Is everyone tired of answering the gift question yet?

There is a Russian woman of grandmother age who I have lived below for a handful of years. Her and her husband have always been kind to me and my son in passing. And they are VERY private people-which I admire and respect of them. Yesterday I "felt" something different in her communication...kindess AND trust. She gets very smiley and seems pleased that I learn the Russian as I try to say hello and some words in her language. And.. well.. they are really the only people on this block who I really really admire without question.

So... anyways. It means alot to me that they have been such good people to my small family and I was wondering... if there is an appropriate gift amoung strangers and an appropriate day to give it and what item would be accepted in a "Hey, I just think your the greatest-thankyou for being kind to ME" kind of way.


They go to pick flowers or fruit every morning. Is there a must have herb or plant in the russian kitchen? Rosemary?

These are not Americanized Russians. So...... something that would be given to them back home would be non offensive. I know they drink vodka...I don't know when, but have smelled the scent of it on occassion, brand? I don't want to give them food. The woman has asthma and has suffered a stroke so scented candles are out. I was thinking of making her a tea. Anyone know of an English/Russian Picture herb book? Is there a cd or classical group (50's-80's)? Or is that I admire them enough.

Any Serious Ideas? Kalinka?

Thank You all.