
Меня зовут Маркос, мне 20 года и я из англии. Я люблю русский, но я немного понимаю. Я могу немного читать, но я медленно!

Я изучении по-русский в моя свободное время!

С уважением,


Hi there, sorry for the terrible Russian! I've never had any lessons at all, I just really like the language and alphabet and decided to have a crack at learning. I can do the accent well according to one of our Russian IT clients, but now I need to learn the language properly!

As I tried to say above, I learn in my free time, which is usually at lunch at work. I found this forum, and it's already helped me out!

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I can offer English help in return if anyone wants it!

Cheers guys!