Facebook запретил меня в течение 24 часов, потому что я отправила по почте фотографию с обнаженной грудью выступающих украинских девушек. Что Вы думаете о цензуре социальных сетей? VK - это ограничительный?
Facebook запретил меня в течение 24 часов, потому что я отправила по почте фотографию с обнаженной грудью выступающих украинских девушек. Что Вы думаете о цензуре социальных сетей? VK - это ограничительный?
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
Вконтакте нету цензуры, насколько я понимаю. Насчет откровенного порно не сзнаю, но эротика есть и ее не ограничивают.
Серьезно не задумывался. Facebook, vkontakte и т.п. - это ЧАСТНЫЕ ФИРМЫ. Т.е. они вам ничего не должны и вы им ничего не должны. Вы бесплатно размещаете свою информацию на их сервере, они должны соблюдать некие законы, в которых, скорее всего, лучше разбираются, чем рядовые пользователи.
Я понимаю ваши мнение, и вообще сагласна с вами об этом. A просто, я сообщала новостной истори с фотографом, так что думаю, что странно, что они цензуре рассказ ...
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
Here is what Americans had to say about this on Facebook:
Alexei Yaruk: Censoring one exclamation point is too far.
Lauren Smurfikinz-Clark: personally, I think America's unhealthy aversion to 'nudity' is pathetic. I see far more offensive (and even sexually explicit) things, on a daily basis, done completely clothed that never get so much as a heed.
Cynthia Reece: So people can incite hate and violence on Facebook, but one can't show women's breasts? Absurd! ...imo
Helen Azar: Seriously? I have posted that story with photo in that past and didn't get banned. WTF? In the meantime FB allows all sorts of violent crap.
Helen Azar: *in the past
Jennifer Princessa: Wow. Whats funny is if the topless protesters had been carrying guns. Then Deb, u wldnt have been banned cuz that would be News! Tho topless in jan in Ukraine. Hm it must have been cold. Fb america has sumthin to learn about context.
Denise Canter: I think it's going too far. Got a lot worse when FB changed hands. Everyone wants control, don't they?
Daniel Poehlman: I don't think they know what they're doing when it comes to censoring people. It's entirely arbitrary, and they leave it to the whims of the users. Seriously, I could post a page about a rotten ham sandwich, and if enough people dislike it because they dislike me, it's a banning.
Bruce Farrell: This banning people over pictures of breasts is getting out of hand.
it's happened to 2 of my friends as well,one over a breast-feeding pic.
This banning people over one A-hole's complaint is also getting out of hand,why should they get to do that anonymously yet continue to lurk on your page?
I think a mass posting of the Ukranian girls should be organized.I'd seen other references,from RT I believe and thought they were timely,tasteful and delightful.
Tziedel Tammas: Everyday the feeling we've fallen down the rabbit hole gets stronger.
Jeff Wheeler: I'd rather see tits than the boobs elected to political offices.
Mark Wells: I wonder if the rules will change once the company goes public. As long as members accept being members associated with a profit-making business entity, they also accept the restrictions and sharing of personal information. This is a good place to discuss the slippery slope we accept to slide down to be able to provide and share the information currently allowed to be provided and shared.
Perhaps there should be multiple FB sites users can subscribe to, depending on their interests and levels of acceptance or rejection. If folks want to join something like 'Face Book Adult' there could be a set of guidelines far different than this particular version of FB.
Mark Wells: But having something like 'Face Book Adult' would churn up all those who want to censor in Internet right now.
Tziedel Tammas: There are lots of pro-rape pages, which are ok per FB as long as they're labeled "humor", but the display of protesting boobies gets you booted.
Perry Thomas: the war-nography accepted by American culture is far more offensive to me than what people call pornography.
Christopher Sudlik: My problem is that it is entirely corporate censorship. I think we need some kind of constitutional protections in place for giving us rights against non-competitive markets like facebook. I mean, there isn't any reasonable way to fight them, they have all the power and us none. The same goes for walmarts and mcdonalds, having rules like no shirt no shoes no service? As somebody whose gone 3 years without shoes thats a load of bullshit! We can't let private corporations have more rights to oppress us than the government, as that makes us a fascist nation or a plutocracy.
Craig Douglas: I see nipples everyday. I don't see the problem with them.
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
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