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Thread: Help me transcribe videos in English, please!

  1. #1
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Help me transcribe videos in English, please!

    Here's one to start with:
    Maxima Racing Oils - Chaincare - YouTube

    Here's my take on this:

    Hey how is it going my name is ___ I'm a _____ of ____ team. Today I'm just gonna show you how ____ and maintaining the chain.
    Okay, right. When you're done on the track and you bring your bike back home you need to wash it, obviously. And what we do is we take your Chain CleanUP. You know you see you've been on the track and you've used your chain loop during the day, the chains of the loop will ______________. And just apply this everywhere ___ this chain. And you put on the ____, on the chainroller, from inside to outside ______ of the chain. Even the chain____
    Just spray this everywhere and let it set for a few minutes so it just soaks into the loop. And then just pretty much ____________ push it off. Just getting there and getting as clean as possible.
    So once your chains cleaned and dried ____ you take the MPPL which is the most _____________ And then yea, you just apply it against the chain, this time just to the inside________ So this will penetrate and displace any water to prevent rust and it just increases _____ less friction. Once you get on the track you need to lube the chain. You take the ______________ ChainGuard maximum________________ shake before use it. Just apply it to the _______ _____ from inside to outside of the chain.
    Until you kinda get ______ and even and it will fill. Put a small amount on the top.
    Chain is ________________
    Personally I like to spray ________ from inside to outside cuz when you ride the centrigugal force will drive your oil through the chain. You know _______________ wheel ____ As you can see now this chain is pretty good. It reduces friction, ___
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  2. #2
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    Medved - That video was tough - background noise and an accent. My take:

    Oliver Stone
    Monster Energy Procircuit Kawasaki racing team
    you go about cleaning
    no clue what he said

    where there's chain loop
    the frame rails
    top and bottom
    drop where the greases build up
    jet wash it off (not push)

    as you can get it
    no clue what he said
    of the outside (something something) inside of the roller
    spin here
    crystal clear

    give it a little
    rotors ? either side

    completely (something)

    no clue what he said


  3. #3
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    covering up for the rest
    you take the MPPL which is the most _____________
    Multi Purpose Penetrant Lub

    You know _______________ wheel ____
    sounds more like "you don't wanna have your wheel tied" but I could be wrong, it's a difficult one
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  4. #4
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    You know you see you've been on the track and you've used your chain loop during the day, the chains of the loop will ______________. And just apply this everywhere ___ this chain. And you put on the ____, on the chainroller, from inside to outside ______ of the chain. Even the chain____

    starting on line 5:

    "...and you've used your chain lube during the day, the chains...of the lube's all flung around the front sprocket..." "And just apply this everywhere where there is chain lube. And you can put it on the frame rails, on the chain roller, on the inside, outside, top and bottom of the chain...even your chain drop where the...the grease has built up. Just spray this everywhere and let set for a few minutes so it just.. soaks into the lube. And then just pretty much jet wash it off."

    "Just get in there and get it as clean as possible. So once ah, once your chain's clean and as dry as you can get it, take the MPPL which is the multipurpose penetrant lube, and then yah, we just apply again to the chain, this time just to the inside and the outside, concentrate on the inside of the roller so this can penetrate and displace any water to prevent rust, and just to increase the spin (ahh?) there's less friction."

    "Once you get to the track, you need to lube the chain. You take the ahh, crystal clear chain guard from Maxima, give it a little shake before you use it. Just apply it to the rollers, either side on the inside of the chain,... until you kind of get like an even...even feel. Put a small amount on the top...until its completely covered. Personally I like to spray more on the inside than the outside because when you ride the centrifugal force will drive the oil through the chain. And you will want to have your wheel on tight. As you can see now this chain is pretty good. It reduces friction. (?)"

    Lube, not loop. He is saying that the chain has flung the chain lube, indicating in the engine casing region around the front sprocket.

    "Spray it everywhere there is chain lube."

    He's talking about spraying the cleaner (not Chain CleanUP, he's not using a trade name for that one) onto the chain and letting it "soak into the lube", meaning that the spray cleaner is to soak into the thicker, higher viscosity lube which is hardened with dirt and dust from the track. By soaking in, the dirty lube is softened. This allows easier washing off of the crud (dirty lube) using jet wash, power wash.

  5. #5
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Thanks guys!

    So as a bottomline we have:
    Hey how is it going, my name is Oliver Stone I'm a mechanic of Monster Energy Procircuit Kawasaki racing team. Today I'm just gonna show you how you go about cleaning and maintaining the chain.
    Okay, right. When you're done on the track and you bring your bike back home you need to wash it, obviously. And what we do is we take the chain cleaner. You know you see you've been on the track and and you've used your chain lube during the day, the chains of the lube will be flung around the front sprocket. And just apply this everywhere where there is chain lube. And you put it on the frame rails, on the chainroller, on the inside, outside, top and bottom of the chain. Even the chain drop where the grease has build up.
    Just spray this everywhere and let it set for a few minutes so it just soaks into the lube. And then just pretty much jet wash it off. Just get in there and get it as clean as possible.
    So once your chain is clean and as dry as you can get it take the MPPL which is the Multiple Purpose Penetrant Lube. And then yea, you just apply it again to the chain, this time just to the inside and the outside. Concentrate on the inside of the roller so this can penetrate and displace any water to prevent rust and just to increase the spin, there's less friction. Once you get on the track you need to lube the chain. You take the crystal clear ChainGuard from Maxima, give it a little shake before you use it. Just apply it to the rollers, either side on the inside of the chain. Until you kinda get an even feel. Put a small amount on the top; the chain is completely covered.
    Personally I like to spray more on the inside than the outside because when you ride the centrigugal force will drive the oil through the chain. And you know you wanna have your wheel on tight. As you can see now this chain is pretty good. It reduces friction, visibly.

    (still I corrected some things like multi -> multiple, because now that you said the phrase I hear the ending; as well as some places are still not 100% clear)
    But anyways, thank you a lot!
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  6. #6
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    Some of the places, are interrupted, or incomplete sentences.
    ...the chains of the lube will be flung around...
    Here is such an interruption. Its actually not "the chains of the lube". He terminates thought/sentence at "chains of", and continues on into "the lube...". So its not a real sentence construction. Should indicate pause/gap a break in the sentence. There are a few other verbal glitches, but basically, your version catches his drift. "I'm a mechanic here at (ahh or the, he is definitely pausing) M..."

  7. #7
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Yes I think so too. And also you were right, this piece of video is one hell of trouble
    I can cope with background noises, but his accent, I fail to understand it 100%.
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  8. #8
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Hello, here I am again with yet another video.
    I'm not 100% sure I heard stuff right so please check the text too as well as the gaps, because there may be mistakes.
    Here's the link: A Day at Ryan Villopoto's - YouTube

    I didn’t change anything, ____ really you know we built a very good base in 2009 with ____ and myself. And then we just pretty much kept that ball rolling in it. It made a big difference ___________ me work together and we kind of know each other now and ___ well and I think it was hard to defend but obviously with a lot of guys getting hard ____ getting easier towards the end.
    Monster Energy Kawasaki team, we have an amazing bike, an amazing team so whole crew is ___ we have a lot of good people behind us ___ sponsors behind us. Technically for me first year so I’ve definitely had some batteries ___ that I would like to ____ throw away but three podiums ___ says it’s good.
    Pretty much I always use Maxima, they have really good products that always work over ___ brake ___I can. Yea, always. It’s all ___ I was using that spray ____ on everything.
    My first experiences with Maxima were when I started with ___Nitch___ and procirquit so that would’ve been in 2009. Up until currently I’ve been using Maxima products.
    My favorite Maxima product has to be SC1 because it makes everything look brand new. And I like that. It’s got to look good, and it smells good. I like to smell SC1, it’s just, it’s a good product.
    You’ll see some footage ___ here today it’s a lot of sand and it’s a lot of wear ___ on the bike and Maxima oil keeps ___ clutch ___ modern and everything working well, so I can’t thank those guys enough for the good product.
    It’s cool to be involved with a company like Maxima with Ron Sheen that’s been there for a long time obviously a great Kawasaki rider and you know, he kind of knows his stuff.
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  9. #9
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    This is what I'm picking up, something like:

    Ah… I didn’t change anything, really it just, we built a very good base in 2011 with Alvin(?) and myself. And then we just pretty much kept that ball rolling and it. It made a big difference having a year underneath my belt with me and Alvin(?) working together and we kind of know each other now and I just think it meshed really well and I think it was hard to defend um but obviously um with a lot of guys getting hurt it ended up getting easier towards the end.
    Monster Energy Kawasaki team, we have an amazing bike, an amazing team the whole crew is, is solid and we have a lot of good people behind us and good solid sponsors behind us. Technically for me first year or so I’ve definitely had some bad races that I would like to be able to throw away but three podiums, overall I’d say its .. its good.
    Pretty much I always use Maxima, they have really good product I’ve always worked over the brakes during our [can?]. Yea, always. We’re always using that spray on everything.
    My first experiences with Maxima was when I started with Mitch at pro circuit so that would’ve been in 2009. Up until currently I’ve been using Maxima products.
    My favorite Maxima product has to be SC1 because it makes everything look brand new. And I like that. It’s got to look good, and it smells good. I like to smell SC1, it’s just, it’s a good product.
    You’ll see some footage out here it’s a lot of sand and it’s a lot of wear and tear on the bike and the Maxima oil keeps you know the clutches and the motor and everything working well, so um you know I can’t thank those guys enough for the good product.
    It’s cool to be involved with a company like Maxima with Ron (?)Sheen that’s been there for a long time and obviously a great Kawasaki rider and you know, he kind of knows his stuff.

  10. #10
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Oh man, thank you!

    How could I miss the "solid" word!
    Several questions on the grammar:
    Meshed really well: this?
    Hard to defend: defend what? Sounds like they've had a lot of trouble with this base but they've successfully overcome it, right?
    With a lot of guys getting hurt it: what's "hurt" here?
    We have an amazing bike: why does he use singular? Do they have only one bike?
    What exactly "pro cirquit" is? Professional motorbike riding?
    It’s got to look good: why "it's got to look good" instead of the simple "it looks good"? What's the meaning behind this roundabout thing?
    lot of wear and tear: sounds like a set phrase, is it?

    And another one on the previous video:
    The Roller, can it be just another word for "chain", because several time s in the vid he says something like "put it on the roller" but he isn't lubricating any separate roller at the times, but just spraying stuff on the chain.

    Also for everyone, you're welcome to re-check the video or correct the rigid places in the vid.
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  11. #11
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    The one guy in particular has some speech problems. He changes what he's going to say, falters, and goes on again. He's not speaking with the best grammar. I'm sure I made mistakes in first line, I just could listen too close because he's garbled. Not sure about name said (Alvin? can't really hear well) Gist is easy, but the garbled wording makes it hard to transcribe.

    Meshed really well: got along well together, compatible personalities, not conflicting.

    Getting hurt: dirt track bikers crash.

    Defend? probably racing titles/record/wins.

    "Its got to look good!" its an imperative, must do this! Can not look shabby, like a loser. Got to look on form, top notch. Got to look like a winner.

    The pro circuit is like an organized series of top level competitions, with commercial sponsors, in whatever sport is being talked about, pro circuit racing, or other sports competitions.

    "lot of wear and tear: sounds like a set phrase, is it?" Yes, 'wear and tear' is a set phrase.

    "And another one on the previous video:
    The Roller, can it be just another word for "chain",..." I believe he's talking about the chain tensioner roller, it is somewhat obscured by the bike frame in the video view. The tensioner roller is slightly behind the front sprocket, underneath the lower section of chain. It keeps the chain from getting loose, prevents it from hanging down. This prevents it (the chain) from various high speed disasters, like coming off the sprocket. This one needs to be cleaned from the crud/dirty lube build up (or built up, two different tenses) on the dirt track, or that could cause a disaster too. So it makes sense to me that he is specifying the roller itself, as well as the chain, for cleaning.

  12. #12
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Thank you.
    Here's the translation (if you want), it's not a literal or a "word by word" translation but something that's okay to be used in a book or on a site, I mean in front of the public. So several things are replaced with stuff that sounds better in Russian even to the detriment of the equivalence.

    Ничего я на самом деле не менял, мы с Эльвином просто создали очень хорошую базу в 2011 году. И дальше мы просто работали и работали. Этот год работы с Эльвином дал мне очень многое, сейчас мы с ним хорошие друзья и прекрасно сработались. Было трудно на соревнованиях, но после того, через что мы прошли, в итоге всё оказалось не так уж сложно.
    Здесь, в Monster Energy Kawasaki, прекрасные мотоциклы, отличная, надежная команда. С нами много прекрасных людей и хорошие, надежные спонсоры. Фактически, первый год у меня был не очень, бывали проваленные гонки, о которых хочется забыть, но три призовых места… в целом, я бы сказал, это очень и очень неплохо.
    Я постоянно использую продукты Maxima, это – очень хорошие вещи, подходят для чего угодно. Мы используем эти средства для ухода практически за всем в мотоцикле.
    Мой первый опыт с Maxima был, когда мы с Митчем начали профессионально заниматься гонками. Это было где-то в 2009-ом. И до сих пор я использую продукцию Maxima.
    Больше всего из продуктов Maxima мне нравится SC1, потому что с ним всё выглядит новым, как будто только из магазина. Мне это так нравится, просто класс! Мне даже запах его нравится. Отличная штука!
    Здесь на видео вы видите – на трассе полно песка, представляете, как трудно приходится технике! А с Maxima я знаю, что сцепление, движок и всё остальное будут работать как надо. Поэтому, парни, спасибо вам за такой отличный продукт!
    Здорово работать с Maxima вместе с парнями, наподобие Рона Шина, он тут уже очень давно и, без сомнения, это просто классный гонщик Kawasaki. Этот парень – точно знает, что делает.
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  13. #13
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    It is interesting,

    Are you just doing this one? Or are you interested in doing certain particular ones?

  14. #14
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Yes, just this one this time.
    Well, this doesn't mean I won't do anything like that in the future.
    Just random stuff, sort of like that.
    Btw if you'd like to get any help like this or of any other kind, it'll be my pleasure to do it for you.
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  15. #15
    Новичок coco's Avatar
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    It sounded to me like the name was "Elton" without the "T" pronounced very well, but I could be wrong.

  16. #16
    zxc is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medved View Post
    Thanks guys!

    So as a bottomline we have:
    Hey how is it going, my name is Oliver Stone I'm a mechanic of Monster Energy Procircuit Kawasaki racing team. Today I'm just gonna show you how you go about cleaning and maintaining the chain.
    Okay, right. When you're done on the track and you bring your bike back home you need to wash it, obviously. And what we do is we take the chain cleaner. You know you see you've been on the track and and you've used your chain lube during the day, the chains of the lube will be flung around the front sprocket. And just apply this everywhere where there is chain lube. And you put it on the frame rails, on the chainroller, on the inside, outside, top and bottom of the chain. Even the chain drop where the grease has build up.
    Just spray this everywhere and let it set for a few minutes so it just soaks into the lube. And then just pretty much jet wash it off. Just get in there and get it as clean as possible.
    So once your chain is clean and as dry as you can get it take the MPPL which is the Multiple Purpose Penetrant Lube. And then yea, you just apply it again to the chain, this time just to the inside and the outside. Concentrate on the inside of the roller so this can penetrate and displace any water to prevent rust and just to increase the spin, there's less friction. Once you get on the track you need to lube the chain. You take the crystal clear ChainGuard from Maxima, give it a little shake before you use it. Just apply it to the rollers, either side on the inside of the chain. Until you kinda get an even feel. Put a small amount on the top; the chain is completely covered.
    Personally I like to spray more on the inside than the outside because when you ride the centrigugal force will drive the oil through the chain. And you know you wanna have your wheel on tight. As you can see now this chain is pretty good. It reduces friction, visibly.

    (still I corrected some things like multi -> multiple, because now that you said the phrase I hear the ending; as well as some places are still not 100% clear)
    But anyways, thank you a lot!
    Are you looking for a 100% accurate transcription? I have some changes, but they don't necessarily ALL change the meaning all that much.

    I've highlighted things I hear differently in red, with what I hear in parentheses following it in blue (I left out the um's and uh's and most of the stutters). There are some punctuation errors, but I didn't mess with those. Hopefully I'm not being too nit-picky.

    (Disclaimer: I'm a native English speaker, but I'm an American, so I'm not familiar with the accent, so this might not be 100%

    Hey how is (how's) it going, my name is (name's) Oliver Stone I'm a mechanic (here) of (at) Monster Energy Procircuit Kawasaki racing team. Today I'm just gonna show you how you go about cleaning and maintaining the (your) chain.
    Okay, right. When you're done on (at) the track and you bring your bike back home you need to wash it, obviously. And what we do is we (you) take the (your) chain cleaner. You know you see you've been (And obviously you've been) on the track and and you've used your chain lube during the day, (and) the chain('s])...(stutters) the lube will be (the lube's all) flung around the front sprocket. And just apply this everywhere where there is chain lube. And (I mean) you (can) put it on the frame rails, on the chainroller, on the inside, outside, top and bottom of the (your) chain. Even the (your) chain drop where the grease has build (built) up.
    Just spray this everywhere and (then) let it (that) set for a few minutes so it just soaks into the lube. And then just pretty much jet wash it off. Just get in there and get it as clean as possible.
    So once your chain is clean and as dry as you can get it (you) take the MPPL which is the Multiple Purpose Penetrant Lube. And then yea, you just apply it again to the chain, this time just to the inside and the outside. Concentrate on the inside of the roller so this can penetrate and displace any water to prevent rust and just to increase the spin, there's/(that's) less friction. Once you get on (to) the track you need to lube the chain. You take the crystal clear ChainGuard from Maxima, give it a little shake before you use it. (And) just apply it to the rollers, either side on the inside of the chain. Until you kinda get, (like), an even feel. Put a small amount on the top; the chain is completely covered.
    Personally I like to spray more on the inside than the outside because when you ride the centrifugal force will drive the oil through the chain. And you know you wanna have your wheel on tight (don't want it all over your wheel and tire). As you can see now this chain is pretty good. It reduces friction, visibly.

    Here's a copy with just my edits:

    Hey how's it going, my name's Oliver Stone I'm a mechanic hereat Monster Energy Procircuit Kawasaki racing team. Today I'm just gonna show you how you go about cleaning and maintaining your chain.
    Okay, right. When you're done at the track and you bring your bike back home you need to wash it, obviously. And what we do is you take your chain cleaner. And obviously you've been on the track and and you've used your chain lube during the day, and the chain's...the lube's all flung around the front sprocket. And just apply this everywhere where there is chain lube. I mean you can put it on the frame rails, on the chainroller, on the inside, outside, top and bottom of your chain. Even your chain drop where the grease has built up.
    Just spray this everywhere and then let that set for a few minutes so it just soaks into the lube. And then just pretty much jet wash it off. Just get in there and get it as clean as possible.
    So once your chain is clean and as dry as you can get it you take the MPPL which is the Multiple Purpose Penetrant Lube. And then yea, you just apply it again to the chain, this time just to the inside and the outside. Concentrate on the inside of the roller so this can penetrate and displace any water to prevent rust and just to increase the spin, there's less friction. Once you get to the track you need to lube the chain. You take the crystal clear ChainGuard from Maxima, give it a little shake before you use it. And just apply it to the rollers, either side on the inside of the chain. Until you kinda get, like, an even feel. Put a small amount on the top; the chain is completely covered.
    Personally I like to spray more on the inside than the outside because when you ride the centrifugal force will drive the oil through the chain. And you don't want it all over your wheel and tire. As you can see now this chain is pretty good. It reduces friction, visibly.

    I can do the other link you posted if you want this type of feedback...Or maybe this was too picky.

  17. #17
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Thank you for your post, zxs!
    I really appreciate it. And no, don't bother with the other link, but thanks for the offer anyway
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