It's funny, because all of these American dating books are coming out and telling today's woman why they are so miserable in their dating lives. One of the things is "Don't pay your own way. Let a man be a man and treat you like a lady." These dating authors were arguing that commitment phobia and men not wanting to get married didn't exist the 1950's, but it all came after the feminist movement.

I have very good male American friends and my female friends' husbands that say they derive great pleasure in providing for the woman they love, even if they know she's capable of paying her own way. When I look at married couples that are really happy, the wife tells me that she rarely if ever had to go dutch.

I'm glad to see that some people here see my point of view. My ex said that "most men wouldn't want to date you if you think like that", but he was also the first boyfriend to bring up this topic. My previous ex-boyfriends from my culture never once asked me to go dutch. They would even get offended when I offered to pay.

During our first few months of dating, that was when he made the "Russian women are golddigging h*s" comment. I chose to ignore it, but that was a red flag on how he viewed women and money.