I don't like that people get bashed but I looked at this article again. There are some serious problems.
36 Photos From Russia That Everyone Needs To See

31. Meanwhile, Russian lawmakers passed a bill barring same-sex foreign couples from adopting Russian children.
The author is using the gay bashing to support letting gay Americans adopt Russian kids. That's way wrong! Russia is protecting those kids and they should protect them!
Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years — RT News
Another adopted Russian boy beaten to death in US — RT USA

I support the ban on USA adoptions of Russian kids 100%.
I also support the Russian Gay Progaganda law. There is no reason to parade again if they already know what happens when they do that.

Anyway, all those things are Russian issues for Russia to decide about and the rest of the world should not interfere. Our country already interferes way too much and it doesn't help anybody except America.
I don't get why any country wants to be like America. Tons of horrible things are happening in our country.

Back to Snowden. Yeah, we had a huge cookout at the lake today and I didn't see the news till we got home. So, Snowden will still have to wait longer. But he stayed there that long and didn't have to change his clothes? That's freedom!