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Thread: Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    A game. There is a text with lots of mistakes, LOTS! Then the first player correct the mistake in 30 seconds, then the next one and so on. The game starts when the text is posted. It'd be better to prepair all the players befor the game. They would take there numbers and start the game. If somebody don't post the correction in 30 seconds he loses. This game is expected to improve people's language, I think it's just interesting!
    Gordon Freeman - Гордый Free Man

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Freeman
    A game. There is a text with lots of mistakes, LOTS! Then the first player correct the mistake in 30 seconds, then the next one and so on. The game starts when the text is posted. It'd be better to prepair all the players befor the game. They would take there numbers and start the game. If somebody don't post the correction in 30 seconds he loses. This game is expected to improve people's language, I think it's just interesting!
    I think its a great idea, but who will correct me, if i play with a man who isnt a native speaker as i am???

  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Ok, actually, the next person will find the wrong correction. At the end of game everyone posts his text with only his correction and the corrections before. He underline his correction. That's why all the people can find the wrong correction!
    Gordon Freeman - Гордый Free Man

  4. #4
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    I'm not sure I get it. I am a native English speaker and I write a message in English with deliberate mistakes and the Russians must try to correct it, is that what you mean?


    Once apon a time there was a man who loved to go into fights. This was very badly for his health, however. One day he were at the bar and he was talking to a sexie girl but the girl had boyfriend and the boyfriend attached him and punched his ugly face. His nose was shattering instantly and to him it was needed to go to hospital for much months for that, in order to recovered.

    There are about 10 mistakes. Only Russians are allowed to try.

  5. #5
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    Re: Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Freeman
    A game. There is a text with lots of mistakes, LOTS! Then the first player corrects the first mistake in 30 seconds, then the next one and so on. The game starts when the text is posted. It'd be better to prepair all the players before the game. They would take their numbers and start the game. If somebody doesn't post the correction in 30 seconds he loses. This game is designed / intended to improve people's language, I think it's just interesting!
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  6. #6
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Re: Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Freeman
    A game. There is a text with lots of mistakes, LOTS! Then the first player correct the mistake in 30 seconds, then the next one and so on. The game starts when the text is posted. It'd be better to prepair all the players befor the game. They would take there numbers and start the game. If somebody don't post the correction in 30 seconds he loses. This game is expected to improve people's language, I think it's just interesting!
    30 seconds? What do you think the average reply time is on this forum? We don't have all day, eyes glued to the forum, to wait for someone to post something!
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basurero
    I'm not sure I get it. I am a native English speaker and I write a message in English with deliberate mistakes and the Russians must try to correct it, is that what you mean?


    Once upon a time there was a man who had loved to go into fights. This was very badxx for his health, however. One day he was in the bar and he was talking to a sexy girl but the girl had a boyfriend and the boyfriend (had?)attacked him and punched his ugly face. His nose was shattering instantly and to him it was needed to go to hospital for many months for that, in order to recoverxx.

    There are about 10 mistakes. Only Russians are allowed to try.
    Well how did I do?
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  8. #8
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    Quite well but there are a few more mistakes in there. Some are not technically mistakes but sound retarded. Have another look.

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basurero
    Quite well but there are a few more mistakes in there. Some are not technically mistakes but sound retarded. Have another look.
    What is "sound retarded"?
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  10. #10
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    It sounds like something a person with severe mental disabilities would say. It might be offensive to certain sensitive politically correct people.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basurero
    It sounds like something a person with severe mental disabilities would say. It might be offensive to certain sensitive politically correct people.
    Really I have no idea what are you talking about. Did I get it right that text contains some phrases/words which may offend some "politically correct people" because of the mispronunciation? Or is it "baby-talk"?
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  12. #12
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    No! Lol. The word "retarded" can be offensive to some people.

    In the text there are some things which you missed, but not all of them are grammatically incorrect (probably), but rather they sound stupid.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Once upon a time there was a man who had loved to go into fights. This was very bad for his health, however.

    My version:
    One day he was in the bar talking to a sexy girl who happenned to have a boyfriend. That boyfriend of hers had attacked him by punching his ugly face shattering his nose instantly. He had to go to a hospital for many months to recover.

    One day he was in the bar and he was talking to a sexy girl but the girl had a boyfriend and the boyfriend (had?)attacked him and punched his ugly face. His nose was shattering instantly and to him it was necessary to go to hospital for many months for that, in order to recover.

    How is that?
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  14. #14
    Старший оракул
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    All right!!! on behalf of myself let me write a text which I invented and which contains at least 10 mistakes

    Вчера вечером я пошел на магазин и видел там человека, которая меня вчера обманул. Я решил его проучить и подойдя поближе, ударял кулаком в лицо со словами "Получи скотина, еще хочешь, а?" Но он оказывался тоже не промах - быстро придя на себя после своего удара, он схватил меня за руку и повалил на пол. Тут в магазин приходила полиция, которая немедленно среагировав задерживала нас обоих и доставляла в отделение. Я получил 15 суток а мой коллега по несчастью предстал перед судом на то, что обманул меня!

    (10 errors)!!!

  15. #15
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    Here is what I had in mind at the beginning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Once upon a time there was a man who xx loved to get into fights. This was very bad for his health, however.

    One day he was in the bar xxx talking to a sexy girl but the girl had a boyfriend and the boyfriend attacked him and punched his ugly face. His nose was shattered instantly and he had to go to the hospital for many months for xx to recover.

    How is that?
    Now your version.

    My version:
    One day he was in the bar talking to a sexy girl who happenned to have a boyfriend. That boyfriend of hers xxx attacked him by punching his ugly face, shattering his nose instantly. He had to go to the hospital for many months to recover.
    Your version is actually better than my original.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuvak
    All right!!! on behalf of myself let me write a text which I invented and which contains at least 10 mistakes

    Вчера вечером я пошел на магазин и видел там человека, которая меня вчера обманул. Я решил его проучить и подойдя поближе, ударял кулаком в лицо со словами "Получи скотина, еще хочешь, а?" Но он оказывался тоже не промах - быстро придя на себя после своего удара, он схватил меня за руку и повалил на пол. Тут в магазин приходила полиция, которая немедленно среагировав задерживала нас обоих и доставляла в отделение. Я получил 15 суток а мой коллега по несчастью предстал перед судом на то, что обманул меня!

    (10 errors)!!!
    Если принимать во внимание пунктуацию - в частности запятые и двоеточия, то ошибок гораздо больше. А отсутствие запятых вокруг деепричастия или деепричастного оборота считается довольно грубой ошибкой, которая иногда может исказить смысл предложения.

    1st sentence - 3 errors + 1 (choice of words)
    2nd sentence - 1 comma, 1 colon, 1 error + 1 (choice of words)
    3rd sentence - 2 errors + 1 comma
    4th sentence - 3 errors + 2 commas
    5th sentence - 1 error + 1 comma
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  17. #17
    Старший оракул
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    One day he was in the bar and he was talking to a sexy girl but the girl had a boyfriend and the boyfriend (had?)attacked him and punched his ugly face. His nose was shattering instantly and to him it was necessary to go to hospital for many months for that, in order to recover.

    One day he dropped in the bar and started talking to a fuc*en beautifil chick who unfortunalely had a boyfriend. The motherfuc*er approached the guy and punched his fuck*n face with his fist!!! His nose was smashed instantly and blood started running out of he wound. in order to fuck*n recover he fuck*n had to fuck*n go to fuck*n hospital!!! It was a great fuc*up for him!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Wow, this looks hard. My attempt:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuvak
    Вчера вечером я пошел в магазин и увидел там человека, который меня вчера обманул. Я решил его проучить и подоходя поближе, ударил кулаком в лицо со словами "Получи скотина, еще хочешь, а?" Но он оказывался тоже не промах - быстро придя на себя после своего удара, он схватил меня за руку и повалил на пол. Тут в магазине пришла полиция, которая немедленно среагировав задерживала нас обоих и доставляла в отделение. Я получил 15 суток а моя коллега по несчастью предстала перед судом за то, что обманул меня!

    (10 errors)!!!

  19. #19
    Старший оракул
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    Basurero!!! Could you check my try!
    And I want to see how you correct my Russian text!!!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuvak

    One day he dropped into the bar and started talking to a fuc*en beautiful chick who unfortunately had a boyfriend. The motherfuc*er approached the guy and punched his @@@@*n face with his fist!!! His nose was smashed instantly and blood started running out of the wound. in order to @@@@*n recover he @@@@*n had to @@@@*n go to @@@@*n hospital!!! It was a great fuc*up for him!!!
    That's f**cken awesome! F**ken good job mate! (I think those were typos)

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