Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru View Post
"The video is not available in your country". I hate this
Anyway, I've found the original footage on Youtube as well as her interview to ABC News, and my feelings on the subject are mixed. While it was obviously her own fault that she took that dive, I feel pity for her. It was also troubling to see the people in the video just walk by without as much as asking her if she was okay.
But part of what she wants to sue for is the embarrassment of the video being shown all over the world. She wants to know how the video got released but the thing is, no one would have known it was her if she had not gone on the news! I agree it is sad that no one went to her aid; but, grrr... in the video grrrr...that you can't see, the reporter makes the point that she gets up by herself and walks, albeit a bit wet, just fine. It is her own fault that she took a dive in the fountain in the first place. The reporter goes on to apologize on behalf of everyone so that she would not have to sue!