Originally Posted by starrysky
Думаете вы, что мужчина с ответсвенностью, например глава рода, чаще - честный гражданин?Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Originally Posted by starrysky
Думаете вы, что мужчина с ответсвенностью, например глава рода, чаще - честный гражданин?Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
Я думаю, что нормальные люди становятся умнее и мудрее с годами, и начинают больше ценить жизнь -- свою и чужую. Товарищи скинхеды, конечно, вряд ли когда поумнеют.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Скинхед ли - мэр Москвы, Юрий Лужков?![]()
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
Это совершенно нормально, стремиться сделать так, чтобы дворниками в наших дворах и рабочими на стройках были бы жители Москвы или подмосковья вместо граждан солнечного Таджикистана. Зарплата дворника по документам составляет около 25 000 рублей в месяц. Я уверена в Москве найдутся студенты, которые взялись бы выполнить эту работу за такие деньги. Что касается строек, конечно, эксплуатировать нелегальных мигрантов легче. Но и Путин В.В., и Медведев Д.А., и Лужков Ю.М. - настаивают на "...цивилизованных отношениях в сфере трудовой миграции..." А всякий порядок начинается только с четкого учета ресурсов.
It is a normal tendention to give an opportunity for inhabitants of Moscow and of its neighborhood to be workers in Moscow instead of illegal migrants (for example Tajikistan migrants). An official wage of a yardman is about 25 000 rubles a month. I'm sure that there is some students in Moscow that agree to do job like that for this sum of money.
Regarding building. It is obvious that to force any illegal migrants to work more is easier. But Putin, Medvedev, Luzhkov insist on "...a legal character of labour migration", and every civilization/well ordered life starts from precise accounting of resources. I don't know what author of http://www.legalvizit.ru/02122007.htm meant while he/she was writing it, but the result is too emotional. It cannot be considered like a serious text.
Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
Please, correct my mistakes
Больше людей нуждается в России.Originally Posted by ekaterinak
Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Нашёл одну.Originally Posted by starrysky
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
Ха-ха-ха!... А я, может, хочу в Великобритании жить!Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Так меня туда не то, что жить, меня даже в качестве туристки туда не пустят.
(Or maybe Russians who don't have as much money as Berezovsky are not humans for you Brits?)
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Вот аргумерты за и против миграции: http://www.izvestia.ru/russia/article3135943/
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
What did you mean? You phrase says that "More people (?than it had been before? This part may be added for context of the articles you had given in the links) need Russia." Are you sure in it?Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Do you mean Russia that has the name which is female gender? It is very original! Don't forget that the USA, Britain, France, German, Belgium, Spain and.. the whole Europe can be described like that as well.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
And one modest addition. The illegual migration problem exists in the USA. BTW, the fact was mentoined in the article that you wrote down here http://www.izvestia.ru/russia/article3135943/.
The classification from trhe quote shows that the problem is very deep.А, например, в США дифференцируют подход - пуэрториканская преступность, колумбийская и так далее.
What is the interest of yours to look for a woman who has a problem with immigrants? If it was not be like that you wouldn't write downOriginally Posted by Martin Miles
Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
Please, correct my mistakes
Are you sure in your translation? His phrase is clumsy, but it is completely clear. Where do you find in it "than it", "had been" and "before"?Originally Posted by ekaterinak
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Захотел сказать: Россия нуждается больше людей.
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
Khmm... No, he's not. It's one thing to try and resolve "the immigrant problem" legally and another to beat up people because of their race/ethnicity/nationality. I don't want Russia to become an outpost of Tadjikistan or China any more than anyone else... I love our culture too much. But I don't think it's likely too happen anyway. And the solution to it is in curbing illegal immigration and, most importantly, improving the standards of living. Besides, this 'problem' exists everywhere, as ekaterinak pointed out -- the US is swamped by Mexicans, France, Germany -- by Arabs, Great Britain -- by Indians?Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Here, in Siberia, it's more popular to talk about the Chinese. Though, for the life of me, I don't see a lot of Chinese in the streets -- a couple of students from Kazakhstan, and that's all...
Решили однажды выяснить, как население Сибири и Дальнего Востока относится к китайцам. 15% населения на вопрос "Как вы относитесь к китайцам?" ответили "Хорошо". А 85% – "Халясё".
Another variation is, the population was asked "Как вам здесь живется?"
Is anyone stopping them? As I understand it, illegal immigrants usually perform work that natives are too fastidious to do. In addition, giving work to foreigners from poorer countries is more profitable for the employer -- they don't ask high wages and social guarantees. That's why some companies, like Nike and Reebok, relocated part of their business to Asian countries (China, Pakistan, etc). Check out sweatshop http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweatshops.Originally Posted by ekaterinak
Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
I suppose that it is true for many countries, not for Russia only.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
Please, correct my mistakes
Для любой страны нет ничего хорошего в том, что производство перемещается в другую страну. Никто не спорит, это очень выгодно для работодателей, но для местного населения это означает одно: сокращение рабочих мест, безработицу, низкий уровень жизни, отсутствие развития технологий и прикладной науки. Возможно, что все эти последствия не произойдут одномоментно, но рано или поздно это приведет к такому результату. Вот почему, интересно, Китай выходит в лидеры? Да потому что там сосредоточено производство! Это миф, считать, что если завод/произоводство расположить в одной стране, то квалифицированных инженеров для него можно будет "воспитать" в другой. "Запала" хватит лет на 10-15, а потом - в производстве будут разбираться, а значит и развивать его, те люди, которые имеют на этот завод "доступ", а не те, которые сидят за тысячи километров в офисах и думают, что руководят.Originally Posted by starrysky
Незаконная трудовая миграция не повышает уровень жизни, а наоборот, снижает его. Причём это "бьёт" по обеим группам: по группе местного населения и по группе тех же мигрантов. Для первых - работадатели снижают уровень заработной платы, из за чего платёжеспособность населения падает, уровень жизни тоже. Для вторых - работадатели получают возможность использовать практически рабский труд. Через поколение мигранты становятся местным населением, угадайте, в какой уровень жизни они попадут?![]()
Если это всё не регулировать, то начнётся "социалистический капитализм", когда работаешь как папа Карло, а зарабатываешь так, как будто работаешь на общественных началах.
Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
Please, correct my mistakes
Это - русский форум. I will discuss conditions in Madagascar somewhere else.Originally Posted by ekaterinak
Permit me to remind you of the real issue here:Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
This is a forum about learning Russian language, for your information. If someone wants so much to talk about politics, there is a special section for that here.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Actually, ekaterina didn't say that you cannot discuss Russia conditions here. What she says was just a reasonable remark which very well fitted the discussion you offered. Your reply to her is impolite.I will discuss conditions in Madagascar somewhere else.
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
I don't think you, Оля, are in any position to criticise me for being impolite. I remember you shouting at me in another topic. There was also a time you were following me around and taking every opportunuty to contradict me, with or without reason. I was provoked by some of ekaterinak's earlier comments but you seem not to have noticed them. Please try to be impartial. In any case the lady in question is an adult and should be able to speak for herself without the intrusion of third parties.
Your distinction between a Russian forum and a forum for learning Russian where Russian issues are discussed seems like splitting hairs to me. And who is discussing politics? In general discussion there are topics about literature and film that could be placed somewhere else but I have not heard you complaining.
Originally Posted by ekaterinak
Девушка - лoвушка.
Пожалуйста, кто-то скажи мне, есть ли ошибки где-то.
Dear sir, you seem to have a paranoia. I have no idea what you are talking about. Probably there was a discussion where I contradicted your opinion (I really don't remember it), but if you think I did it intentionally, you overrate importance of your person in my eyes.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Oh, you probably mean this post:I don't think you, Оля, are in any position to criticise me for being impolite. I remember you shouting at me in another topic.
Poor guy, you must be a very sensitive person if you took that line as shouting. However, anyone would have lost his patience if an obstinate guy from another part of the world would stubbornly try to prove that he and google know more about climate in the two cities where you spent all your life, and he has never been even in one of them. You've been "shouted" after a long bunch of polite and intelligible answers from people who really knew the subject.
Anyway, regardless of me being or not being rude to you, it has nothing to do with the fact of impoliteness of your reply to Ekaterina.
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
all of a sudden this belongs in culture and history??
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
[quote=Martin Miles]
Permit me to remind you of the real issue here:[/quote:1uophs0i]Originally Posted by "Martin Miles":1uophs0i
Martin, do you see the difference between two kinds of problems: the first is illegal migrants (level of a state) and the second is some problems of some woman with "their rights over their bodies"(level of interpersonal communication)? I've got the impression that they are the same for you. It is strange.
And why do you not like emancipated women? Your posts show that you are offended by them. I'm sorry about this, but you don't have to fill youself any abhorrence. It is the road to nothing.
Good luck.
Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
Please, correct my mistakes
Oi vei...
Ну в Китае-то проблемы с низкой зарплатой не из-за иммиграции, а ровно из другой области -- перенаселенности. И их экономика наоборот на подъеме. Потом, я так понимаю, что "социалистический капитализм" это то же, что "капитализм с человеческим лицом" или "социальная демократия"? Джоанна описывала недавно в политике, как у них там все устроено в Швеции, когда нет ни чересчур богатых, ни слишком бедных, а политики зарабатывают столько же, сколько обычные люди -- так я бы хотела как в Швеции! Только у нас такое вряд ли когда будет, наверно.Originally Posted by ekaterinak
Well, this totally doesn't belong here but I took a peek at that topic... As I understand it from my friends who have been in St. Petersburg in winter and my relatives who live there, subjectively, it seems colder than it actually is because of the wind. When there's a strong wind, even -15 degrees Celsius would seem like -30. So even if the average winter temperatures in St. Petersburg are lower than in Moscow, they would seem harder to bear because of the wind and general humidity. Believe me, we Siberians know something about cold. We've had -25 for about a week already...Originally Posted by Оля
Well, you can't change it. There are a lot of advantages for women because of the emancipation and there's no changing the history... I personally think if there's a problem that should be discussed, it's overpopulation. We have now what, 6 billion people on this earth? Whereas it was only 1 bln at the beginning of the 20th century. Overcrowding creates many problems, like lack of food and other resources, which in turn leads to an increase in aggression and wars. Emancipation, or rather, advances in contraception, only help to solve those problems.Originally Posted by Martin Miles
Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
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