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Thread: Cannot understand/translate some texts in game (Sakura Spirit) - Part 2

  1. #1
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    Cannot understand/translate some texts in game (Sakura Spirit) - Part 2

    The last part of non understandable Texts for me :) The first part is here - Cannot understand/translate some texts in game (Sakura Spirit) .
    Some of questions there are still non translated.
    Be aware of spoilers for Sakura Spirit
    Green text color means question was answered!

    Text: (Thoughts) The fox girl pushed herself upright, flailing like a spoilt child at the girl, before turning tail and running through the door.
    Situation: conversation between 5 people. 2 of them are semi-cat humans (they have cat's ears and tails). `The fox girl` is one, who was shocked by the subject of the conversation.

    1. Can't find appropriate translation for `flailing like a spoilt child`.
    2. Can't understand, how can someone `flail at the girl`?
    3. Is `turning tail` means exactly `move tail from side to side`? Or is `turning tail` means `turn around`?

    Text: (Thoughts) In a rush I moved over to the spring, nearly slipping over the wet tiles in the process before I made my way into the water without any embarrassing flips through the air. I folded my robe, but kept the towel I had found around my waist.
    Situation: protagonist is going to relax in a hot spring (japan style).

    1. What is `I made my way into the water`? Is it `I got into the spring`? If it is so, what's the difference between `make way` and `get into`?
    2. I have no clue how `embarrassing flips through the air` can be translated, especially the part `through the air`.

    Text: (Girl) I mean that. Truly. To you, and the sisters. You saved me a life of service, perhaps even prevented my death.
    Situation: Girl-Guard thanks protagonist for help in village defence. `Sisters` are protagonist's friends, who participated in defence too. This Girl-Guard was caught in movement trap by attackers, so protagonist probably saved her life.
    1. How can `a life of service` be translated? What does she mean by that?

    Answers: [here were a number of answers but no consensus. I'll keep this question unanswered for some more time. Maybe someone will suggest new one]:
    1. (by xXHoax) It meant to say "You saved me from a life of service", which means someone was about to have to spend their life as a slave or something, and someone else stopped that from happening.
    2. (by Milanya) Если бы её покалечили в битве, она не смогла бы больше служить, как Guard. => If she were hurt in the battle before, she couldn't be Guard anymore.
    3. (by Eric C.) Even though no one actually says "you saved me a life of service", it sounds to me like the author meant to say "you saved me a lot of trouble".

    Text: (Protagonist to Guard-Girl) The wild spirits obviously won't be leaving the village alone just because of one loss. We're going to need to figure out on how to make them behave, and for Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan that's akin to telling you to turn on Narumi-chan.
    Situation: `wild spirits` are the attackers of a village. `Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan` are protagonist's friends, who helped with village defence. The Text told to Guard-Girl, who was immovable by trap. `Narumi-chan` the second Guard-Girl, who was stark feared by `wild spirits`, so she did nothing for defence. She stayed motionless whole time of the defence. Also protagonist says `behave`, because they all wanna try to make friends with `wild spirits`.

    1. `that's akin to telling you to turn on` - what is `be akin` in this context, and why protagonist says `turn on`?

    Text: (Elder of the village to Protagonist) Maybe you should. If you get back. The previous Elder once told me that all worlds shared the same sky. It sounded silly to me, but, maybe there's something to it.

    Situation: Protagonist will leave village soon, so he and the Elder make some conversation.

    1. Is it `maybe there's something to it` shorten version of idiom `be/have something to do with`, but without `do with` part? Is it grammatically correct?

    Text: (Guard-Girl about another one) Clearly! Maybe she's some sort of Tsundere spirit, here to be mean to us on a superhuman level!
    Situation: `Tusndere` is japanese word means `person, who for the most part behave like scold, but sometimes or it some situations, he shows a lot of kind, mercy, fond e.t.c.
    The Text said to the Guard-Girl who is really mean for the most part.


    1. `here to be` - what does it mean?

    Text: (Thoughts) She was soaked from head to toe, and she had a look that could have frozen over the fires of hades.
    Situation: Girl toppled to spring. She slipped into it almost because of the Protagonist.

    1. `she had a look` - does it mean `she looked like` or (using context of `fires of hades`) `she glared angrily`?
    2. Does `have frozen over` direct to Protagonist or it says `she froze by herself`?
    3. Is `the fires of hades` means `the fires of the Hell`?

    Text: (Thoughts) The lunge came a lot faster than I had anticipated. The wooden shaft aimed squarely at my midsection drove straight and hard, knocking me back a few steps.
    Situtation: Protagonist and Guard are fighting. The Guards uses mop.

    1. I have no idea about `drove` in `drove straight and hard`. Guess, this means something like `hit exactly to target with full strength`, but `drove` with `straight` tangle me a lot.

    Text: (Thoughts) My eyes narrowed a little, and I pulled back as a wide strike sought to lash into my side. I growled a little, feeling my anger flare, and lashed out, smacking the mop handle away with a lot of force, using the opportunity to get closer.
    Situation: Protagonist is fighting with Guard. It's not because of confrontation or something like this. They decided to practice a little. The act's location is place around a hot spring. Guard uses mop as a weapon, protagonist uses nothing but hands.

    1. Does `eyes narrowed a little` equal to `eyes were not fully shut down`? Or it is closer to `bat/blink by eyes`?
    2. How does `strike` can be `wide` in `a wide strike sought to lash into my side`? And what is the meaning of `seek to lash into someone's side`?
    3. How `mop` can be `smacked` in `smacking the mop handle away with a lot of force`? Guess, protagonist didn't eat mop :) What does `smack the mop handle away` mean? Is it `to move it away with hand from your way` or `snatch mop out`, or `disarm`?

    Text: (Girl to Protagonist) What's wrong, Taka-kun? Don't'cha wanna bond with me? Or do you just not like chocolate? I have some honey if you'd prefer that!
    Situation: Protagonist has traveled through dimension and appeared in Girl's village, where he helped her and the rest villagers to defend the village against attackers and a lot more.
    So, the Girl decided to thank him and asked friend-spirit for advise. But she didn't realise, spirit joked on her. The advise was to completely undress and lubricate/grease whole body by chocolate.
    She didn't supposed any sexual context of it (after the Text the Protagonist enlighten her, that it does have sexual context and she will apologise).


    1. How can `Don't'cha` be translated?
    2. Can't understand the meaning of `bond with me`. If it has sexual context, than it's easy to make out, but without it...

    Text: (Thoughts) Perhaps it was the excited natures of the younger foxgirl but until now I didn't notice the fact I was starting to sweat strongly, and as if on cue a dizziness spell took its hold of me.
    Situation: `foxgirl` means exactly that it says - `girl with fox parts like ears or tails`. They also can do magic.
    The Protagonist feel ill in this scene.

    1. What is `excited natures` in `excited natues of the younger foxgirl`? Maybe it's some sort of `pay attention`?

    Text: (Girl) I am so happy to hear you say that! The idea that soon you might just walk back into your own world, and that would be it, not seeing your ever again... I do not think I could handle that!

    1. `and that would be it` - I have no clue about its translation..

    Text: (Thoughts) As she said this, she giggled to herself, and leaned towards her draw, reaching for it with both hands.
    Situation: Yes, it is some 16+ game. For some reason, the Protagonist burst into a room there a girl were changing. No bra of course, like pattern of such games. She close her chest with both her hands.

    1. What is `draw` here (`leaned towards her draw`)? Is it substitution for `chest`? If so, how is it to `lean towards her chest`?

    Text: I'm neglected to tell you an important matter Takahiro-kun. The gateway into your world has opened, and will be closing again within a matter of moments. Unfortunately, if you wish to return to your world, you must leave now.

    1. What is `matter` in both `important matter` and `within a matter of moments`?
    Last edited by Lampada; May 7th, 2015 at 03:46 AM. Reason: Я поменяла зелёный салатовый на более тёмный зелёный

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    Text: (Thoughts) The fox girl pushed herself upright, flailing like a spoilt child at the girl, before turning tail and running through the door.
    Situation: conversation between 5 peoples. 2 of them are semi-cat humans (they have cat's ears and tails). `The fox girl` is one, who was shocked by the subject of the conversation.
    Can't find appropriate translation for `flailing like a spoilt child`.
    Can't understand, how can someone `flail at the girl`?
    Is `turning tail` means exactly `move tail from side to side`? Or is `turning tail` means `turn around`?

    *5 people. "Person" is considered the singular, and "people" is considered the plural. In special situation one can say "persons" and "peoples" though.

    Anyway, "spoilt" is some form (that I should totally know what is, but I don't really) of the much more common word "spoiled". When talking about food, it means expired, but a spoiled person, is one who is...arrogant, I guess. If someone gives their child everything they ask for, the child usually gains a "spoiled" personality. It's mainly connected with entitlement. It's often used in regards to children. Flailing means swinging around. (google "flail", medieval weapon). I imagine the person's arm are swinging around violently. "turning tail" sounds like a southern U.S. accent to me, very strange way to say that she turned around. I think it was meant to be a pun, since... You know... Cats... and tails...
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Thoughts) The fox girl pushed herself upright, flailing like a spoilt child at the girl, before turning tail and running through the door.
    Situation: conversation between 5 peoples. 2 of them are semi-cat humans (they have cat's ears and tails). `The fox girl` is one, who was shocked by the subject of the conversation.
    Can't find appropriate translation for `flailing like a spoilt child`. Размахивала руками, как балованный ребёнок, пытаясь ударить того, кто ей не нравится. (может быть имеется в виду капризный избалованный ребёнок, который закатывает истерики по любому поводу.)
    Can't understand, how can someone `flail at the girl`? Размахивать руками с целью ударить. Вы когда-нибудь видели как размахивают руками в драке люди, не умеющие драться?
    Is `turning tail` means exactly `move tail from side to side`? Or is `turning tail` means `turn around`? turn tail - удрать, броситься наутёк Turn tail | Define Turn tail at
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    Контекст - (от лат. contextus - соединение - связь), относительно законченный отрывок письменной или устной речи (текста), в пределах которого наиболее точно выявляется значение отдельных входящих в него слов, выражений и т. п.

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    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Thoughts) In a rush I moved over to the spring, nearly slipping over the wet tiles in the process before I made my way into the water without any embarrassing flips through the air. I folded my robe, but kept the towel I had found around my waist.
    Situation: protagonist is going to relax in a hot spring (japan style).
    What is `I made my way into the water`? Is it `I got into the spring`? В этом контексте, да. Маке my way здесь можно перевести, как "добрался". Is it is so, what's the difference between `make way` and `get into`? Зависит от контекста. "make one's way" Make one's way | Define Make one's way at
    I have no clue how `embarrassing flips through the air` can be translated, especially the part `through the air`. А когда по-русски об упавшем говорят, что он "полетел", вы понимаете?
    nexen likes this.
    Контекст - (от лат. contextus - соединение - связь), относительно законченный отрывок письменной или устной речи (текста), в пределах которого наиболее точно выявляется значение отдельных входящих в него слов, выражений и т. п.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXHoax View Post
    1. ...
    Quote Originally Posted by Milanya View Post
    1. ...
    Big thanks for both of you!
    Спасибо Вам большое!

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    2. I tried explaining these, I think it's best that a native russian speaker handle this one.

    3. I have no idea... That doesn't really make sense to me either. The "me a life of service" part is very strange. "you saved my life" is what it probably should say. "You saved me a life of service." means one of two things:
    a. This writer is a non-native speaker of english.
    b. It meant to say "You saved me from a life of service", which means someone was about to have to spend their life as a slave or something, and someone else stopped that from happening.

    If you ask me, a. Unless there's a large piece of missing context.

    4.Text: (Protagonist to Guard-Girl) The wild spirits obviously won't be leaving the village alone just because of one loss. We're going to need to figure out on how to make them behave, and for Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan that's akin to telling you to turn on Narumi-chan.
    Situation: `wild spirits` are the attackers of a village. `Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan` are protagonist's friends, who helped with village defence. The Text told to Guard-Girl, who was immovable by trap. `Narumi-chan` the second Guard-Girl, who was stark feared by `wild spirits`, so she did nothing for defence. She stayed motionless whole time of the defence. Also protagonist says `behave`, because they all wanna try to make friends with `wild spirits`.
    `that's akin to telling you to turn on` - what is `be akin` in this context, and why protagonist says `turn on`?

    OKAY... "figure out on" has never been said ever by a native english speaker. No question. I don't know if this is the best source for a learner. The "turn on" part is odd to me. Either not enough context, OR poor translation done by the writer, OR they're talking about sexually arousing Narumi-chan. Turn on + person = sexually arouse. 100% of the time, unless they are a robot. As for "akin", this is a good word to learn, even though it's not extremely common. It's a more intelligent word to say "similar to", " the same as". You're not going to hear some modern day gangster (nowadays, spelled "gangsta") saying "akin to". But a speech given to a group of people, it's a great word to use.

    5. "...there's something to...". It's grammatically correct, I guess. It means "it" might have some real importance. Maybe there's something important about it. It's a set phrase, so you can fill in either side to put it into a sentence. It think there's something to what he says.
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  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Girl) I mean that. Truly. To you, and the sisters. You saved me a life of service, perhaps even prevented my death.
    Situation: Girl-Guard thanks protagonist for help in village defence. `Sisters` are protagonist's friends, who participated in defence too. This Girl-Guard was caught in movement trap by attackers, so protagonist probably saved her life.
    How can `a life of service` be translated? What does she mean by that? Если бы её покалечили в битве, она не смогла бы больше служить, как Guard.
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    Контекст - (от лат. contextus - соединение - связь), относительно законченный отрывок письменной или устной речи (текста), в пределах которого наиболее точно выявляется значение отдельных входящих в него слов, выражений и т. п.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milanya View Post
    Text: (Thoughts) In a rush I moved over to the spring, nearly slipping over the wet tiles in the process before I made my way into the water without any embarrassing flips through the air. I folded my robe, but kept the towel I had found around my waist.
    Situation: protagonist is going to relax in a hot spring (japan style).
    What is `I made my way into the water`? Is it `I got into the spring`? В этом контексте, да. Маке my way здесь можно перевести, как "добрался". Is it is so, what's the difference between `make way` and `get into`? Зависит от контекста. "make one's way" Make one's way | Define Make one's way at
    I have no clue how `embarrassing flips through the air` can be translated, especially the part `through the air`. А когда по-русски об упавшем говорят, что он "полетел", вы понимаете?
    Не уверен, что когда-то слышал на русском что-то типа "В спешке я двинулся к горячему источнику и, почти подскользнувшись в процессе, залез в него безо всяких полетов." Последняя часть меня настораживает. Не могу представить адекватного русского перевода. Тем более не могу представить, как это - "полететь" в горячий источник.

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    Even though no one actually says "you saved me a life of service", it sounds to me like the author meant to say "you saved me a lot of trouble".
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  10. #10
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Protagonist to Guard-Girl) The wild spirits obviously won't be leaving the village alone just because of one loss. We're going to need to figure out on how to make them behave, and for Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan that's akin to telling you to turn on Narumi-chan.
    Situation: `wild spirits` are the attackers of a village. `Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan` are protagonist's friends, who helped with village defence. The Text told to Guard-Girl, who was immovable by trap. `Narumi-chan` the second Guard-Girl, who was stark feared by `wild spirits`, so she did nothing for defence. She stayed motionless whole time of the defence. Also protagonist says `behave`, because they all wanna try to make friends with `wild spirits`.
    `that's akin to telling you to turn on` - what is `be akin` in this context, and why protagonist says `turn on`? то же самое, как если бы они сказали тебе напасть на ...
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    Контекст - (от лат. contextus - соединение - связь), относительно законченный отрывок письменной или устной речи (текста), в пределах которого наиболее точно выявляется значение отдельных входящих в него слов, выражений и т. п.

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    А зачем вам русский перевод? Вам нужно понять, что сначала герой поскользнулся, но всё-таки смог добраться до горячего ключа не упав.
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    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Elder of the village to Protagonist) Maybe you should. If you get back. The previous Elder once told me that all words shared the same sky. It sounded silly to me, but, maybe there's something to it.
    Situation: Protagonist will leave village soon, so he and the Elder make some conversation.
    Is it `maybe there's something to it` shorten version of idiom `be/have something to do with`, but without `do with` part? Is it grammatically correct? - это, может быть, и правда. (что-то в этих словах есть)
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    Контекст - (от лат. contextus - соединение - связь), относительно законченный отрывок письменной или устной речи (текста), в пределах которого наиболее точно выявляется значение отдельных входящих в него слов, выражений и т. п.

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Thoughts) The lunge came a lot faster than I had anticipated. The wooden shaft aimed squarely at my midsection drove straight and hard, knocking me back a few steps.
    Situtation: Protagonist and Guard are fighting. The Guards uses mop.
    I have no idea about `drove` in `drove straight and hard`. Guess, this means something like `hit exactly to target with full strength`, but `drove` with `straight` tangle me a lot. Правильная догадка. "drive" is a synonym of "push."
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    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Thoughts) She was soaked from head to toe, and she had a look that could have frozen over the fires of hades.
    Situation: Girl toppled to spring. She slipped into it almost because of the Protagonist.
    `she had a look` - does it mean `she looked like` or (using context of `fires of hades`) `she glared angrily`?
    Does `have frozen over` direct to Protagonist or it says `she froze by herself`?
    Is `the fires of hades` means `the fires of the Hell`? - Посмотрела так холодно, что и ад бы замёрз. А почему ад это Hades - почитайте греческие мифы.
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  15. #15
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Thoughts) My eyes narrowed a little, and I pulled back as a wide strike sought to lash into my side. I growled a little, feeling my anger flare, and lashed out, smacking the mop handle away with a lot of force, using the opportunity to get closer.
    Situation: Protagonist is fighting with Guard. It's not because of confrontation or something like this. They decided to practice a little. The act's location is place around a hot spring. Guard uses mop as a weapon, protagonist uses nothing but hands.
    Does `eyes narrowed a little` equal to `eyes were not fully shut down`? Or it is closer to `bat/blink by eyes`? прищурился слегка
    How does `strike` can be `wide` А как можно широко размахнуться, вы понимаете? in `a wide strike sought to lash into my side`? And what is the meaning of `seek to lash into someone's side`?
    How `mop` can be `smacked` in `smacking the mop handle away with a lot of force`? Guess, protagonist didn't eat mop smack - verb (used with object) 1. to strike sharply, especially with the open hand or a flat object. Smack | Define Smack at
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  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин Milanya's Avatar
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    Text: (Girl to Protagonist) What's wrong, Taka-kun? Don't'cha wanna bond with me? Or do you just not like chocolate? I have some honey if you'd prefer that!
    Situation: Protagonist has traveled through dimension and appeared in Girl's village, where he helped her and the rest villagers to defend the village against attackers and a lot more.
    So, the Girl decided to thank him and asked friend-spirit for advise. But she didn't realise, spirit joked on her. The advise was to completely undress and lubricate/grease whole body by chocolate.
    She didn't supposed any sexual context of it (after the Text the Protagonist enlighten her, that it does have sexual context and she will apologise).
    How can `Don't'cha` be translated? - Don't you (slang)
    Can't understand the meaning of `bond with me`. If it has sexual context, than it's easy to make out, but without it... bond - to establish a close emotional relationship to or with (another):
    the special period when a mother bonds to her infant. Bond | Define Bond at
    Контекст - (от лат. contextus - соединение - связь), относительно законченный отрывок письменной или устной речи (текста), в пределах которого наиболее точно выявляется значение отдельных входящих в него слов, выражений и т. п.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xXHoax View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Milanya View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Updated first post. Added your answers for #3 with authorship nickname. Hope, you are not opposite of it.

    Thanks for answers!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXHoax View Post
    2. I tried explaining these, I think it's best that a native russian speaker handle this one.

    3. I have no idea... That doesn't really make sense to me either. The "me a life of service" part is very strange. "you saved my life" is what it probably should say. "You saved me a life of service." means one of two things:
    a. This writer is a non-native speaker of english.
    b. It meant to say "You saved me from a life of service", which means someone was about to have to spend their life as a slave or something, and someone else stopped that from happening.

    If you ask me, a. Unless there's a large piece of missing context.

    4.Text: (Protagonist to Guard-Girl) The wild spirits obviously won't be leaving the village alone just because of one loss. We're going to need to figure out on how to make them behave, and for Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan that's akin to telling you to turn on Narumi-chan.
    Situation: `wild spirits` are the attackers of a village. `Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan` are protagonist's friends, who helped with village defence. The Text told to Guard-Girl, who was immovable by trap. `Narumi-chan` the second Guard-Girl, who was stark feared by `wild spirits`, so she did nothing for defence. She stayed motionless whole time of the defence. Also protagonist says `behave`, because they all wanna try to make friends with `wild spirits`.
    `that's akin to telling you to turn on` - what is `be akin` in this context, and why protagonist says `turn on`?

    OKAY... "figure out on" has never been said ever by a native english speaker. No question. I don't know if this is the best source for a learner. The "turn on" part is odd to me. Either not enough context, OR poor translation done by the writer, OR they're talking about sexually arousing Narumi-chan. Turn on + person = sexually arouse. 100% of the time, unless they are a robot. As for "akin", this is a good word to learn, even though it's not extremely common. It's a more intelligent word to say "similar to", " the same as". You're not going to hear some modern day gangster (nowadays, spelled "gangsta") saying "akin to". But a speech given to a group of people, it's a great word to use.

    5. "...there's something to...". It's grammatically correct, I guess. It means "it" might have some real importance. Maybe there's something important about it. It's a set phrase, so you can fill in either side to put it into a sentence. It think there's something to what he says.
    3. I guess, author is English speaker. The game is not a translation of something. It's game created by English company. Here a link to it in Steam - Sakura Spirit on Steam

    4. The same. I think, they are English. I know about sexual meaning of `turn on`, but it makes no sence in game. No sexual context at all in scene #4. That's why it is sound strange for me too.
    Below Milanya suggested her translation. I think, she is right. Her anwer:
    `for them (Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan) it is like attacking Narumi-chan for you`. It makes sence, because `Maeko-chan & Machiko-chan` are fox-girls (spirits). So `to make wild spirits behave` can be read as `to force them`. Do you think it can be right translation?

    5. But how `it` can `think`? What is `it`?
    Also I made a mistake in this one. `words` == `worlds`. I corrected myself in the post.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milanya View Post
    Text: (Protagonist to Guard-Girl) The wild spirits obviously won't be leaving the village alone just because of one loss. We're going to need to figure out on how to make them behave, and for Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan that's akin to telling you to turn on Narumi-chan.
    Situation: `wild spirits` are the attackers of a village. `Maeko-chan and Machiko-chan` are protagonist's friends, who helped with village defence. The Text told to Guard-Girl, who was immovable by trap. `Narumi-chan` the second Guard-Girl, who was stark feared by `wild spirits`, so she did nothing for defence. She stayed motionless whole time of the defence. Also protagonist says `behave`, because they all wanna try to make friends with `wild spirits`.
    `that's akin to telling you to turn on` - what is `be akin` in this context, and why protagonist says `turn on`? то же самое, как если бы они сказали тебе напасть на ...
    Очень интересное предложение! Я прикинул, оно и правда может иметь место быть. Правда чуточку по другому. Если интересно, вот как бы я перевел Text, используя ваше предложение (начиная с We're going):

    `Нам (всем, включая Maeko&Machiko) нужно подумать, как заставить (behave в грубой форме) их (духов) вести себя "по человечески", но для Maeko и Machiko это тоже самое, как если бы ты применил силу к Наруми`

    Думаю, тут связь в том, что для Maeko&Machiko идти против сородичей не очень прияно.

    Quote Originally Posted by Milanya
    А зачем вам русский перевод? Вам нужно понять, что сначала герой поскользнулся, но всё-таки смог добраться до горячего ключа не упав.
    Я лишь пытаюсь понять, почему автор не использовал обычных слов типа "without falling down". Скорее всего, он хотел что-то подчеркнуть, например, что Protagonist хотел прыгнуть бочкой в источник с разбегу или, наоборот, что он старался идти спокойно и нормально, но мало того, что чуть не упал на tiles, так ещё и чуть ли не кувырком залетел в источник.
    Для меня способ изучить английский = понять, что же хотел подчеркнуть автор.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milanya View Post
    Text: (Elder of the village to Protagonist) Maybe you should. If you get back. The previous Elder once told me that all words shared the same sky. It sounded silly to me, but, maybe there's something to it.
    Situation: Protagonist will leave village soon, so he and the Elder make some conversation.
    Is it `maybe there's something to it` shorten version of idiom `be/have something to do with`, but without `do with` part? Is it grammatically correct? - это, может быть, и правда. (что-то в этих словах есть)
    Да, я тоже так подумал, как видно в Problem. Во всяком случае, такой перевод имел бы смысл.
    Но подобная форма нигде не встречается, во всяком случае интернет ничем не помог в этом. Вы уверены, что обе формы идентичны?

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