Так так так. Так так так? ТАК ТАК ТАК!
Я люблю так! Что значит так?![]()
Так так так. Так так так? ТАК ТАК ТАК!
Я люблю так! Что значит так?![]()
Я люблю так doesnt exist breda, try again. basically так meanz so, that way etc etc i too smoked to explain so sorry
"I love the word 'так'" is what I was getting at.
i think it means "the same", "the following mean", "the equal"
sometimes it is expletive word. Sometimes it means "yes"
it has a lot of interpretations, depending on the context
Я так люблю сладости! - i like sweets a lot...here "так" as strengthening. It describes how strong he or she likes sweets.
Я бы сделал работу так же - here it means "the same"
А теперь напишите предложение вот так = "the following"
It can be used like "well":
- Well-well-well, what do we have?
- Так-так-так, что мы имеем?
It's a way for concentrate on your thoughts.
You can also say "так-так?" when somebody is explaining something. It's a way to show interest.
Так да не так -- similar to "yes and no", in a way. But they are used differently.
In Ukrainian "так" means "yes". In Russian it often has similar meaning with some additional nuances like "Yes, please continue."
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
"Так, так, так - говорит пулеметчик (well-well-well)
Так-так- так - говорит пулемет" (onomatopoeia)
(a song)
так = таким образом = this way
А я так всегда это делаю. = I always do it this way.
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
In that case, я люблю слово "так" would make it a bit more clear.
As people have said, it has various possible translations, but I'd say that the most basic meanings are "so; so much; thus; thusly."
Also, note that it can serve as a counterpart (and answer) to как, which can be an interrogative meaning "how?" or a conjunction meaning "as; like". Sometimes так and как are paired in a sentence, and in such contexts, так signifies "the same way":
Мария ответила на вопрос так же, как Борис. ("Maria answered the question the same way that Boris did.")
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