American women apart is that it seems very important to them to be (or pretend to be) very self-assured, very confident and in control all the time.

    I agree that they take materialism for granted. But that's because it's part of the culture there, not really a deep seated belief.

    Like most Europeans I think that Americans (either gender) can be a bit loud compared with Europeans, but they tone it down if they stay here.

    My experience is that American women are open, friendly people, easy to get along with... Always trying to be positive, helpful and open to expand their horizons.

    What is so different about this, compared with Russia?

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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    @Оля, в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной за 10 последних тысячелетий никто ещё ничего нового не придумал.
    В отношениях-то ничего нового не придумали, но почему-то постоянно находятся новые "умники" и "умницы", которые считают, что их личный опыт - это и есть опыт всего человечества.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I don't know! I haven't noticed any BIG cultural differences between the Russian women here and myself, for example.
    I believe American women are much much more feministic than Russian. Russan women don't even bother about this question and don't even like the feminism ideas.

    My experience is that American women are open, friendly people, easy to get along with... Always trying to be positive, helpful and open to expand their horizons.
    What is so different about this, compared with Russia?
    Many of Russian women like to glower at everyone (especially females) except their own man (or any man if they don't have one).
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    @Оля, в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной за 10 последних тысячелетий никто ещё ничего нового не придумал.
    В отношениях-то ничего нового не придумали, но почему-то постоянно находятся новые "умники" и "умницы", которые считают, что их личный опыт - это и есть опыт всего человечества.
    Ну если ты на меня намекаешь, то камень не в мой огород. ) Я как раз беру не личный опыт (который, скорее, является исключением), а стараюсь обобщить. Причём я обобщаю уже с учётом всех существующих обобщений, которые человечество наплодило за эти [s:2kxfvwt2]годы[/s:2kxfvwt2] тысячелетия. Есть модель поведения полов, определённая ещё на уровне животных инстинктов. Человек эту модель усложнил, привнеся некоторые социальные составляющие, но в глубине суть всё та же - внутривидовой естественный отбор.
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  13. #13
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Несмотря на то, что оригинал пост - изобилующий ошибками, я его не исправлю. Я подозреваю, что его безграмотность на родном языке - не главная проблема такого мужчины.


    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    I believe American women are much much more feminist[s:3f0zhphc]ic[/s:3f0zhphc] than Russian ones. Russian women don't even bother (good, but also: aren't bothered in the slightest/ aren't remotely bothered) about this question and don't even like [s:3f0zhphc]the feminism[/s:3f0zhphc] feminist ideas.

    Many [s:3f0zhphc]of[/s:3f0zhphc] Russian women like to glower at everyone (especially females) except their own man (or any man if they don't have one).
    This last point made me smile. My own hard stare has improved a thousandfold since I moved to Moscow. I also love the frank, minute inspections of every detail of my hair and clothing by the other women. I've learned to do the same and have learned a lot about the correct way to wear jeans (thrust deep inside knee-high boots), make-up (the more dramatic, the better), and so on.

  14. #14
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Ну если ты на меня намекаешь, то камень не в мой огород. )
    Нет, я не намекала на твою личную жизнь. Под "личным опытом" я имела в виду не только чьи-то личные отношения с представителями противоположного пола, но и вообще всё, что человек узнает об этом вопросе в течение своей жизни. Вот, например, ты знаешь, что в семье твоего друга это было так-то и так-то - это тоже твой личный опыт.

    Например, "If she works then everything she earns is her money" - это просто неправда. Это правда только для определенной прослойки общества, довольно состоятельной, то есть довольно небольшой.

    Несмотря на то, что оригинальный пост _ изобилует ошибками, я его не [s:a23wizbw]исправлю[/s:a23wizbw] буду исправлять. Я подозреваю, что [s:a23wizbw]его[/s:a23wizbw] безграмотность [s:a23wizbw]на[/s:a23wizbw] в родном языке - не главная проблема такого мужчины.

    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    My experience is that American women are open, friendly people, easy to get along with... Always trying to be positive, helpful and open to expand their horizons.
    and blah blah blah... this can be said about women from all countries in general ))).

    What is so different about this, compared with Russia?
    I'm not talking about nice little chat, I'm talking about living together 24/7 and running a common economy. It's the 'household culture' the customs and all these little nuances that you don't notice untill you face them. There are bound to be numerous 'culture shocks' on this path. Even when a man and a woman have been living in the same location they still face these difficulties when they stop dating and start living together.
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  16. #16
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Many of Russian women like to glower at everyone (especially females) except their own man (or any man if they don't have one).
    Many Russian women like to give the evil eye to other women or even other men, except the man they're with.

    You can say glower but it's really a literary word.
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  17. #17
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Ну если ты на меня намекаешь, то камень не в мой огород. )
    Нет, я не намекала на твою личную жизнь. Под "личным опытом" я имела в виду не только чьи-то личные отношения с представителями противоположного пола, но и вообще всё, что человек узнает об этом вопросе в течение своей жизни. Вот, например, ты знаешь, что в семье твоего друга это было так-то и так-то - это тоже твой личный опыт.

    Например, "If she works then everything she earns is her money" - это просто неправда. Это правда только для определенной прослойки общества, довольно состоятельной, то есть довольно небольшой.
    Оль, ты знаешь, я себя не буду чувствовать мужиком, если буду брать деньги у своей жены. Может это моя личная заморочка, но тогда, спрашивается, нахрена создавать семью, если ты не можешь её прокормить?

    Насчёт личного опыта - помимо личных наблюдений есть ещё "чужие наблюдения" в виде книг, статистики, исследований, институтского курса психологии, того же зомбоящика, и пр. Если вот так вот сомневаться в объективности высказывания, тогда в этом мире ничего объективного просто нет. Тогда объективность - недостижимый абсолют.
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  18. #18

    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    I'm not talking about nice little chat, I'm talking about living together 24/7 and running a common economy. It's the 'household culture' the customs and all these little nuances that you don't notice untill you face them. There are bound to be numerous 'culture shocks' on this path. Even when a man and a woman have been living in the same location they still face these difficulties when they stop dating and start living together.
    Ok, that's a good point. So what, in your view, would be different then?

    For example, if I married a Russian man, what differences do you think I might I be facing in light of the fact that I am not Russian?

    And what problem do you think Olya might be facing if she married an American?

  19. #19
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Оль, ты знаешь, я себя не буду чувствовать мужиком, если буду брать деньги у своей жены. Может это моя личная заморочка, но тогда, спрашивается, нахрена создавать семью, если ты не можешь её прокормить?
    Многие жены отдают всю или значительную часть своей зарплаты в семейный бюджет. Зарплаты мужа, даже нормально зарабатывающего, элементарно может не хватать на всю семью, особенно когда у них больше одного ребенка.

    А если у мужчины изначально такая профессия, которая не позволяет зарабатывать миллионы (учитель, например)? По-твоему, ему вообще теперь не жениться, что ли?

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: I've no faith in the marrage practices of American women!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Оль, ты знаешь, я себя не буду чувствовать мужиком, если буду брать деньги у своей жены. Может это моя личная заморочка, но тогда, спрашивается, нахрена создавать семью, если ты не можешь её прокормить?
    Многие жены отдают всю или значительную часть своей зарплаты в семейный бюджет. Зарплаты мужа, даже нормально зарабатывающего, элементарно может не хватать на всю семью, особенно когда у них больше одного ребенка.

    А если у мужчины изначально такая профессия, которая не позволяет зарабатывать миллионы (учитель, например)? По-твоему, ему вообще теперь не жениться, что ли?
    Не, а зачем? Можно жить и так, сожительствуя или ведя совместное хозяйство (а лучше - встречаться время от времени, но жить раздельно).
    Можно даже детей иметь, только опять же - бедные дети. Мужики пьют от этого, потому что выхода из этого "болота" не видят. Сам институт брака стал формальностью.

    Вот, кстати меткое высказывание Фаины Раневской:
    Союз глупого мужчины и глупой женщины порождает мать-героиню. Союз глупой женщины и умного мужчины порождает мать-одиночку. Союз умной женщины и глупого мужчины порождает обычную семью. Союз умного мужчины и умной женщины порождает лёгкий флирт.

    Хоть и не лестное по отношению ко мне, но в точку. )))
    Союз умного мужчины и умной женщины = легкий флирт
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