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Thread: Trying very very hard to learn French

  1. #1

    Trying very very hard to learn French

    Il est un air pour qui je donnerais
    Tout Rossini, tout Mozart et tout Weber
    Un air tres vieux, languissant et funebre
    Qui pour moi seul a des charmes secrets

    Or chaque fois que je viens a l'entendre.....

    English translation:

    He is an expression/symbol for whom I give myself out
    Every Rossini, every Mozart and every Weber
    An expression so ancient, languid and dismal
    Whom for myself solely since charming secrets

    But every belief that I have felt to understand.....

    Gerard de Nerval, Fantasie

    Can somebody please have the patience to teach me French....

  2. #2

    Re: Trying very very hard to learn French

    Mais moi vivre a Paris, he qui voudrait le faire

    Translation in English:

    Why do I have to live in Paris, well I say to whomever wants....
    ( to be continued)
    Poem by Boileau

  3. #3

    Re: Trying very very hard to learn French

    Marcher a travers des sommeils de cyclones transportant des villes somnabules dans leurs bra endoloris

    English translation:

    To march across the sleep of cyclones convey of absence of sleepwalkers with their sore arms
    Translation is at the back of the book but I don't look. It is cheating. I also want to see how proficient my would-be tutor is.

  4. #4
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    Re: Trying very very hard to learn French

    Quote Originally Posted by heartfelty
    Il est un air pour qui je donnerais
    Tout Rossini, tout Mozart et tout Weber
    Un air tres vieux, languissant et funebre
    Qui pour moi seul a des charmes secrets

    Or chaque fois que je viens a l'entendre.....

    English translation:

    [s:2dj6beml]He is an expression/symbol for whom I give myself out[/s:2dj6beml]There is a tune for which I would give
    Every Rossini, every Mozart and every Weber
    An [s:2dj6beml]expression[/s:2dj6beml] so ancient, languid and dismal
    [s:2dj6beml]Whom for myself solely since[/s:2dj6beml]Which for me alone has [s:2dj6beml]charming secrets[/s:2dj6beml] charmes is a noun

    [s:2dj6beml]But every belief that I have felt to understand[/s:2dj6beml] And every time that I hear it

    NB foi-faith, foie-liver, fois-time(as in раз).

  5. #5

    Re: Trying very very hard to learn French

    Quote Originally Posted by Paperplane
    Quote Originally Posted by heartfelty
    Il est un air pour qui je donnerais
    Tout Rossini, tout Mozart et tout Weber
    Un air tres vieux, languissant et funebre
    Qui pour moi seul a des charmes secrets

    Or chaque fois que je viens a l'entendre.....

    English translation:

    [s:1wf47fau]He is an expression/symbol for whom I give myself out[/s:1wf47fau]There is a tune for which I would give
    Every Rossini, every Mozart and every Weber
    An [s:1wf47fau]expression[/s:1wf47fau] so ancient, languid and dismal
    [s:1wf47fau]Whom for myself solely since[/s:1wf47fau]Which for me alone has [s:1wf47fau]charming secrets[/s:1wf47fau] charmes is a noun

    [s:1wf47fau]But every belief that I have felt to understand[/s:1wf47fau] And every time that I hear it

    NB foi-faith, foie-liver, fois-time(as in раз).

    charme is spell or enchantment or hornbeam? I got it. Enchanting secrets.....

    Anyway, thannks so much paperplane . I would strive for more now that there is hope that one would be tutoring me. Thanks.

  6. #6

    Re: Trying very very hard to learn French

    Cahier d'un retour au pays natal

    Au bout du petit matin...

    Va-ten, lui disais-je, gueule de vache, va-ten, je deteste les labrins d l'ordre et les hanetons de l'esperance.

    Book of repitition to the native country

    At the end of the short morning

    ______, to him I say, mouthings of _______, mouthings of cow skinned, _______, I hate ___________ of order and the thoughtless persons of trust.

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