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Thread: Disgusting Food!!

  1. #1

    Disgusting Food!!

    I am inspired by some truly disgusting pictures of "Jell-0" (I think it's spelled that way). It's an American dessert/pudding that was mentioned in another thread. I wouldn't eat that unless I was on the brink of starving to death! (and even then, there wouldn't be much point because it probably has no nutritional value whatsoever....).

    So is there any seriously disgusting food in Russia? Food that foreigners (and some locals) can't stand...? Post some pictures! The worse the better!!!

    If you read this and come from some other country; share the "dark side" of your countrys' cuisine with the rest of us.


    English deep-fried Mars bar (seriously... this is sold at fish&chips shops in Britain. Brits just like to deep fry things.... )

    Blood pudding [Popular dish in Sweden - served to children at school.... I don't like it. It's made from pigs' blood.... ]

    A dish called surströmming (=rotten herring in a tin....) also popular in Sweden... It smells DISGUSTING. Not for children.

    Good way to get blind, fast.... Seriously illegal sale of home-made alcohol (in American English; "Moonshine")

    Some people make a big issue out of the French eating snails (escargot) and frogs... Personally I like it!!!

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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Johanna, is it a deep-fried CHOCOLATE bar???? Am I right? Have you ever tried it?
    And what's that yellow stuff - is it some kind of pastry? Wow.. Just.. wow.
    I'm just really impressed. Great thread!

    Blood pudding does not look very nice, but we also have various kinds of sausages made of blood ("кровяная колбаса" or "кровянка"), and I can imagine the taste. It looks familiar, and thus not scary. )
    And rotten herring... I'm speechless again. Is it really rotten, or it's just a marketing trick? Apart from the disgusting name it looks pretty much like any salt fish we regulary eat here.

    The most disgusting Russian food, as many foreigners insist, is "холодец" (a kind of meat Jelly)).
    Unfortunately any foreign visitor is almost force-fed with it, though Russians themselves eat it rarely, mostly as a traditional holiday snack (goes well with vodka, he-he).

    Actually, it's not that bad. I like it with mustard, this dish is a bit tasteless on its own. But the last time I ate it was at least a few years ago. So yes, people do not cook it very often.

    You may also check this link: ... odets.html

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Hmm, that blue Jello looks intriguing.
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Hmm, that blue Jello looks intriguing.
    I think it's supposed to be an ocean with icebergs and.. erm.. dead fish on top? )))

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    It was mentioned already in another thread: "Dressed herring":

    When I was a kid I was wondering, how can people consume this disgusting stuff? But now I can eat it, especially with a liqueur-glass of vodka. But I still don't think it's a very tasty dish, just eatable, nothing more.

    Also stewed cabagge and broccoli look very disgusting for my taste :

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  6. #6

    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    I would eat the things from Basil77s thread, but I would NOT eat that meat pudding in GromoZeka's thread.

    I thought they were joking about the deep-fried Mars bar when I first heard about it! But it is not. Here is Delia Smith (now a very popular TV-chef...) deep frying a Mars bar in the 1980s.

    I have never had it and I certainly never will!

    I never go into fish&chip shops anyway; I get sick just walking past them! It just stinks of greasy oil. Richmond, where I live has only one fish & chip shop because people who live here have realised that this type of food is very unhealthy. Plus half of the population of Richmond are Germans/French and other Europeans anyway, and would not touch the stuff.

    Fish and chips (the takeaway dish is eaten off an old newspaper. The green stuff is mashed tinned peas...)

    Another insane thing in England is that if you go into a pub and order food; then you get chips (=French fries in US English) with everything... Even if you order an omelette or a salad!)

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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    It was mentioned already in another thread: "Dressed herring"
    It's a blasphemy! I don't know anyone who does not like it!!! And it's yummy.

    If we are talking about personal tatses here... I always found "Pasta in milk" incredibly disgusting. And it was one of the main dishes in my kindergarten!
    Basically it's pasta boiled in milk. What makes it especially unedible in my opinion is milk skin that stucks to noodles.

  8. #8

    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Sorry I am dissing American puddings!!!! Most of them are yummy, just don't like these very artificial ones.

    More Jello! I bet this is banned in the EU because it has too much additives. Have never seen anything like this in reality.

    An American friend of mine during my school time, once had some packets of "Angel Delight" confiscated by Customs in Sweden when she returned after a holiday. I am not sure why they confiscated it, but she LOVED the stuff and was angry about losing it for months. Hence I remember the product name still.... I remember her leaving her half-eaten cups of gory pink slime around in the dorm. Disgusting!

    "Angel Delight" a sort of mousse, but more slimy! Tastes like sugar and additives.

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    I wouldn't eat the jelly pudding that Gromozeka posted too. Looks rather disgusting, eew. But generally I rather like холодец. My mother-in-law makes it this way (generally from goose meat):

    But my favorite is общепит-style холодец (with horseradish or mustard):

    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Basil77, dont "Eww" at my "kholodets"! I think that it's much prettier than yours.

    Just a random question:
    I always wondered why they constantly feed people Jell-O at schools and hospitals (according to TV, at least). It seems a bit unhealthy, especially when recovering patients and growing children are involved. And it's not nutritious!

  11. #11

    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    The soup from Basil77s post is every negative stereotype about Eastern European cuisine LOL!!! "All soups, no fresh vegetable, mysterious meat dish.... " I'd eat it though, it doesn't look disgusting, just bland.


    To answer GromoZeka's post: I once spent 4 days at an English NHS hospital (state, free). I did not get Jello, but the food was NOT good, according to my tastes (some people probably think it's OK). I hardly ate anything and convinced a warden to get me some fruit and chocolates from the the kiosk. Another woman in the room had said she was a vegetarian and she got quite nice looking food, so if I have to go to an NHS hospital again, I'll say I am a vegetarian.

    English people are just so unhealthy. For school lunches for children, they pack things like: Cheese fingers, Crisps, Mars bar and an Apple.

    I really don't know why the state schools don't have a canteen and serve the kids some healthy food. Some of them are from bad homes and it may be the only healthy food they get.

    What's the situation for this in Russia? Do the schools serve food or does the child have to bring his own food for lunch?

    Unhealthy school lunch for children in England.

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Basil77, dont "Eww" at my "kholodets"! I think that it's much prettier than yours.
    Actually imho it's even not a classic 'kholodets' on the picture you have posted. It looks more like "заливное" for me. I dislike how it looks only for the reason that It seems like there are some carrot-looking suff in it. Eww, I hate carrot in such things . But generally I like 'заливное', especially from beef tongues, yum:

    My cousin's mother-in-law works with Americans and she told me a story how she invited two of them to a dinner in her house. And one of the dishes was jelly from beef tongues (заливной язык). They tasted it and both of them liked it very much, but then one of them asked from what ingridients the dish was made of. Acording to her, Americans don't eat meat "sub-products" at all. So, when they realized that they just have eaten beef tongues, they suddenly had to visit bathroom emmediately.
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  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    The soup from Basil77s post is every negative stereotype about Eastern European cuisine LOL!!! "All soups, no fresh vegetable, mysterious meat dish.... " I'd eat it though, it doesn't look disgusting, just bland.
    It's not a soup it's more like a jelly.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  14. #14

    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    A classic Swedish sweet that foreigners hate: Turkish Pepper (very firy salty-sweet-pepper liqorice)




    "Turkish pepper shot" (i.e you fill up the whole glass and sweep it...)

    I cannot imagine anything worse than getting drunk on that!!!

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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    A classic Swedish sweet that foreigners hate: Turkish Pepper (very firy salty-sweet-pepper liqorice)[/img]
    Hmmmm, I think I might like it.
    When I was a kid I loved to eat lump sugar with salt. And I like spicy food. Not sure about liqorice, though.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77
    It was mentioned already in another thread: "Dressed herring"
    It's a blasphemy! I don't know anyone who does not like it!!! And it's yummy.
    Now you know the two of us. I can't stand even seeing this disgusting stuff. Not even with vodka.
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  17. #17
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    jello is actually pretty popular in Poland, especially amongst children, I used to eat it fairly often It's also popular to have cakes with jelly. I'm pretty surprised with you thinking it's disgusting, I thought it was popular everywhere

    we also have this холодец thingy, we call it "galat", not a fan of it, personally. :P

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    If we are talking about personal tatses here... I always found "Pasta in milk" incredibly disgusting. And it was one of the main dishes in my kindergarten!
    it was also the nightmare of my childhood

    We have a particularily disgusting soup in Polish cuisine, called "czarnina" (aka. "czernina" in some parts), it's made of blood:

    Uploaded with

    and another one would be "flaki", made of cow's guts (parts of stomach, to be exact):

    Uploaded with

    One of the most disgusting things I was forced to eat, though, were the British sausages, tasted like made of paper!!!

  18. #18
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    How about some liverwurst (ливерная колбаса)?

    I think it has a disgusting taste. I've only once eaten it but I believe I would never tried again.

    Or these ones:

    I have no idea what is the name of it in English.
    Maybe something kind of "the pluck pies" or "pies with pluck". In Russian it's "пирожки с ливером". When "пирожки с ливером" are hot they're quite eatable but the colder the worse.

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    How to Make Jello Shots
    Drink Recipe: Jello Shots

    Popular at parties when I was in college. Vodka or white rum are best, Everclear (grain alcohol) works too.
    Jello is just a fruit-flavored bit of fun. It's gelatin.
    Serving Size: 1/4 pkg (1/2 cup prepared) 21g; Calories: 80, Total Fat: 0g, Carbs: 19g, Protein: 2g
    In the movie "Animal House", John Belushi's character sucks down a serving of that size in the cafeteria line.
    According to Kraft Foods, more than a million packages of Jell-O brand gelatin are purchased each day.
    I'm easily amused late at night...

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Disgusting Food!!

    I don't mind jelly at all, it's that blue color what I wonder at. No natural ingredient can produce such a color.
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