I have to write a letter to a very important person and would like to know if it's good o not. Please help me.

Dear Mr. _________

Thank you very much for your response. I am very interested in the history of video games industry since the first of them appeared. For many years I have an undiminishing interest in the "Company name" games development and I would like to know if I can hope for a straight talk with you. I would like to know if my suggestion about the "Company name" game of "Game name" success unlike the "Another game name" project obtained dominant position in the market for some time is right or not. As I understand it, "Game name" add-on development policy of the company as well as the success of the film with the same title had a great part in it. However, mass media does not always provide accurate information about the developers' official position, and I would like to discuss it with you. Can I hope for your honesty in the discussion? Please keep in mind that I am going to contact you via e-mail of "e-mail@email.com"