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Thread: Help with translation of 1888 birth record

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  1. #1
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    Help with translation of 1888 birth record

    The link above is from a church record of 1888. Item number 120 on the left column is my surname "Swede" This a birth and baptism record of a young girl, Marinna (I think) . I have been able to read most of the records my much escapes my comprehension. I cannot read the priest name or other details. If any kind sole can help me I would greatly appreciate some help. She was born in the village of Borovy and baptized in the church of Nacha. Born on the 15 of March and baptized on the 21. If you wish to translate to my e-mail address it is this: chrisszwed(at)hotmail(dot)com.
    The girl's father is Adam and may be translated as Adamos as it was probably translated from the Latin language. This may be the reason I am having so much trouble.
    Chris Szwed

  2. #2
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    It is very hard to recognize words. And it is written in old Russian grammar. For example surname: Шведовъ - is Шведов now.

  3. #3
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    Russian 1888 document

    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitry Khomitchuk View Post
    It is very hard to recognize words. And it is written in old Russian grammar. For example surname: Шведовъ - is Шведов now.
    Has the Russian language changed so much that the average modern Russian is not able to read this document? I do not speak Russian but I know what kind of document I am looking at. This is a Record from a Roman Catholic church record in Nacha from what is today Belarus about a mile from the border of Lithuania.
    The standard of the church started with the surname on the left most column then the number of the event (baptism for that year) then the number based on the gender of the child. Number 54 female born that year the date of birth, 15th and the date of baptism 21. As near as I can make out it starts with a year One thousand eight hundred and eighty eight in March. The word that looks like "loga" or "Года" proves me right. The date of the baptism is probably written out as the twenty one first but I can't make it out. The girl is named Marinna. The name of the priest is also listed but I just can't read that either.
    The next column reads: Daughter of lawfully married peasants from Kaniowo rural district Adam (in Latin it would be Adamos) and Agata (nee Lanewska) Swede born March 15 1888 year Borovy village of Nacha Parish. Below the word "Года" there is this letter "Б" but in the script form. Деревни Боровых Начскаго прихода coming from the village of Borovy Nacha parish.
    Is there anything I have missed? My search is in it's 7th year and just this past November I located the church of Nacha as the parish for his village and I am now moving on backwards in time through the records of 1886-1873. My goal is to locate a marriage record on my great grandfather to learn the names of my great great grandfather in order to move further back in time. I find the Russian language to be very fascinating.

  4. #4
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    It doesn't change a lot. But it is handwritten and has additional letters (so it is harder to guess the word).

    Number 120 - record number
    Number 54 means that she is a 54 girl of these 120.
    Then we see birth day - 15
    baptism - 21

    Next column is description of how baptism was made. With water/full/etc. I will write in modern Russian what can I recognize:

    Тысяча восемьсот восемьдесят восьмого [...]
    да. Марта двадцать первого дня в Начск[...]
    [...] Картришевском Костеле
    Окрещен младенец по имени Ма[...]
    нна. Ксендзом Иваном [...]
    [...] Начским соверше [...]
    [...] обрядов таинства.

    In the year 1888. On the day of March 21 в Nachsk___(can't get complete town name)
    in the Katrishev Roman Catholic Church
    Was baptized babe in arms with name Ма__нна
    Roman Catholic priest Ivan ___ ___ of Nachsk made ___ of ordinance

    So 99% trustful is:
    Baptism day - March 21 in 1888.
    Birth place is Nachsk or Nach.
    Roman Catholic Church is placed in Katrishev or Katrishevsk.
    Roman Catholic priest first name is Ivan.

    Surname is Шведов(male)/Шведова(female). By first vertical column.

    next column I will try to read later.

    What region of Belarus does it belong now?
    I live in Belarus btw. Brest and Minsk

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitry Khomitchuk View Post
    What region of Belarus does it belong now?
    Конявская волость - Лидский уезд.

    [...] Картришевском Костеле
    Скорее в Католическом Костеле.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  6. #6
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    The 1888 birth record

    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitry Khomitchuk View Post
    It doesn't change a lot. But it is handwritten and has additional letters (so it is harder to guess the word).

    Number 120 - record number
    Number 54 means that she is a 54 girl of these 120.
    Then we see birth day - 15
    baptism - 21

    Next column is description of how baptism was made. With water/full/etc. I will write in modern Russian what can I recognize:

    Тысяча восемьсот восемьдесят восьмого [...]
    да. Марта двадцать первого дня в Начск[...]
    [...] Картришевском Костеле
    Окрещен младенец по имени Ма[...]
    нна. Ксендзом Иваном [...]
    [...] Начским соверше [...]
    [...] обрядов таинства.

    In the year 1888. On the day of March 21 в Nachsk___(can't get complete town name)
    in the Katrishev Roman Catholic Church
    Was baptized babe in arms with name Ма__нна
    Roman Catholic priest Ivan ___ ___ of Nachsk made ___ of ordinance

    So 99% trustful is:
    Baptism day - March 21 in 1888.
    Birth place is Nachsk or Nach.
    Roman Catholic Church is placed in Katrishev or Katrishevsk.
    Roman Catholic priest first name is Ivan.

    Surname is Шведов(male)/Шведова(female). By first vertical column.

    next column I will try to read later.

    What region of Belarus does it belong now?
    I live in Belarus btw. Brest and Minsk
    Nacha is West of Radun and North West of Lida. My grandfather lived very near to Dubiciai Lithuania His village was Borovy. I have discovered so many names that are Swede or Szwed in this area from the late 1800's. In the 1800 this whole area was part of Russia.

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Orthography is changed but not drastically. It just makes some additional difficulties when recognizing handwriting.

    Most Info I was able to read you already knows.

    Girl's name is most probably Marianna (Марианна).

    Parents are peasants of Konyavskaya Volost (Конявская волость) Adam and ??????? Shvedov, legally married.

    Priest's name Иван Масю???? (Ivan Masyu...), vicar of Nacha

    Sponsors (god-parents) were Foma Yusevich (Фома Юсевич) and ???

    Below are my decripting drafts (in contemporary orthography) just in case.

    P.S. Keep in mind (if you don't know yet) that date is most probably is given in Julian calendar, which was official in Russian Empire. Though Catholics could used Gregorian calendar.

    Шведов N120 female N54 born 15th Baptized 21st
    1888 year March 21st

    Тысяча восемсот восемдесят восьмого года Марта двадцать первого дня в
    ХХХХХХ католическом костеле окрещен младенец по имени (Марианна?)
    Ксендзом Иваном (МасюХХХом) Викарием (Начским?)
    с совершением всех обрядов таинства.

    Крестьян Конявской волости
    Адама и (СнатвисьЛань)
    (Скирь) Шведов законных
    супругов дочь родившаяся
    88 года Марта 15 дня в де-
    ревне (Боровым) Начского

    Восприемниками были
    Кр. Фома Юсевич с
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  8. #8
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    OK, I agree, it can be Католический Костел, not Катришевский

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