Quote Originally Posted by Zubr
Ceci explique l'emploi différent de l'article dans les deux cas. = Вот почему в первом случае (la voiture) употребляется определённый артикль, а во втором - частичный [или партитивный, не знаю - по-французски « article partitif »] (de télé).
Merci beaucoup, Zubr et Spiderkat. Vos exemples sont les plus clairs et utiles. Je pense que je pourrai utiliser ces articles correctement.

А теперь немного занудства....
Quote Originally Posted by Spiderkat
никто не имеет телевизор,
Oh, almost forgot... I don't even want to imagine the act implied by this in modern Russian. Please, avoid "to have" at all costs unless you know what you're doing. (Every Russian textbook ought to have such a warning.)

У всех есть телевизор. - "Everybody has a TV." "Tous ont des télés." (Тьху, совсем запутался. Спать пора. Перечитаю завтра на свежую голову. J'ai sommeil, je ne peux pas écrire correctement.)
Ни у кого нет телевизора. - "Nobody has a TV." (?) "Personne n'a de télé." (first attempt... )
У Алисы есть телевизор. - "Alice has a TV." "Alice a le télé."
The construction is "У <owner, genetive> есть <something, nominative>." This is the only way you can always say "to have" without some unusual implications.

The negation is "У <owner, genetive> нет <something, genetive>."

Russian "There is/are" ("Il y a") is a form of the same construction "Там есть <something, nominative>" и "Там нет <something, genetive>" Other similar pronouns can be used in lieu of "там" as well as noun phrases like "в холодильнике" (dans le frigidaire)

В холодильнике есть сыр. Il y a du (?) fromage dans le frigidaire.

There is also verb "иметься" (imperfective, reflexive of "иметь") It could be used in place of "есть" in such a constructions and means the same thing, but is more formal, and its conjugation is trickier (see Lingvo for examples.)

Also "иметь" could be used in its "to have" sense when talking about abstract ideas, but that' a whole different can of worms.

Sorry for talking about something you might know already, but this is very important.