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Thread: Recordings of myself

  1. #1
    kib is offline
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    Recordings of myself

    Hi everyone!
    I've made some recordings of myself, and here are also recordings of speakers who I've tried to imitate. I would appreciate very much if someone would check my pronunciation. I aks you to be strict, and it will be very kind of you if you exactly tell me which sounds I pronounce incorrectly (I hope I pronounce not everything incorrectly). It's a pity that I've made low-quality recordings (I hardly recognised my own voice!), but next time I'll try to make better ones. Advice or any kind of suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance and all the best to everyone!
    The Lady of Shalott.mp3 [1.17MB] :: скачать файл с
    The best of Christmas.mp3 [724.49KB] :: скачать файл с
    Natasha\\\'s present.mp3 [1.37MB] :: скачать файл с
    30 the lady of shalott3.mp3 [2.9MB] :: скачать файл с
    34 cristmas.mp3 [3.61MB] :: скачать файл с
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
    Но так же не всегда всё, что не делается, не делается не к худшему. : D

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by kib View Post
    Hi everyone!
    I've made some recordings of myself, and here are also recordings of speakers who I've tried to imitate. I would appreciate very much if someone would check my pronunciation. I aks you to be strict, and it will be very kind of you if you exactly tell me which sounds I pronounce incorrectly (I hope I pronounce not everything incorrectly). It's a pity that I've made low-quality recordings (I hardly recognised my own voice!), but next time I'll try to make better ones. Advice or any kind of suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance and all the best to everyone!
    The Lady of Shalott.mp3 [1.17MB] :: скачать файл с
    The best of Christmas.mp3 [724.49KB] :: скачать файл с
    Natasha\\\'s present.mp3 [1.37MB] :: скачать файл с
    30 the lady of shalott3.mp3 [2.9MB] :: скачать файл с
    34 cristmas.mp3 [3.61MB] :: скачать файл с
    I don't want to download a PDF reader or a game toolbar. What to click to download one of your recordings?


  3. #3
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    Kib - Great job!

    So far I've only downloaded and listened to Shallott - of what you've listed it's the only one with which the original I'm familiar. If I can suss out the originals for the others I'll listen and write more later.

    Probably I can help more with a better quality file (I may have not heard your mistakes) but I can tell right off your pronunciation is wonderful.. at least from what I can hear. It's probably the sound file or the microphone but there's an element of treble or compression that distorts your voice a bit, or at least that's what I thought.. I use VLC and I thought I had the speed set too fast, but it was not my player..

    What a bold endeavor to take on Shallott is! - It's a mouthful even for a native =) But it's also a great example of that rhythm english poetry, and the delivery style it insists upon.. Really, from what I can tell you did a wonderful job, and you have very good control over your pronunciation and vocal presence.

    As for navigating the site, all you have to do is click on "skachat' Shallot.mp3" and then choose the free option, wait 60 secs.. similar to sendspace, etc.. It wasn't a problem for me. (Though, the fake "youtube" that was an ad called "VsemTube" I found pretty funny, hehe.)
    Грязные башмаки располагают к осмотрительности в выборе дороги. /*/ Muddy boots choose their roads with wisdom. ;

  4. #4
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by fortheether View Post
    I don't want to download a PDF reader or a game toolbar. What to click to download one of your recordings?

    Again I've forgotten about this.
    Under the heading "Как будем качать?" you should click the right green button.
    Then you need to enter the code
    And at last you need to wait a minute and click the button "скачать".
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
    Но так же не всегда всё, что не делается, не делается не к худшему. : D

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Hi Kib,

    I took a listen to your Christmas one. As Kidkboom mentioned, your English pronunciation is very good. You are rushing a bit. A couple of words that hit me are:
    "was always" those to words together don't come out just right. I can't tell if you are mispronouncing the W in always or if it is something else.
    on the words "breakfast" and "everything" it sounds like you are rolled the Rs almost like an Irish would sound
    yet on the word "presents" you don't pornounce the R hard enough.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  6. #6
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
    Hi Kib,

    I took a listen to your Christmas one. As Kidkboom mentioned, your English pronunciation is very good. You are rushing a bit. A couple of words that hit me are:
    "was always" those to words together don't come out just right. I can't tell if you are mispronouncing the W in always or if it is something else.
    on the words "breakfast" and "everything" it sounds like you are rolled the Rs almost like an Irish would sound
    yet on the word "presents" you don't pornounce the R hard enough.
    Thank you, rockzmom. This is very helpful. As for my rolling Rs it's very difficult for me not to roll them in some words. If you heard how I pronounce 'through' or something like 'is right'. It's almost impossible for me to avoid rolling. I'll take a note of it and will pronounce correcty and slowly. Thank you again.
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
    Но так же не всегда всё, что не делается, не делается не к худшему. : D

  7. #7
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidkboom View Post
    Kib - Great job!

    What a bold endeavor to take on Shallott is! - It's a mouthful even for a native =) But it's also a great example of that rhythm english poetry, and the delivery style it insists upon.. Really, from what I can tell you did a wonderful job, and you have very good control over your pronunciation and vocal presence.
    Thank you, kidkboom. Nice to understand that I'm making progress in my pronunciation. And thank you for the compliments - it's turned that I'm not so stone deaf.
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
    Но так же не всегда всё, что не делается, не делается не к худшему. : D

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