It doesn't change a lot. But it is handwritten

and has additional letters (so it is harder to guess the word).
Number 120 - record number
Number 54 means that she is a 54 girl of these 120.
Then we see birth day - 15
baptism - 21
Next column is description of how baptism was made. With water/full/etc. I will write in modern Russian what can I recognize:
Тысяча восемьсот восемьдесят восьмого [...]
да. Марта двадцать первого дня в Начск[...]
[...] Картришевском Костеле
Окрещен младенец по имени Ма[...]
нна. Ксендзом Иваном [...]
[...] Начским соверше [...]
[...] обрядов таинства.
In the year 1888. On the day of March 21 в Nachsk___(can't get complete town name)
in the Katrishev Roman Catholic Church
Was baptized babe in arms with name Ма__нна
Roman Catholic priest Ivan ___ ___ of Nachsk made ___ of ordinance
So 99% trustful is:
Baptism day - March 21 in 1888.
Birth place is Nachsk or Nach.
Roman Catholic Church is placed in Katrishev or Katrishevsk.
Roman Catholic priest first name is Ivan.
Surname is Шведов(male)/Шведова(female). By first vertical column.
next column I will try to read later.
What region of Belarus does it belong now?
I live in Belarus btw. Brest and Minsk