How do you say "Privacy" in Russian? A book I was reading suggested that such a word does not exist in Russian or that it cannot be adequately translated.
How do you say "Privacy" in Russian? A book I was reading suggested that such a word does not exist in Russian or that it cannot be adequately translated.
If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)
This word in English is too general (it has too many meanings). To translate concrete phrase a context is needed. Sometimes one-word translation is possible, sometimes (often) not.Originally Posted by quartz
Yes, this word can easily make a problem in translation.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
Is it possible to please list some examples on how the word can be used in Russian?Originally Posted by it-ogo
Thank you,
Originally Posted by Multilex
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
Thank you.Originally Posted by it-ogo
privacy: freedom from unauthorized intrusion -- ex. right to privacyOriginally Posted by it-ogo
none of these seem adequate
If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)
I think that the word "privacy" may be translated in many ways depending on the context. These will be typical contexts familiar to any Russian:
конфиденциальность (confidentiality)
тайна личной переписки (the privacy of personal correspondence)
личные права (personal rights)
неприкосновенность частной жизни (the immunity of personal life)
частная жизнь (personal life)
секретность (secrecy)
уединение (solitude)
уединенность (solitude)
тайна (secrecy)
прайвеси (this is just a translit version of an English word. It's NOT a Russian word.)
интимность личной жизни (the intimacy of personal life)
интимная сфера (the area of intimacy)
личное дело (personal case/business)
~ Мастерадминов Мастерадмин Мастерадминович ~
Приватность [privatnost']
Новое в русском языке?Originally Posted by vKahovsky
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
А что, в СМИ часто встречается.Originally Posted by Lampada
уединение, "личное пространство"Originally Posted by quartz
Generally, privacy is not a plain English word, but a whole concept. A concept which is natural to every English speaker but it had been alien to Russian mentality in Soviet times, so there can't be a straightforward translation to it. In different situations this word should be translated differently. Context is very important for correct translation.
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