Since the start of MasterRussian(tm) forums seven years ago, we have become one of the largest forums for learners of the Russian language on the internet. Every month, more than 30,000 unique users visit our forums to learn Russian. Our users exchange ideas, help each other to learn the basics of Russian, as well as master the depths of the language when they demonstrate how to curse the worst curses ever.
As the Master Admin of this forum, I would like to celebrate this event and throw a big party!!! I and my girlfriend Alisa will personally cook the best борщ (borsch) we can cook. It will be available to try for everyone living in the selected cities in the US, Russia, UK, France, Italiy, Spain, New Zealand, and Australia (edit: Canada is now on the list too!). We also plan to have very beautiful Russian women present in each of the locations where we manage to organize the party.
To RSVP, and for more details about the party, please provide your name, present location, and email address in reply to this post (or email directly to me).