Hi everybody,
I am new to this forum and I hope you can help me with this. I ran into an inscription in an 18th century manuscript that goes something like this:
насеи бомагѣ (домагѣ?) иобвиносъ (?подпинοсъ? подвинοсъ? иобвикοсъ?) смиренно[и?
Святия афтонския Горы манастир[ъ? a?
николая чудотворца въкрѣпости
корфуя архимандритъ никита
The "б"s in the first line may well be "д"s, although those below are formed in a different way. The third word is really hard to figure out, I came up with some of the possibilities. It definitely ends in -инοсъ and the second letter is "o", but the first and the fourth look pretty much the same, similar to а "п".
Also, because of the binding the last letters in the first two lines are not visible on the image so I can't figure out the precise syntax.
I know Old Church Slavonic but my Russian is rudimentary. I would expect a formula of the type "On this place I found myself, in the monastery of (name), me the sinful (name) from (name)" but I can't figure it out, any help is highly appreciated!
Thanks everybody very much in advance!