Wow. And how do you know this? Did you talk with ALL the men and ALL the women?
This is just typical. In most marriages the men are elder than women - that's just statistics. Girls start to engage in relations earlier than boys. As I remember by 15 years most girls already had boyfriends and had tried all kinds of sex, were going to night clubs while for me all this stuff was like another planet.

Do not twist my words. I said that men should be arrested for using underage girls for sex. There is no "love" in that.
You said you want me to be arrested. This is what you said. For what by the way?

Anyway I wonder why you want arrested people who did nothing wrong to you.

Of course you may feel strong about your own children but bear in mind that not all parents experience the same feelings as you do. Many allow their children sexual freedom or encourage them to find a boyfriend from early age, 13 or 14.

Do not twist my words. I said that men should be arrested for using underage girls for sex.
"Underage" differs from country to country, in the US the consent age is highest in the world and they are trying to impose it on the rest, coupled with other feminist laws aimed at men, while promoting gay and lesbian relations.

In 2003 the pro-US activists raised the age of consent from 14 to 16 in Russia. Tens of thousands of young people has been imprisoned for their love following this law.
Given such consequences, the law has been amended last year: the sex with any sexually mature girl is not punishable any longer, thus effectively restoring the Soviet law.

I would say that it is not only my opinion that this movement to increase sex age and the witch hunt came here from the USA.