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Thread: I'm learning cursive.

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    I'm learning cursive.

    I've decided I'll learn Russian cursive. I have a question though. Which letters are not connected to their previous letters? I'm thinking it's (I don't have a russian keyboard set up right now) "i", "j", "e"(not "ye"), "yu", and er... Thats it. Also, you don't connect letters that follow a "b" do you? When writing an "n", does it start and the bottom or the top? Oh, and I know about the hooks before "l", "m" and "ya", so no need to remind me.

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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: I'm learning cursive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    I've decided I'll learn Russian cursive. I have a question though. Which letters are not connected to their previous letters? I'm thinking it's (I don't have a russian keyboard set up right now) "i", "j", "e"(not "ye"), "yu", and er... Thats it. Also, you don't connect letters that follow a "b" do you? When writing an "n", does it start and the bottom or the top? Oh, and I know about the hooks before "l", "m" and "ya", so no need to remind me.

    You know, at the school I was taught to connect everything, all the letters in one word are together, and if they didn't have special little tails for it, you just had to add them. But it's not really important in a normal life. Different people have different styles of a handwriting. Do it the way you feel comfortale.
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Yes, I have never seen a person writing according to all the rules. Except our teachers at the first-third grades. I guess it was only to set a good example.
    Which we, of course, didn't follow.

  4. #4
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    Write as you please. It doesn't matter how one or another cursive will look like.
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    darobat, you already asked this question, ... =didaktika

    unfortunately, I don't know what it was you downloaded, but I get the standard font. Remember what the alphabet posted above the chalkboards in grade school looked like? That is didaktika. Maybe you mean that the font does not show connecting letters, because it consists of several fonts, the letters, and another font with just the connecting strokes. But basically, all the letters connect to the preceding one, maybe except э but I think that one does too.

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