View Poll Results: Do aliens exist?

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    19 67.86%
  • no

    9 32.14%
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Thread: Do you believe aliens exist?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Columbo
    dogboy, did you partially rip your idea off from KillZone???

    No i partially remembered a semister of astronomy class .

    You try breathing pure oxygen for a while, and you will see how long you live. In fact, even ozon (O3) is poisonous. It is really Nitrogen we humans need! Along with some other minor elements...
    Well, why is it then when atheletes get hurt, their trainers make them breath Pure oxygene to help their injuries heal faster?
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  2. #42
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    Oxygen therapy helps by killing bacteria that cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. Plus, oxygen free-radicals will kill germs, but also in the process destroy the atoms that compose your throat, lungs etc. That is why a typical oxygen treatment is only 90 per day. Oxygen can also stimulate growth of tiny blood vessels, to help heal wounds.

    Actually kalinka, I think we have enough nitrogen. Too much nitrogen, and there wont be any oxygen. And oxygen is far more important to breathe than nitrogen.

  3. #43
    DDT is offline
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    It seems that what we breath depends on our enviourment. That's scuba divers use different blends.
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    You try breathing pure oxygen for a while, and you will see how long you live. In fact, even ozon (O3) is poisonous. It is really Nitrogen we humans need! Along with some other minor elements...
    I think everything in large quantities will kill us. Try to eat pizzas for a few hours (without breaks, just putting one piece by one into your mouth) or to drink pure water continuously for a few hours. I guess eventually you'll blow up :)

    Like in one commercial: a little doughter is asking her dad for another glass of juice (we can see she drank almost a whole 1 liter pack):
    - Ещё! (extending her glass to her dad)
    - Доченька, ты же лопнешь! (he stares at her worried in disbelief)
    - Пап, а ты налей и отойди.

  5. #45
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    well ... i read everything . the beginin u were talkin about aliens ..but now u r talkin about oxygen that it kills ...and about quantities .it doesnt really matter ...cuz we cant give blood more than its needs ... and about aliens ...i do not believe they exist really ...maybe people understood it in a wrong way ..... in our religion book ..and i think in every religion we know that Angels And Devils exist ..but we cant actually see them ...lets talk about that ..some of the old ancesters were able to see them ...maybe it grew larger and became a rumor that these creatures r 'aliens' the last day (life's last day) when all the creature that God SWT created come and stand waitin their results ...Like to Heaven or Hell ..even angels and devils we Have ' Human ,Angels ,Devils 'and Their Creater God SWT ... ..but still there r weird places even on earth ..and by this we can open a new topic....Permoda ? our religion we have that before the last day ..there are signs
    -life became extremly bad ...i mean children f***s their parents becomes deserts today become verry green ..and Ice in Syberia melt down ..water % become higher ....and many more things ..dont remember them all ....but the most important signs ..are
    there r a man with one eye that god gave him ability to do so extra giving life back to someone or take the world in minutes miracles ...and so many more ....he gets his ends in someplace ...after that ..the other sign of creature break a wall or like jail* that one of the ancient God SWT profits* made for them and kept them locked away ..they become free and eat everything they find ...everything ...then a big war happenes ..Jesus comes back ...many of Christians believe in something (cant say it for some reason) ..and he kills these creatures in jerusalem ........ ..
    - so at the end ..maybe Aliens arent what we think now ...we made it so big ..that people got scared of it ...maybe they are actualy just creatures we cant see how someone's said in the previews page........and they dont scare me !

    *= cant spell it right...or didnt find the word

  6. #46
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    well ... i read everything . the beginin u were talkin about aliens ..but now u r talkin about oxygen that it kills ...and about quantities .it doesnt really matter ...cuz we cant give blood more than its needs ... and about aliens ...i do not believe they exist really ...maybe people understood it in a wrong way ..... in our religion book ..and i think in every religion we know that Angels And Devils exist ..but we cant actually see them ...lets talk about that ..some of the old ancesters were able to see them ...maybe it grew larger and became a rumor that these creatures r 'aliens' the last day (life's last day) when all the creature that God SWT created come and stand waitin their results ...Like to Heaven or Hell ..even angels and devils we Have ' Human ,Angels ,Devils 'and Their Creater God SWT ... ..but still there r weird places even on earth ..and by this we can open a new topic....Permoda ? our religion we have that before the last day ..there are signs
    -life became extremly bad ...i mean children f***s their parents becomes deserts today become verry green ..and Ice in Syberia melt down ..water % become higher ....and many more things ..dont remember them all ....but the most important signs ..are
    there r a man with one eye that god gave him ability to do so extra giving life back to someone or take the world in minutes miracles ...and so many more ....he gets his ends in someplace ...after that ..the other sign of creature break a wall or like jail* that one of the ancient God SWT profits* made for them and kept them locked away ..they become free and eat everything they find ...everything ...then a big war happenes ..Jesus comes back ...many of Christians believe in something (cant say it for some reason) ..and he kills these creatures in jerusalem ........ ..
    - so at the end ..maybe Aliens arent what we think now ...we made it so big ..that people got scared of it ...maybe they are actualy just creatures we cant see how someone's said in the previews page........and they dont scare me !

    or like how i always say ..insects are the aliens ! ..
    *= cant spell it right...or didnt find the word

  7. #47
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    I believe angels are people too. I don't think they are another species.

  8. #48
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    well ..if they are human ..then human has wings and can fly and disapear ...and eat other stuf.... ... actually ..u just called them Angels there is different between Human and Angels.....Human r Human .Angels Are Angels

  9. #49
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I dont think angels have wings either.

    My religion is very different from yours though. I dont think it would do us any good to argue about it.

  10. #50
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    Speaking of angels. I see through Biancca's point. If they're not totally human, they can do some things people can't do. And in this case they can make wings if you'd like to see that. But, frankly speaking, why do they need to connive all your beliefs? They're just antropomorphous.

    Well, don't pay attention to this post, if it's vague. I just wrote what had been in my mind at that very minute not thinking much of it.
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