Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
Totally agree. Russia's got the right end of the stick. People's sexuality should be a private matter, not something to display in parades, in particularly for gay people, since it's offensive to many.
It's one thing to persecute people for their sexuality (wrong), but quite another to allow a minority to ram their peculiar and potentially offensive sexuality down the throat of people who find it offensive, as happens with gay pride parades. I'm against pornography as well, for that matter. Sexuality should be private.
Yeah, I don't like seeing people getting hurt but sex is a private thing and there's no reason to have it in a parade.

Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
I have many close friends who are gay and lesbian. Not only do I go to the parades, I proudly support my friends and I am happy to have the freedom to do so. The US never WAS a "Christian" nation although right-wing religio-fascists are doing their utmost to turn it into a religious totalitarian state. You have the right to be Christian here, but you do NOT have the right to force ME to adhere to your beliefs.

People don't "WANT" to be gay. Who would willingly choose to be attacked and hated their whole life? They are born gay. It's in their DNA. I expect that you and others will disagree, but I've heard your arguments before, so don't bother because I will only block and ignore you. You will certainly gain lots of support for your beliefs in Russia, I am sorry to say. But you will also discover, perhaps someday, that beating the hell out of people just because they are different than you is WRONG. Right now, it's just gay people who are persecuted. Later on, perhaps others can be added to that list. Hitler also started out that way.

If you support actions like this...

36 Photos From Russia That Everyone Needs To See

...then I am very sorry for you, but I am a lot MORE sorry for the young people who are being beaten and killed by ignorant, homophobic haters like you.

I agree with Putin about Snowden. That does not mean I am in lockstep with everything else he does. Not by a LONG SHOT.
Okay, I didn't write that very well.
"Grandad said that America was a Christian country but now it's not. They let people do almost anything here. Even gay parades." -- That's what grandad said. I was just repeating it.
"We never go to those or even watch them." -- My parents never take me to gay parades. That's not a topic they even want to discuss. But I'm not gay so that's cool.

Gay bashing is just wrong in so many ways! I've heard that happens in public schools too but I've never seen it because I'm in home-school and it never happens here.
And no, I don't have the right to tell anyone what to believe. Religion is personal. People have to decide what they believe about life.
Me? I'm a Christian and I believe the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and that there were dinosaurs and there could be people living on exoplanets in space somewhere. Grandad is a Christian too but he has a different way of believing.

About President Putin. I already said in my first post that no country is perfect. So he's not perfect but I think he's doing a good job... better than President Obama. My little brother could do a better job than Obama.