Рашид Нургалиев - министр внутренних дел РФ
Рашид Нургалиев - министр внутренних дел РФ
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Я знала его отчество, но как-то никогда не задумывалась, почему оно такое.Originally Posted by BappaBa
Ну все-таки он наверняка не 100% татарин, мама русская, наверняка.
Обожаю его, воть.![]()
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
So they *sometimes* have a little bit darker complexion than average Russians, and they have higher cheekbones...
I don't think I would notice it.
If I met these people somewhere in Europe, and had to guess their nationalities, then I would guess:
Геннадий Рашидович Сайфулин --German.
Сергей Шакуров --- Scandinavian
Юрий Шевчук ---- Greek
Рашид Нургалиев (without uniform!) is harder, but I would probably guess he was Greek or Turkish. He could even be Lapp, I suppose, because he's got slightly Asian looking eyes and high cheekbones.
I guess that's what happens when one single country is larger than the whole European continent.
Да, мама, похоже, русская.Originally Posted by Оля
+ мильён. =)Originally Posted by Оля
HahahahahaOriginally Posted by Johanna
ohohohohohhahahahahaOriginally Posted by Johanna
Sometimes it's very amusing to know what foreigners imagine about us.![]()
I know a Tatar girl that worked for a municipality as the head of the administrative department; and she was so stupid that her chief finally demoted her. She came from Tatarstan and she thought that people grabed millions here in Moscow and she demanded a personal car and other things. She told her chief that puplic transport was uncomfortable for people like she was.
Anyhow, she was a beautiful girl and I think the predecessor of her chief gave her that position because of some other things, not because of her skills. Actually, the predecessor was fired as being embroiled in a corruption row.
And one more story if i'm not too boring.
One day there were the Days of Belaruss in Moscow, and there were a lot of concerts and other public entertainment. A chief of municipality who was a Tatar gathered his staff and tole them: "please take part in entertainments, support our slavic brothers". Then after a short pause and he corrected himself: "I mean YOUR slavic brothers".
Портрет татарина
Портрет Аслу
I'm a bit familiar with the ethymology of the word Tatar. The truth is that the present ethnic Tatars called themselves the Bulgars (Булгары - the stress is on у) I don't know whether the rumors that the population of present Bulgaria has migrated from the middle Volga to the Balkans fleeing from the Mongols invasion are true, but the Slavs called Tatars nearly all tribes that dwelled beyond the Volga river. The Slavs heard their native tongues and they heard 'tar-tar-tar'. There is a term 'татаро-монгольское нашествие' which describes an ivasion of Genghis Khan who drove all the tribes he met in his march to the West into his army. So one could find a representative of nearly all nations that lived to the East from the Volga river there, but the Slavs called all of them either Tartars or Mongols.
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Remember that not everyone of these people is 100% Tatar. For example, Сергей Шакуров's mother was Russian. Also, I don't know if his father was 100% Tatar. His appearance is completely Russian/European for me. And I want to add that he's a great actor.Originally Posted by Johanna
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
100% looks Italian!Originally Posted by mishau_
Thanks Ramil - the explanation about Bulgaria makes a lot of sense. That fellow, Nurgaliev could be Bulgarian too. I just didn't think of it because I hardly know anybody from there, and I haven't been there. But I dated a guy from there for a short while, here in London. He looked quite a bit like Nurgaliev, although younger.
http://news.km.ru/v_kazani_proshel_antirusskij_marOriginally Posted by Ramil
В столице Татарстана 12 октября прошел очередной, 20-й по счету т. н. «День памяти защитников Казани», павших при взятии города войсками Ивана Грозного, ежегодно используемый татарскими националистами для пропаганды своих идей, попахивающих откровенной русофобией.
Я также помню бесконечные попытки отделения Татарстана, и введение латиницы в качестве татарского алфавита, и в конце концов, татары - большей частью мусульмане, а тарарский язык - второй по распространённости в России после русского - ближе к узбекскому. Правда, сколько слышал татарскую речь, все звуки в произношении похожи на русские, поэтому в непривычки кажется что это русский со словами задом наперед.
Johanna, any1, would you like to try to learn the Tarar language?![]()
I'm aware of this, but I travel there quite often and I have many relatives (my father's branch) living there. Tatarstan simply cannot separate from Russia even if the Tatars really wanted to (which they don't. Besides, the republic has a great deal of autonomy from the center). There are few nationalists but nobody takes them seriously enough. Do not forget that a great deal of Russians, and other nationalities live in Tatarstan and the fact that many Tatars are interbred with other ethnic groups and a great many of Tatars live outside Tatarstan in other parts of Russia - in Siberia, for example.Originally Posted by mishau_
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I know a guy, Russian, who grew up in Kazan and he suffered from constant hooligan attacks when he was a teenager because he was Russian. Here in Moscow we, teenagers, also liked to beat everyone from farther disctricts, but if we were from the same yard, the same street, we never fought, no matter what nationality we were.Originally Posted by Ramil
I know a Tatar who lives next door. He is an alcoholic and he drinks so much that any Russian drunkard could be full of jealosy. However, he is not a bad pal at all. Never pays debts though.Originally Posted by Ramil
Just dug up this for you, Johanna, right a few days ago.
hope it's easy enough for you to understand
17-18 октября в Кирове прошла XII Открытая командная олимпиада школьников по программированию. Олимпиада, которая проходила в 12-ый раз, является традиционной и уже получила всероссийское признание, ее участниками и призерами наряду с учащимися школ Кирова и Кировской области являются школьники из Москвы и Московской области, Казани, Ижевска, Чебоксар, Набережных Челнов, Сыктывкара, Нижнекамска, Озерска.
В этом году первое место заняла команда г. Казани, лицей при КГУ (Ключников, Баширов, Грачев). Второе место заняла команда г. Мытищи, Мытищинская Школа программистов (Ермичев, Ляпин, Журавлев). Хозяевам турнира - г. Кирову в этом году досталось лишь третье место (Тарасов, Южанин, Суворов), а лучшая Московская команда - на 6 месте.![]()
А питерцы чёт ваще в углу мира.
Мытищи also win a lot in Russian olympiads. I din't know.
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