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Thread: Привет!

  1. #1
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    Меня зовут Маркос, мне 20 года и я из англии. Я люблю русский, но я немного понимаю. Я могу немного читать, но я медленно!

    Я изучении по-русский в моя свободное время!

    С уважением,


    Hi there, sorry for the terrible Russian! I've never had any lessons at all, I just really like the language and alphabet and decided to have a crack at learning. I can do the accent well according to one of our Russian IT clients, but now I need to learn the language properly!

    As I tried to say above, I learn in my free time, which is usually at lunch at work. I found this forum, and it's already helped me out!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, I can offer English help in return if anyone wants it!

    Cheers guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi Dukes, write me here:
    I think I can help you with Russian (I'm from Moscow myself)

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Hi! My name is Aleksey, Russian is my native language, I can help you.
    ivanov_alexey09 on

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин Demonic_Duck's Avatar
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    Привет Маркос! Всегда хорошо видеть другого англичанина здесь!

    Hi Marcus, it's always good to see another Englishman here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dukes View Post

    Меня зовут Маркос, мне 20 лет и я из Англии. Я люблю русский, но я немного понимаю. Я могу немного читать, но я медленен!

    Я учусь русскому в своё свободное время!

    С уважением,

    N.B. Don't be misled by the ending - «время» is a neuter noun, not a feminine one. Another common misleading noun is «имя» ("name") - also neuter.
    Демоническая Утка
    Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonic_Duck View Post
    N.B. Don't be misled by the ending - «время» is a neuter noun, not a feminine one. Another common misleading noun is «имя» ("name") - also neuter.
    Also, declension of such words is really weird.

  6. #6
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    Yep, definitely got loads to learn!

    Cheers for the replies though. I'm aiming to get to conversational level, so a little way to go yet, but hopefully what I've written made some sense at least!

    I'm pretty shoddy at English when it comes to knowing grammatical and language-type terms, so to try and do it in Russian too is going to be a laugh.

    Anyone know any decent books at all? I might look at picking up a GCSE level textbook, could be a good start.

    Or if anyone has an old one they're looking at getting rid of, count me in!

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин Demonic_Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dukes View Post
    Cheers for the replies though. I'm aiming to get to conversational level, so a little way to go yet, but hopefully what I've written made some sense at least!
    Well it mostly made sense... can't expect to get it 100% right first time (in fact I can't remember a time where I've ever submitted an exercise and got it 100% right first time).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dukes View Post
    I'm pretty shoddy at English when it comes to knowing grammatical and language-type terms, so to try and do it in Russian too is going to be a laugh.
    Interesting that you should say that actually - the strange thing is, you will probably learn about English in the course of learning Russian. The German writer Goethe once said "He who knows no foreign language knows not his mother tongue", and it's true. The more you learn about the differences between Russian and English, the more you get to know English itself (for instance, Russia has cases whilst English has none, English has a complex tense system whilst the Russian one is comparatively simple).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dukes View Post
    Anyone know any decent books at all? I might look at picking up a GCSE level textbook, could be a good start.
    Personally I think The New Penguin Russian Course is good, you can get it for under £4 on Amazon (I found this out after paying £12 for it in Waterstones, lol). It goes from absolute beginner level to equivalent of A-level standard. It's not perfect, some people complain it has too few exercises in, it certainly won't teach you perfect pronunciation as there is no audio, and it focuses quite a lot on grammar (personally I like this aspect, but a lot of people would hate it). But I'd still definitely recommend it.

    There are many, many sites that have audio clips - use them. This site has some, Livemocha has some, even Wiktionary has some. Also adding native Russian speakers to chat with on Skype will help you.

    (I think I made this post way too long... oh well )
    Демоническая Утка
    Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!

  8. #8
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    Thanks a lot Demonic_Duck, that's really helpful! Going to nab that book, it's just what I've been looking for.

    As for learning a bit more about English, I've been talking to a penpal I met on here, and I've already started picking up on different ways our language works - must be hard for Russians - or anyone for that matter, to learn English. It's a right pain!

    Just annoyed how crap British schools are for making us learn languages - it should be forced upon I think!

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